Water swimming pool
Many of the favorite pastimes of the human being have to do with water, whether swimming, playing, practicing sports, among other activities. So having a pool at home can be amazing, but issues like cloudy water can be a bit difficult to deal with without the right knowledge.
If you find yourself with green water in a removable pool, it is not recommended to use it, since it could be infested with algae and other components that cause skin and eye conditions. For this reason, it is essential that, if you have a swimming pool at home, you make sure to comply with its maintenance to the letter.
If you want to know more about the subject, we invite you to learn how to recover pool water after winter in case disuse has caused changes in the chemical levels of the water, algae have appeared or the water has become cloudy.
Common drawbacks in swimming pool installations
- presence of algae
How to remove algae from the pool is a common search on the internet, since it is quite common to find them in the water. Few types can grow in swimming pools, but treatment against them must be constant and permanent.
- cloudy water
Dirty water or cloudy water in the pool can be caused by several factors, which range from organic elements, excess use and chemical unevenness. It is also quite common, but it has a solution.
- colored water
If you see your pool dirty, because its water has changed color, visualize the tone well, since it will denote its origin. If you notice green water in the pool, it is due to algae. If it is very blue, it has excess copper. If it looks brown, it is iron and if it looks black, it is due to the presence of manganese. Based on this you can attack the problem with the correct treatment.
- unbalanced pH
Raising the pH of the pool with bleach is possible, but you must follow the measures. This parameter becomes unbalanced due to lack of maintenance, altering the other levels of the chemical components of the water.
- accumulated lime
Lime is found in the hardness of the water, but if you use a pool cleaner on a regular basis, you can help reduce its presence and prevent it from accumulating on surfaces.
- chlorine scent
The smell of chlorine that emanates from a pool will be due to a difference in pH and can be treated with a neutralizer. Also, if it is outdoors, it will not matter much if you decide to purify the pool during the day or at night, since it will not cause any inconvenience.
Cloudy water: one of the main problems
When it comes to swimming pools, maintenance is essential, but cloudy water can appear at any time and become a nuisance.
This situation occurs due to multiple reasons , such as excess bathers, poor management of the filtering system, dead leaves that decompose in the water, insects, algae, lack of cleanliness, etc.
However, this can also happen due to a mismatch in the chemical levels of the water , which have specific ranges that must be maintained to be safe.
How to thoroughly clean a pool?
Now that the time has come to get down to work, you must learn how to make the water in the pool crystal clear so you can enjoy it at any time of the year with total safety and confidence.
- Check water parameters
Before taking any action against cloudy water, you should check that the water parameters are correct, since any alteration in its acidity levels can cause cloudiness.
According to the indications in the maintenance of swimming pools, the pH must be at a level between 7.2 and 7.6. In the case of chlorine, its presence cannot be greater than 1.2 milligrams per liter of water, while the hardness should be between 200 and 300 parts per million. Regarding alkalinity, this parameter should be kept in a range between 90 to 120 parts per million.
If any of these parameters is altered, you must use the necessary chemical product , according to the indications on the label, in order to adjust the levels of the components.
- Remove organic debris
The next step is to remove from the pool all the organic remains that may have accumulated over time and with use, such as insects, leaves and branches, since, when they rot, they accumulate on the floor and will force you to manage to clean a very dirty pool bottom.
- clean the filter
Then you will have to focus on the filter system to do a deep maintenance in which you can rinse all the parts to remove dirt, as well as change the consumables that have been depleted.
- filter the water
When you finish cleaning the pool filter, you must activate the pump to start a water filtering cycle that you must leave overnight. This will ensure that all content has passed through the filtration system and has been purified.
- apply clarifier
If your pool water is still cloudy after filtering, we advise you to use a clarifying product specially formulated for pool treatment. Follow the instructions to the letter and do not abuse the chemical, since it contains particles that, in excess, will accumulate in the filter.
- Using flocculants
Ultimately against cloudy water, you can use flocculants. These active chemical compounds are specially formulated to treat cloudiness in the home pool. Its action is to increase the size of the particles in the water so that they can fall to the bottom. During this treatment you should keep the pump and filter system off, to allow gravity to do its job.
- Take advantage of the pool cleaner
To finish cleaning your pool, use a pool cleaner. These practical machines will be in charge of washing every centimeter of the internal space in order to remove accumulations of particles , algae and even mold. Activate the automatic mode so that it takes care of itself and let it complete the work cycle before checking the status of the water.
A pool with cloudy water can have several causes and its solution varies from very simple to quite tedious, but never impossible, so if you have this problem at home, it is likely that the tips that we have compiled in this article will be useful to you. to clean it thoroughly and enjoy the water to the fullest.