10 baby shower games

The baby shower is a celebration that takes place to welcome the baby, which takes place weeks before its birth, where the friends and family of both the future mother and the future father share with them a series of allusive games to the role of parents.
Perhaps you have heard the phrase “baby shower” or “rain of gifts” many times, but in reality, do you know what it refers to? It is a party organized for the purpose of welcoming the baby. In this celebration, a series of fun tests for adults are carried out, in which the future parents together with their friends experience some of the basic tasks associated with feeding the infant, changing the diaper, among others.
In the same way, the guests give gifts to the hosts, with baby baskets being one of the most popular gifts, since they incorporate various products such as diapers, bottles, pacifiers, cloths, clothing for the little one, bibs, teethers, toys, personal hygiene suitable for the first days of life, etc.
However, in its beginnings, the baby shower had a stricter protocol, in which only women participated, who gathered to drink tea in a relaxed atmosphere, while giving advice to the pregnant woman about childbirth and how she should take care of her baby. son from day one. In addition, the organization of said meeting was in charge of a friend close to the pregnant woman, so that the family was not directly involved, since it was not appropriate that they were asking for gifts for the mother and the baby.
Fortunately, over time, the rules of the baby shower relaxed and both the father of the baby and his male friends began to participate. In fact, she is currently pregnant herself along with her sisters, mother, sisters-in-law and her husband who work together to organize the celebration, selecting games, foods, music to set the scene that has previously been decorated.
In this sense, closed spaces such as the living room of the house are usually used or if you prefer to be in contact with nature, you can use the garden, but keep in mind that you must prepare it so that the guests are as comfortable as possible. To do this, you must remove all the weeds with the help of special equipment. Obviously, it does not have to be the best brushcutter on the market, but it does have to be one capable of providing a good finish on the ground, corners and edges of the garden.
Meet 10 fun games for the baby shower
We have already clarified what a baby shower is and how it has evolved since 100 years ago, when it originated in the United States. However, if you are a pregnant woman and you are planning to hold such a celebration, then you will be interested in knowing some baby shower ideas, which involve 10 of the most popular games used for hosts and guests to spend a fun and unforgettable afternoon.
diaper change
Baby changing games are quite popular at any baby shower party for a girl or a boy, as it is one of the first activities that parents should do when the baby is born. Of course, in order to make this dynamic a little more difficult, the guests will have to put the diaper on a life-size baby doll blindfolded and against the clock.
What is this poo?
Another of the baby shower games that you cannot forget to play is the one called “What is this poo from?”. We know that visually it might not be very nice, but once the competition starts, nobody will stop laughing. You just have to put some diapers on the table and pour different flavors of melted chocolate on them, simulating that it is the baby’s poop. The guests will have to taste the samples and guess. The one who does it in the shortest time wins.
dress the baby
Several couples will have to compete to dress their baby partner, putting diapers, a hat and a pacifier on them. Whoever achieves a better result in relation to time and quality, may be the winner.
pregnant race
Men and women must place a balloon under their shirts to simulate being pregnant. Then, they will hold a small ping-pong ball between their knees and walk as fast as they can, to deposit the sphere in a bottle. The only rule is that they can’t use their hands.
give papa porridge
Group your guests in pairs facing each other, blindfold the woman and put a porridge in her hands with her respective spoon. The goal is to feed dad without staining his clothes and in the shortest possible time.
What was I like as a baby?
Before the meeting, you should ask the guests to bring a photo of when they were children or babies. Then, hang them on a string and everyone will take a random photo, with the aim of guessing who it belongs to.
Guess what you’re eating
Another of the feeding games that you cannot miss at your baby shower is this one. You only have to form pairs and blindfold one of its members, so that his partner gives him the selected food to try, which he will have to guess to win.
Guess the measurement of mom’s belly
Knowing the size of the mother’s belly is another popular dynamic at these baby showers. To do this, give each of the guests a long rope so that they can calculate the diameter they consider. In the end, you will have to take the real measurement of the belly to select who has guessed right.
lollipop fishing
Put some lollipops on the table and give the game participants a chopstick, which they must hold in their mouths to start the lollipop fishing without the help of their hands. To do this, they only have a maximum time of one minute.
Who can drink faster?
Fill some bottles with juice that the guests like and set the timer for one minute, which will be the time available to drink the liquid, but without using your hands to hold the bottle.