
Recipe of puff pastry

homemade puff pastry

easy puff pastry recipe Preparation time4 min


  • 500g of flour
  • 350 g block butter
  • 60 g of melted butter
  • 5g of salt
  • 1 tsp. of sugar
  • 250 ml of water

If you wonder how to make puff pastry, you should know that it is a simple recipe. You just have to weigh the ingredients and integrate them into a bowl. 

Start by placing the flour, salt, sugar and mix to integrate. Add the eggs, melted butter and water. Then, apply encircling movements until you create a homogeneous dough, make a ball and, with the help of a knife, mark a deep cross on top. Wrap the ball in plastic kitchen paper and refrigerate for a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of one hour.

Take the block of butter, place it between two sheets of parchment paper used for baking, and pat it down gently. Then, sprinkle flour on your workspace and place the dough to roll it out.

Due to the cuts made initially, the dough will acquire a cross shape. Put the butter in the middle and cover it with the four ends: from right to left, left to right, top to bottom and bottom to top. Thus, you will completely surround the butter with the dough.

Next, the preparation must be kneaded energetically with the rolling pin, always keeping in the same direction. Next, fold the top end to the middle of the extended dough and then make another fold until you reach the bottom end, forming a “G”. This is called a single turn.

Knead in a straight line again, repeat the simple turn, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Remember that every time you rotate or turn the dough, you must apply flour so that it does not stick to the work surface and its handling is easier.

The procedure carried out above must be carried out four more times, for a total of six simple turns. However, for the last four laps, the cooldown time will be reduced to 20 minutes for each lap.

After all this kneading time, the preparation will be ready to be used. In fact, you can keep it in the fridge for when you want to make various recipes with puff pastry.

As additional information, people who are going to make this homemade puff pastry have to keep in mind that, when carrying out the kneading process, temperature is a very important factor. Remember that, in summer, the dough should be taken frequently to the fridge so that the butter does not melt with constant handling. However, in winter this ingredient may require an electric oven to soften its body, which tends to harden.

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