
All about the fan coil

When it comes to cooling or heating equipment, the options are often varied. A good example of this are the so-called fan coils, whose operating system has turned out to be highly efficient, by using sustainable energy through solar radiation, biomass, heat pumps, natural gas boilers, etc.

The fan coil is a device capable of generating hot or cold air through an air-water system. Its operation is characterized by being simple and respectful of the environment and, although it cools like an air conditioner does, it differs from it by not using refrigerant. Instead, it incorporates a fan, which moves the air housed in the room and drives it through a heat exchange battery. This energy accumulator can be for hot or cold water, depending on the type of air conditioning desired.

This fan coil has various designs, which vary in terms of their structure and the number of internal tubes for air movement. In this sense, it is common to find a duct fan coil, a wall fan coil, a ceiling fan coil and a cassette fan coil. There are also models for the floor. All of them are suitable for industrial use, in small shops and residential type buildings.

How does a fan coil work?

To talk about the operation of the fan coil, the first thing to know is that it is a water-air unit, whose purpose is to cool or heat the air in a room. In this way, the comfort of the people present in the room is achieved, by cooling the space during the summer and creating a warm atmosphere in winter.

So far, it is a description very similar to that of the operation of an air conditioner or heating equipment. However, if we review the internal components of a fan coil, the differences will be obvious.

The fan coil incorporates a system of fins made of aluminum and copper-bodied tubes, collectively known as a heat exchanger coil , through which the water from the external heater or cooler passes.

Said tubes can be two, for the impulse and return of the water. In this sense, the device could only offer cooling or heating at the same time. For its part, there is another fan coil model with four tubes , that is, it has two round-trip water circuits, designed to produce heat and cold simultaneously.

As a second component, a powerful speed fan stands out, responsible for moving the air in the room, so that it passes through the tubes, and thus heats or cools, depending on the type of fan coil.

Although the internal operation of this air conditioning equipment is considered simple, its use is certainly not domestic. In fact, it is an installation aimed primarily at large spaces: buildings, shops, industrial complexes, among others.

Fan coil: Advantages and disadvantages

Anyone who wants to purchase a fan coil or water-based air conditioning should know that this air conditioning system has a series of quite interesting advantages and disadvantages. In this way, you will be able to evaluate them and specify if it is a device capable of satisfying your needs of use.


Take care of the environment and your pocket

Among the advantages of the fan coil air conditioning system, we have respect for the environment, since it is a device that does not use any type of refrigerant and, therefore, does not produce polluting emissions after its start-up. 

In addition, there is the issue of energy efficiency, which not only favors the natural environment, but also the economy of people when paying monthly electricity bills. This is because the consumption of the fan coil is low , compared to other cooling and heating technologies .

Long life and low maintenance

Another positive aspect is related to the durability of the internal part of the structure, whose heat exchange battery and fan work independently. This ensures that its useful life is longer, compared to devices in which there are mechanical parts, which exert friction between them. In fact, thanks to the particularity mentioned about the operation of its components, this air conditioning system does not require constant maintenance to enjoy 100% performance.

Simple assembly and adaptable to various types of energy

On the other hand, there is the assembly process, which is easy to carry out if the fan coil installation diagram is followed. In addition, there is the fact that it is a system adaptable to various types of energy. Among them, those of a sustainable type, such as: heat pump, natural gas, biomass and solar radiation.


Excessive noise after start-up

The fan coil has some details that some people might find unflattering. For example, the high decibels of noise generated by the fan after it starts up, which are annoying for those who are in the room resting or working. However, it is possible to soundproof the device, but this requires an extra investment and the help of a professional.

External space is required to mount the thermos

The fan coil air conditioning system occupies more space, compared to an air conditioner, since a specific external area is required to house the water cooler or water heater, as the case may be. Let us remember that the greater the storage capacity of these devices, the greater the volume of heat or cold emitted by the equipment.

In short, the fan coil is a highly efficient device, whose technology is based on an air-water system, to cool or heat spaces. This method of operation has nothing to envy to any air conditioner or heating equipment. In fact, it stands out in the market for promoting the use of sustainable energy. 

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