Learn about the best way to invest in solar panels with the help of large companies in the electricity sector
The electricity sector in Spain has suffered a paralysis over the last few years in terms of the installation of renewable power plants. But thanks to the new changes in the regulations that regulated self-consumption, now large companies are helping small consumers to install solar panels.
There are many companies that seek to lead the self-sustaining energy market and see this option as an effective opportunity to expand the sale of their solar panels. This incursion of the large companies in the electricity sector into the market for self-consumption systems is due to the new legislative changes that have occurred in recent months in Spain and the increase in competition from other countries regarding the use of solar energy, which that could result in great progress in environmental matters for the country.
In this sense, we see how the large electricity distribution companies are the ones that are now offering consumers investment mechanisms, to make solar technology more sustainable and competitive, for which they are offering the best solar panels of 2022 to develop self-consumption.
Spanish companies that sell solar panels.
There have been companies that have been marketing products in defense of environmental values for years, as is the case of Iberdrola, an electricity company that has within its marketing to transmit a self-sustaining message that has identified its brand, even when many times through the president of this institution, solar technology was branded as expensive and immature.
However, for some time, this company began to appreciate the growing maturity of this technology, and even more so since the Government approved the self-consumption decree, which is why it has now become one of the companies that has made the leap to sell photovoltaic technology to the domestic sector. But it has not been the only one, as companies that were in first place in the electricity sector, such as Naturgy, EDP or Endosa, have also ventured into this energy area.
It has been a surprise that these large power companies, which have their big business in the traditional electricity distribution network, are the ones that are currently offering these sustainable energy alternatives to small consumers. But it is that these entrepreneurs must reinvent themselves to be in tune with the new energy solutions, and this has led them to seek their income in self-consumption, in order to define the strategy to have control of this energy substitute.
What do these companies offer in terms of alternative energy systems?
If you are wondering which is the best solar panel company that offers investment alternatives, we can highlight that all these electric companies are promoting the so-called “turnkey” project for domestic consumers, which aims to take advantage of the roofs to be able to produce renewable energy. With this project, the electricity company assumes all the investment giving the client a fully operational installation.
Regarding the basic aspect of the project, we see that they all offer the same system, since the first thing they do is a study to quantify the potential solar energy that can be produced according to the characteristics of the house and the family’s energy consumption, Based on the result obtained, they prepare the installation process and carry out the bureaucratic procedures for legalization in the respective town hall. And, after the entire assembly, they offer maintenance services for the entire installation.
In the case of the company Iberdrola, its strategy has been the sectorization of its clients, since from the initial analysis they make an adaptation to each home, where the energy consumption does not exceed 15 kW of the power that has been contracted, differentiating the project if it is a company with a high voltage consumption, if it is a power higher than that of the domestic consumer, as well as the offer of energy supply in the case of water pump systems for irrigation.
In the case of this last sector, the solar technology solution has been more profitable, because the largest crops are usually in areas where it is difficult to have access to electricity distribution networks. On the other hand, the company EDP has added face-to-face advice as an incentive regarding the administrative processing of financial aid so that the costs are not so high for the client.
Likewise, it has developed a system that gives the user the possibility of controlling their home electricity consumption through applications on their smartphone, so that they can monitor energy consumption and production at any time and from wherever they are.
For its part, the Naturgy company is offering its customers a flexible rate plan for the night for those installations that do not exceed 10 kW in their contract. With this plan, the company seeks to guarantee a low price for energy supply during night hours. Similarly, they have a variety of tariffs if the powers are higher, making a differentiation in the cases of ranges that oscillate between 10 and 15 kW, or that are greater than 15 kW.
Ultimately, we have what the Endesa company offers where their biggest incentive is based on the speed to install the system. Well, it provides the client with a quote within 48 hours with the main characteristics to carry out the installation, where the only necessary requirement is to fill out a form through the web portal.
Next, a technician comes to your home in a week to verify the data required to install the system and, later, after the following 48 hours, the company sends you the administrative legalization documentation. After that, you must wait another 48 hours for the solar panels to be installed in your home.
So, with the entry of the large electricity companies into the market, the possibilities in terms of photovoltaic electricity were expanded, but they have not yet been consolidated as expected, leaving Spain a little relegated in terms of this technology.