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Sound Level Meter – Buying Guide, Opinions and Analysis

Taking care of noise levels in the work space and at home is important to prevent environmental and health problems, since this can cause slight, moderate and serious discomfort to human beings, hence the usefulness of sound level meters, portable equipment that They allow measurements to be made in decibels. Among the variety of equipment, the Vlike VL6708 stands out, since it includes a backlit LCD screen that allows it to be used in dark spaces or at night. For its part, the Gain Express SLM-25 works in a range of 30 to 130 dB and allows simultaneous monitoring of the measurement from the computer.

The 9 Best Sound Level Meters – Opinions 2022

There are plenty of health, safety, environmental and legal reasons to purchase a sound level meter, however, there are so many models on the market today that it can be difficult to make a decision. In this sense, we have selected the 9 best sound level meters of 2022, so that you can choose the most suitable one according to your needs.

1. Vlike VL6708 Decibel Meter

This model stands out for the arrangement of its functions, as it offers simple and intuitive use. Likewise, it can be adjusted to mode A and C frequencies to take advantage of it both in the home and in industrial security. On the other hand, its LCD screen is equipped with lighting so you can easily read the data in the dark. 

One of the advantages of this sound level meter is that it is calibrated at the factory, so you can use it immediately after receiving the product. Also, it offers 6 levels ranging from 30 to 130 dB to capture from very low sound to intense noise. In this sense, the measurement maintains an accuracy of +/- 1.5 dB, an accuracy in accordance with international standards.

As if that were not enough, it includes a protective ball, so the microphone is only sensitive to sound frequencies, thus avoiding interference from other factors, such as the wind.

Knowing in depth the characteristics of each model can help you select the best sound level meter, for this reason, we present the pros and cons of this product.


Calibration: It comes with calibration adjusted to international standards, therefore, there is no need to seek advice on this process.

Efficiency: It has an automatic shutdown option, in this way, you can increase the life of the batteries.

Accuracy: This model offers an accuracy in the measurement of sound pressure of ± 1.5 dB, according to the use for which it has been designed.


Memory: It does not have the capacity to store data, so you must take note of the results if you want to analyze them later.

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2. Gain Express Professional Sound Level Meter

This device stores up to 32,000 readings, providing enough memory to collect a fairly comprehensive log. Also, it includes a CD to install an application on the computer; in this way, it is possible to share its functions and perform simultaneous monitoring, you just have to connect both devices through the USB port.

On the other hand, it allows the export of the records to Excel documents, so that you can analyze the data later. In addition, it offers two sampling rates; a fast mode of 2 times per second and a slow mode of 1 time per second.

Also, with the recording function, it allows you to configure the number of readings, as well as the time, in this way, you can create files to save the measurements made for a few seconds or many hours. As if that were not enough, it is certified by electrotechnical standards in frequencies A and C, for use in domestic and professional work.

If you still do not know which is the best sound level meter, then you should review the characteristics of this model in more detail before making a decision.


Storage: It is capable of storing a large amount of information, so it allows long-term readings.

Autonomy: Allows you to connect the equipment through the USB cable, in this way, you can use it for a long time without worrying about the batteries.

Configuration: It is possible to connect this sound level meter to the computer, in order to analyze the records more comfortably.


Compatibility: It is not compatible with Mac Os, which reduces its versatility compared to other sound level meters.

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3. Mengshen Decibel Meters 30-130 dBA Sound Meter

This sound level meter has a large capacity sensor, which provides a response time of 0.5 seconds, immediately displaying the measurement result. In this sense, it offers an accuracy of +/- 1.5 dB. On the other hand, it works with frequency weighting A, which is the most used, since it reflects the response of the human ear to noise.

Its design has a good size LCD screen, which allows you to easily see the numbers. In addition, it has illumination to review data in the dark, however, it emits low radiation, so it does not damage the eyes. Similarly, it offers an energy saving function, which automatically turns off the equipment after 15 minutes of inactivity. 

As if that were not enough, it includes an alarm that is activated automatically when the sound level exceeds the maximum of 130 dB, in order to correct the problem as soon as possible.

To choose a good sound meter, we must define the use that we are going to give it, but it is also good to analyze the positive and negative characteristics of each model.


Buttons: The layout of the buttons simplifies the activation of its functions for greater practicality.

Screen: It incorporates a good-sized backlit LCD screen, which makes it easy to read the data.

Automatic: Activates an automatic alert if the noise exceeds the safe range for humans.


Temperature: The equipment cannot work properly in a temperature higher than 40°C.

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4. Peak Tech 8005 Sound Level Meter

It is a professional device for measuring sound levels, which has a calibration certificate, so you do not have to do this process manually. Being class 2, this sound level meter allows for basic environmental measurements, but also to assess noise on the job site and in construction.

Another advantage of this model is that you can choose between automatic or manual use, with 4 different measurement ranges, ranging from 30 to 130 dB. On the other hand, it is worth noting the ability to store up to 32,000 records to collect information over long periods.

In this sense, it allows you to read the data on a 4-digit LCD screen, but it also offers connection to the computer through the USB interface, to view the measurements in real time.

Acquiring the best sound level meter of the moment can be complicated if we do not have enough information about the available products, for this reason, it is worth reviewing the pros and cons of this model.


Weightings: Includes the A/C key, to change the frequency weighting according to needs.

Configuration: It has multiple configuration options, so you can make manual technical adjustments.

Connectivity: Includes the possibility of connecting it to other equipment, allowing more options for measurement.


Language: Most of its functions are in English, which can be a problem if you are not familiar with the language.

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5. PCE Instruments Portable Digital Sound Level Meter

This equipment offers +/- 1.4 dB of precision, which indicates a reliable result. In addition, it is possible to choose between frequency weighting A, used for continuous noises, or mode C, which is very useful for impact noises. On the other hand, every 2 seconds it updates the values ​​on the screen.

This sound level meter can be used to measure ambient noise in the home, but also to protect the health of workers in factories. On the other hand, it incorporates an electric condenser microphone, which offers great sensitivity. However, it also includes a wind suppressor to reduce friction interference.

One of the advantages of this model is that it offers enough memory, allowing a total of 32,700 records to be stored. As if that were not enough, it includes the automatic shutdown function, which turns off the computer after 15 minutes of inactivity.

Many users consider that PCE Instruments is the best brand of sound level meters today, however, it is good to review this model in more depth before making the purchase.


Interface: It is possible to use the sound level meter from the computer, thanks to the USB interface and the included software.

Accessories: Includes a wind suppressor, a mini tripod, a 9 V battery and a practical carrying case.

Memory: It has a greater storage capacity if we compare it with other models on the list.


Regulations: It should not be used for legal metrology, since it does not comply with the Spanish order ITC 2845.

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6. Amprobe Instruments SM-10 3052366 Digital Sound Level Meter

It is a sound level meter for professional use, as it meets the demands of experts in the field of noise. In this sense, it includes weightings A and C, which make it possible to verify, through an acoustic analysis, whether the safety regulations are being effectively complied with in a certain space.

It meets international standards for A-weighting, which covers a measurement range of 30 to 130 dB, as well as C-weighting, which evaluates from 35 to 130 dB. Also, we must point out that it works in the frequency range 31.5 Hz ~ 8 KHz, so it can be used in different environments. 

For greater functionality, it allows you to configure the response in two options; a slow one, which records per second and a fast one of 125 ms, which allows obtaining maximum and average noise. In addition, it includes the Hold button to freeze the data on the LCD screen.

If you still don’t know which sound level meter to buy, we invite you to review the characteristics of this model in more depth before making a decision.


Response: It offers a fast response of 1 second and a slow response of 125 milliseconds, so you can configure it according to the type of noise.

Professional: It measures in a frequency range from 31.5Hz to 8KHz, which allows professional use in activities related to occupational health and industrial safety.

Approval: Complies with European legislation, through the IEC651 type2 and ANSI S1.4 type2 standards.


Windshield: The windshield may not fit snugly against the microphone, so it is recommended to check it.

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7. Eecoo Sound Meter 30-130dB LCD

According to the manufacturer’s information, it is a multipurpose device, since it is used to record noise from neighbors in the domestic environment, but it can also be used to record music, take measurements in industrial environments, among others.. In this sense, it works in a range of 30 to 130 dB and in frequencies from 31.5 Hz to 8 KHz. 

Among the functions of this model, data retention stands out, which allows the record to be frozen so that annotations can be made if necessary. Likewise, it is capable of registering the minimum and maximum obtained in a certain period of time. All of this can be easily viewed on the backlit LED display.

To save power, the sound level meter automatically turns off when it is in use for 3 minutes continuously, but if you want to turn it off earlier, just press the power button for 2 seconds.

In case you want to buy a good sound level meter but do not want to spend a lot of money, we recommend you review the characteristics of this model in more detail since it is one of the cheapest options on the list.


Hold: Allows you to freeze the data at any time by simply pressing the Hold button.

Versatility: It is useful for different fields, whether at home or in the industry, which increases its versatility.

Practicality: It only has 4 buttons, so it is very easy to use. Also, it is small and light for easy carrying everywhere.


Manual: The instruction manual does not come in Spanish, which can make it difficult to use the device.

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8. Meterk Sound Meter 30-130dB(A)

It is a very simple measuring instrument that can be used at home to assess the environmental sound and protect the family from noise pollution. In this sense, the device offers a fast response and works in the most common range, which is between 30 and 130 dBA.

According to the manufacturer’s information, this model offers an accuracy of ± 1.5 dB, so it is just as accurate as other more expensive sound level meters. In addition, it includes the data hold function and emits a warning signal when the measurement is out of the allowable range.

In relation to the design, it has an LCD screen, which not only shows the measurement data, but also the battery status. On the other hand, it is good to know that it incorporates a wind protector to avoid interference and includes the three necessary AAA batteries so that you do not have to make an additional investment.

This could be the best value for money sound level meter as it offers the most important features and yet is one of the cheapest on the list. 


Calibrated: This product comes calibrated, so there is no need to do it manually.

Batteries: The package includes the required 3 AAA batteries, so you can use it immediately after receiving it.

Power off: It is possible to choose between automatic and manual power off, which increases practicality.


Domestic: This is a device for domestic use, so it is not indicated for professional measurements.

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9. Zerodis Portable Decibel Meters Noise Meter

Of this noise meter, the size of its screen stands out, which measures 9.6 inches, also, it presents large numbers in red on a black background, which allows the data to be read clearly, even at a certain distance. In this sense, it is indicated for educational centers, hospitals, work spaces with machinery, theaters, among other spaces.

It offers a fast response in a standard range of 30 to 130 dB, to give exact data about the level of noise in a certain place. Likewise, it emits an alarm every time the sound is greater than the established one, which increases security. 

As for the design, it comes with a hole on the back to hang it on the wall, like a clock, so that many people can access the noise data at the same time.

Each sound level meter can have certain uses depending on its particular characteristics. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of this model.


Design: Its large screen design stands out, allowing it to be hung on the wall so that all staff are informed about noise levels.

Display: The display measures 9.6 inches and is backlit, so it features large numbers that can be seen from a distance and in the dark.

Alarm: It is capable of emitting a beep to indicate that the previously established noise limit has been exceeded.


Adapter: Although it includes the USB cable, this meter does not come with the adapter to connect it to the current.

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Shopping guide

To choose a sound level meter that fits our particular activities, it is necessary to pay attention to certain characteristics, such as calibration to obtain reliable measurements and the ability to keep records. For this reason, we have prepared this guide to buy the best sound level meter, with the most important information about this device.


When making a comparison of sound level meters, it is important to take calibration into account, since it is a highly relevant technical requirement for the measurement result to have a real value. It is necessary to mention at this point that some products are calibrated at the factory, so they can be used with confidence immediately after purchase, however, other models must be configured, for which a calibrator will be necessary.

Calibration is basically the process in which the result provided by the sound level meter is compared with the information issued by another reference device. In the case of a sound meter, this activity must be carried out with an acoustic calibrator, which means that if we purchase a sound level meter that has not been calibrated, we must purchase a calibrator or invest in a specialized technical service.

On the other hand, we must point out that some manufacturers include a calibration certificate, that is, a document in which all the information on the conditions in which the device has been calibrated appears, so that the user has greater security when to make measurements. Generally, this is a very useful feature for experts.

In any case, if you buy a professional sound level meter, you should consider an investment for annual calibration, which is necessary if you want to keep the validity of the certificate.


Before asking how much a sound level meter costs, we must take into account the operation of the device, since the use we can give it depends on this. In this sense, one of the fundamental characteristics is the measurement range, which is expressed in decibels. We can say that most sound level meters work in a range of 30 to 130 dB.

Another important piece of information is the mode or frequency weighting. Some models have a button called A/C, which allows the use of weights A and C, in the first the meter has a response similar to that of the human ear, so it is widely used to protect workers in industrial environments where there are continuous noise, while in mode C the device gives more importance to low frequencies, so it is more used to measure intermittent or impact noise. For this reason, it is very important to define what we need the sound level meter for before choosing one model or another, since some devices only measure the frequency weighting A. 

On the other hand, the sound level meters must have a spongy cover that works mainly as a wind protector, since otherwise the measurement could be affected by interference, decreasing the accuracy. In addition, it is necessary to check under what atmospheric conditions it can work, since a temperature greater than 40 °C can negatively affect most of this equipment.

Regarding connectivity, some sound level meters have software and a USB interface, so it is possible to connect the equipment to a computer to review the measurement directly in the desktop application and even store the data in Microsoft Excel documents, which allows for further analysis. 


A basic home sound level meter is not only cheaper than a professional one, it can also be easier to use. In this sense, we must take into account the simplicity of the design, since a large number of buttons can confuse us if we do not have much experience. However, manufacturers usually include an instruction manual in the package.

In this order of ideas, it is good to mention the screen, which is usually LCD or LED, but it is important that it has light to observe the data in places with low lighting. In addition, it is advisable to choose a sound level meter that displays the results in large numbers, so that they can be easily read.

On the other hand, we must mention that most current sound level meters are small, light and battery-powered, therefore, they are portable devices, very practical to carry from one place to another. However, it must be taken into account that some come with batteries, but in other cases they must be purchased separately, which we must consider in the budget.

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