
Mimosa cocktail

Mimosa – classic recipe

Mimosa, a cocktail with glamor Preparation time7 min Number of people: 4


  • ½ liter of cava.
  • ½ liter of natural orange juice.
  • Orange liquor.
  • Raspberries or orange slices.
  • Rosemary sprig.



  • flute cup
  • Squeezer.

The Mimosa cocktail is very smooth and refreshing, as it has a very low alcohol content. In addition, since the cava and orange juice, which are its main ingredients, can be made completely naturally, without added chemicals, it is an optimal combination for vegans. 

Thanks to its simple preparation and its low alcohol content, for some time now, the Mimosa has become the star cocktail for brunch, a kind of weekend lunch. In these meals it is usually served very cold and in elongated glasses, called “flute” or “champagne”.

This refreshing drink was created at the Ritz Hotel in Paris in 1925, although there are those who claim that it was created at Harry’s New York Bar. On the other hand, what everyone agrees on is the origin of its name, since that this comes from the flower of the same name, which is very aromatic and orange in color, with a kind of soft pompoms on top. 

In Spain, where cava and orange are two native products, this type of cocktail was already known and consumed long before, although it had other names such as Agua de Valencia. In this sense, this cocktail can be made with cava or champagne indifferently. And although it is best to use a dry or a brut, it does not really matter what type of cava is used, and you can even choose one without alcohol.

In the Mimosa recipe, the most important thing is the proportions, since these must be as balanced as possible so that the cocktail has the right flavor. In this sense, the measures are very simple, since it is nothing more than 50% natural orange juice and 50% cava. Also, for those who prefer a different and more alcoholic touch, you can add a splash of orange liqueur, triple sec or Cointreau. 

For the mixture, both the cava and the juice must be very cold. So, if you prefer natural orange juice, start by squeezing a good amount of oranges, filter the juice and store it a couple of hours beforehand in the fridge to cool down. 

Then, in flute glasses, fill up to half with cava and add the same amount of orange juice. At this point, be careful not to fill to the brim and to keep the order of the ingredients as it is important.

To finish, decorate the glass with a couple of raspberries or half a slice of orange. You can also add a sprig of rosemary or a splash of grenadine if you want to add a touch of color.

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