Why do white spots appear on the skin and how to avoid them?
The skin is the largest organ of the body and, since we are born, it is exposed to external agents, cleaning products, among others. However, we are not careful enough with the health of the skin, which triggers a series of spots caused by fungi, lack of nutrients or specific pathologies that could require immediate attention.
The appearance of spots with whitish pigmentation on the skin is a disease that afflicts millions of people around the world, regardless of age, gender or skin type, since it is a reaction of the body due to a skin infection or experienced pathology. Therefore, there are many types of skin blemishes with greater or lesser complexity to be treated.
For example, a diet in which the intake of fruits and vegetables is limited is usually one of the main reasons for the appearance of blemishes on the skin, since the body is not receiving the necessary load of calcium and vitamins. There are also dermatitis spots, which are often accompanied by dryness on the surface, while other people experience white spots on the skin, due to long periods of sun exposure.
In addition, we have the loss of pigmentation, known as vitiligo, a pathology that attacks the immune system. On the other hand, there are the spots generated by cancer, which are part of the symptomatology of said disease. In fact, due to the multiple causes of the appearance of spots, the ideal is to go to a specialist at the first sign of skin depigmentation.
Most common white skin spots and how to treat them
The causes of skin blemishes can vary, depending on the individual’s genetics, hormonal changes, time spent in the sun without protecting the skin, among other aspects that we will discuss below. Thus, you will know what the most common white spots are and how to treat them.
Atopic dermatitis spots
White spots on the face are a condition also known as pityriasis alba. It is a type of dermatological disorder, which mainly affects young children and adolescents, causing skin scales, dryness and white patches.
The treatment for this type of medical conditions is very simple, since it is dehydrated skin, and the person will only have to take care of providing the necessary hydration. You can do this by drinking eight glasses of water daily and applying an ultra-hydrating cream to the affected area, accompanied by another moisturizer.
In this way, the first product will fill the pores with water molecules, while the moisturizer will fulfill the function of creating a protective film on the surface, keeping the skin hydrated for much longer.
However, there are some cases in which specialists recommend applying an anti-inflammatory with a composition based on calcineurin inhibitors or other active ingredients on the spots, depending on the intensity of the dermatitis.
Stains due to poor nutrition
With the need to gain muscle mass and lose fat, more and more people are focusing their diet on protein and no carbohydrates. In this way, many leave aside vegetables and fruits, which are essential to provide the body with the necessary supply of vitamin E, D and calcium.
Precisely the lack of these nutrients are the cause of the appearance of white spots on the legs, arms, face and other parts of the body. This coloration is in the form of small dots and does not generate any itching.
Regarding the way to treat this type of spots, dermatologists advise incorporating at least two servings of vegetables and three of fruits into your daily intake. In the same way, the patient will have to acquire some calcium supplement, according to her age. Thus, gradually the body will begin to gain nutrients and the tone of the spots will unify with that of the skin.
Vitiligo spots
Vitiligo is a genetic disease, which people can suffer from childhood. Also, there are some cases in which skin depigmentation appears in adulthood.
It is a series of spots of different sizes and shapes, which begin to invade the patient’s body, due to the fact that the body experiences a low production of melanin. This is a pigment possessed by humans and animals, responsible for defining the color of the skin.
The spots on the legs, arms, neck, face and other areas of the body, caused by vitiligo, have no cure. However, the invasive process of this pathology can be delayed with the help of a special treatment formulated by a health specialist. In addition, if the person is exposed to a few sessions of phototherapy, it could recover a little of the natural tone of the skin.
Stains from sun exposure
Exposing the skin to the sun’s rays is necessary, since it helps stimulate the production and assimilation of vitamins D and C. Likewise, the sun improves defenses, benefits mood, fights psoriasis, among other aspects. Of course, contact with this type of radiation should be done moderately, to avoid damaging, irritating and staining the skin, due to the activation of melanin in the body.
The use of photoprotectors is essential to avoid the appearance of white spots on the skin from the sun, as well as limiting the time under radiation, drinking plenty of water and applying moisturizing products to the whole body every night. Thus, the skin will not feel the ravages of excess sun.
But, if you want to learn how to remove dark spots on your face, there are many home recipes that could be effective. For example, you can apply lemon juice to the affected area every night. Also, apple cider vinegar, aloe vera and yogurt masks will help you get rid of these annoying spots. In addition, those who have fungus on the back due to sun exposure can exfoliate the area where the stain has appeared with sea salt to remove dead skin and combat the fungus.
These are some of the reasons why white spots may appear on the skin, along with the possible treatments to apply. However, remember that moisturizing and using sun cream (check some options to buy at this link) daily is important, but at the first sign of depigmentation, you should go to a specialist.