
How to calculate frigories to choose the right air conditioner?

Knowing the frigories of the air conditioner can provide very useful information even before you buy it. With this data, details of its cooling capacity, the recommended space and its approximate electrical consumption are obtained. Having this information can help you purchase the best one for home or work without disappointing.


Refrigerators and air conditioners

The frigoria is a cooling unit and specifically defines the amount of energy needed to reduce 1 °C in 1 gram of water. As for air conditioners, frigories indicate the amount of heat that the equipment can extract from a room.

Choosing which air conditioner to buy can be accompanied by doubts about how many frigories I need to cool a room. To obtain this information, there are some air conditioning calculation methods that can help you choose the right model to avoid discomfort later on.

Knowing the capacity of the equipment from this point of view will not be possible with the air conditioning remote control, so you will have to opt for other ways, in order to choose the most useful model wisely.

Evaluating the rooms

There are some determining factors that must be considered when researching what would be the most recommended AC and the qualities of the environment itself are one of the most influential.

Air conditioners are usually designed to cool spaces of a particular size, so it is crucial to know how many frigories per m² the power of the air conditioner will provide, in order to choose the most suitable model.

Therefore, knowing how to calculate square meters is essential to be able to evaluate the performance that an air conditioner could offer, since an AC that will be used domestically is not the same as one that will be installed in a commercial premises, for example.. Nor can the season of the year be overlooked, what type of use the space has, whether or not there is equipment that generates heat, among many other details. 

Calculation of frigories

To calculate the frigories based on the space where the air conditioning is going to be installed, it is necessary to have the measurement data of the room at hand, since this way you will be able to know how many frigories per m² are necessary, to guarantee an adequate temperature, without forcing AC.

If you need to calculate the m2 of a room, you will have to multiply length x width of the surface. For each m² it is recommended to have a minimum of 100 Fg. In this sense, a room of 40 m² would need an AC of 4,000 Fg.

On the other hand, calculating m3 or cubic meters will also help you in case you need to know which air conditioner will be more useful, depending on the space to be cooled.

To calculate cubic meters based on how many frigories you need according to the size of the room, you can apply the following formula Fg = m³ (length x width x height) x 50. Where Fg will be the indicative of the number of frigories that are recommended, considering how much space must be cooled while under regular acclimatization.

How many fridges do I need?

If you take the frigories to kW, you could have a much closer idea about how much it will cost you to have the air conditioning on constantly, to avoid purchasing equipment that is too expensive to use in the long run.

In short, calculating frigories can help you more easily choose which AC to buy to install at home. Next, we will show you some examples of how the frigories determine the good performance of the air conditioner depending on where you install it:

 1. 3500 frigories air conditioner

This AC would be suitable for a 35 m² room and will consume approximately 4.07 kW per hour.

 2. 4500 frigories air conditioner

The capacity of a model of this capacity will be able to function adequately in environments of 45 m² requiring 5.23 kW per hour.

3. 5000 frigories air conditioner

One with this level of heat absorption will be useful in spaces of 50 m² and its consumption will be 5.82 kW every hour that it remains on.

4. Air conditioning of 6,000 frigories

It consumes a total of 6.98 kW per hour and will be capable of cooling areas of up to 60 m².

useful conversions

Now, we offer you some useful conversions that you can use when you are reviewing the available models when buying an air conditioner. They will probably help you if you need to calculate its consumption or capacity before buying it:

Kw to frigories

Converting kW to frigories is simple and you just have to follow the following formula: kW x (1/ 0.001163).

Example: 4.5 kW x (1/ 0.001163) = 3869.3 Fg/h.

Frigories to Kw

With this conversion you will know how much electricity an AC will consume during the period of one hour, according to its cooling capacity: 1 Fg/hour = 0.001163 kW.

Example: 1.000 Fg x 0.001163 = 1.163 Kw.

BTU to Frigoria

If your AC presents its capacity in the BTU format, you must convert it to Fg, in order to make the calculations indicated in this space. The formula to follow would be: BTU / 4 = Fg.

Example: 4,000 BTUs / 4 = 1,000 Fg.


Frigories to BTU

To convert the number of Fridges to BTUs, you must consider that 1 Fg is equivalent to 4 BTUs, so you will only have to do a simple multiplication.

Example: 1,000 Fg x 4 = 4,000 BTUs


Reviewing the capacity of the air conditioner you plan to buy is recommended, so that you can choose a model that has the necessary power to offer fast and effective cooling in all types of spaces.

Also, you can’t forget that the characteristics of the installation environment can affect the performance of the computer, so, in some cases, choosing a more powerful model can avoid disappointment later.

On the other hand, if you evaluate the numbers indicated in detail and consider the long-term cost, it will also be possible for you to invest in an air conditioner that you can keep on all day, without having to worry about the electrical consumption of the device. 

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