
Rabbit recipe in sauce

Rabbit in homemade sauce

Rabbit in sauce – Grandma’s recipe Preparation time50 minCooking time45 min Number of diners: 4


  • Rabbit (1)
  • Green pepper (1)
  • onion (1)
  • White wine (200ml)
  • Crushed tomato (150g)
  • Chorizo ​​pepper (1 tbsp)
  • garlic cloves (2)
  • potatoes (4)


Other ingredients:

  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Olive oil

It seems that all the grandmothers in the world are good at something: making the best recipes, therefore, learning to cook like them is a very good idea. In this case, regardless of whether you love electric stoves or if you use a gas one, you can follow this recipe and prepare a delicious rabbit in sauce, just like grandma used to do. 

1. To start, you must cut the rabbit and season it, separating the liver to be able to reserve it for later. When finished, chop the green pepper and onion. 

2. Heat oil in a saucepan and, when it reaches the correct temperature, add the rabbit meat. Also add the liver until it is cooked and remove it to reserve it again. 

3. Let the meat brown little by little and, when it is golden, then add the pepper and onion.

4. In a short time you will notice that the vegetables will be poached and the meat will also reach its perfect point; this will be the time to add the crushed tomato. When doing so, lower the temperature until leaving the fire at medium intensity and wait for the tomato to fry. 

5. While the rabbit cooks and the tomato sautés, it’s time to prepare the secret element of Grandma’s recipe for rabbit in sauce. To do this you must chop the garlic and crush it in a mortar together with the liver.

6. By grinding them you will get a special paste, which is the key to achieving that characteristic flavor of rabbit stew. Complement with a little white wine and stir everything well. 

7. To continue, add the pasta, the chorizo ​​pepper and the remaining wine to the pan. Add a glass of water and wait half an hour. During this time, the rabbit should have cooked so, when the 30 minutes are up, you should taste the stew and see if you need to rectify the salt or if something is missing. If everything is fine, turn off and cover the pan to maintain the temperature. 

8. As a side dish, many people fry potatoes. Therefore, peel your potatoes and cut them into strips or squares so that you can fry them and add them to the rabbit stew. The potatoes will give a unique flavor and will also make the dish look much more complete.

9. For the last step, you just need to get out the plates and cutlery, because it’s time to serve. Very carefully pick up a few potatoes and pieces of meat to place them on your plate, without forgetting to fill the food with the delicious liquid left by the stew. 

Now that you know how to make rabbit in sauce, you can surprise the family with this preparation that, in addition to being nutritious, is full of flavor.

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