
How to remove bad energies from your house?

Home should be our refuge, but sometimes without realizing it, accumulated stress at work, financial worries and personal problems can intoxicate the energy in the house. That is why we must resort to various methods to eliminate negative energy in the home.

The special place of a family will always be their home, the house where everyone lives in harmony and peace, where they can rest after a day of work and where each member can feel at ease. At least this is the ideal that we all hope to achieve in our house. 

However, sometimes it happens that when you reach it, instead of feeling peace, you feel boredom, you perceive the heavy environment and you cannot rest pleasantly as you wish. In this case, we can say that your house needs an energy cleaning.

Signs and symptoms

First of all, you should know that when there are negative energies, the symptoms are perceived in people, especially when you are in a place full of bad vibes

If you wonder how to know if your house has bad energy, there are some easy signs to perceive, for example: If you have trouble sleeping all night, you feel that everyone in your house is constantly sick, the plants wither easily, you have the need of constantly complaining and your anxiety increases, among others. 

In case you present some or all of these signs, it is necessary to cleanse the negative energies of the home so that you and your family can regain peace. 

In this context, it is worth mentioning that for some skeptical people, cleaning houses of negative energies is a waste of time. But, the truth is that everything around us is energy, so it is up to each of us to attract only the good things and eliminate the negative energy, mainly from our home. But, then, how to clean the house of negative energies?

For this we propose some rituals for cleaning the house that will help you charge the atmosphere of harmony and tranquility. 

  • Stones to cleanse bad energies

Nature is made up of living components and one of them is energy stones, rocks capable of channeling energy into people and environments, generating well-being on various levels.

In this sense, energy stones are ideal for cleaning your home because they can purify the environment, reduce the frequencies of electronic networks, such as WiFi, and channel negative energies to their source of origin. 

Quartz are the most popular energy crystals, jade, amethyst, black tourmaline, agate, among others, are also used. However, it is necessary to do some research on the function of each stone to use it in the right place and avoid energy interference if you use more than three different classes. This is what holistic experts recommend .

Now, to clean the bad energies of your house with stones, you can place a jade pyramid in the hall, a carved stone or spheres that help protect the space, while providing warmth for the people who are arriving.

As far as your room is concerned, you can maintain an aura of peace and tranquility with quartz, amethyst or jade stones, preferably in shades of green that favor rest.

In the bathroom, you can also provide a relaxing environment where you can renew your strength every time you take a bath. For this reason, you can place a smoky quartz or a kyanite stone, suitable for its energetic properties. 

If you lack ideas, on the internet you can find specialized stores that sell starter kits with the main energy stones to purify your home . So do a little research about it and acquire the most suitable ones to keep the best energies in your home.

  • clean the house with salt

Sea salt or coarse salt is known for its properties for cleaning energies in stones, the home and even in people, as it is a purifying element that promotes vital energy . So you can use it in various ways.

The first one is to combine water and salt to clean energies. You only need a bucket of water, in which you are going to add 6 tablespoons of coarse salt and with this solution you can scrub the floor, as you normally do.

After the floor dries, place a handful of salt in the four corners of each room and let them act for 48 hours to absorb all negative energies. This ritual is ideal for when you have just moved in and want to dispose of all the energies of the former owners. 

Similarly, it is very useful when there are sick people at home or many conflicts are being generated between family members.

  • Music to clean the house of negative energies

Music allows you to generate sensations in the environment and can even influence your mood depending on the type of music you listen to. For this reason, any time can be an ideal time to listen to music that helps you relax. For example, when you do a spiritual cleaning of the house by moving the furniture around, you can play relaxing music, with sounds of nature and mantras that help cleanse the energies.

On YouTube there are millions of playlists with relaxing music, capable of activating positive energies in the environment. On the other hand, some spiritual guides also recommend using a musical instrument such as maracas, a drum or a bell to go through all the rooms of the house, making the instrument sound. These vibrations allow the fluidity of energy, avoiding the accumulation of negative charge in the spaces of your home. 

Learn how to get the bad energies out of the house

It is not necessary to call a curandera frequently to your house, because with simple rituals you can keep a positive and flowing energy in your home.

In addition, in nature you find allies to learn how to remove negative energies in your home and work so that nothing disturbs your peace. One of them is the ancestral palo santo for energy cleaning that you can buy in health food stores. The way to use it is like incense, so you can light the wood with a match, letting it burn for about 30 seconds before you start blowing on it to release smoke.

The idea is to spread the smoke throughout the room, all the rooms, closets and corners, filling the air with the smoke and aroma of palo santo. At the end of the tour, place the palo santo in a metal container and let it go out. 

If you don’t want to perform this ritual in your office, you can place indoor plants that absorb bad energies. Such is the case of aloe vera, orchids and aromatic herbs such as mint or lavender. In addition, they will bring a decorative touch full of life to your spaces, while promoting positive energy in your home or workplace. 

And if you think that you are not very good at taking care of plants, you can always take advantage of their essential oils with the help of aromatherapy diffusers, so you can buy lavender essence, rosemary, thyme or eucalyptus essential oil and set your spaces with these aromas. Surely, they will help you to relax, drain all the negative vibrations and help you improve your absorption of clean energy. 

In addition to doing all of these things, it’s also important to change your mindset, avoid reacting negatively to everything around you, and practice gratitude on a daily basis . You do not need to profess any religion to be thankful for a new day, for the comforts of your home, having a job, health and what is necessary to be well. With these little habits you will only attract good things into your life. 

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