baby weight each month
Pediatricians recommend keeping a record of the evolution of the baby’s weight month by month, since it is important to determine the general state of health of the child. However, many parents worry more than necessary, so it is good to delve into this topic to have a clear idea.
Body weight is important throughout child development, but it is especially relevant in the first year of life. Generally, baby weight gain is seen as a positive symptom, on the contrary, weight loss is a cause for concern for some parents. However, there are limits established by the institutions responsible for ensuring the health of children and there are different variables that we must take into account.
Feeding and weight during the first year
The weight of the baby depends fundamentally on the diet and age, the weight of a 9-month-old baby is not the same as the weight of a 4-month-old baby. The first semester counted from birth is crucial to promote adequate eating habits for the development of the child. At this stage, experts mainly recommend the consumption of breast milk , but in some cases this diet must be combined with special formulas that come in powder form. In this sense, the pediatrician is the person authorized to indicate a specific type of product according to the baby’s requirements.
The weight of the newborn can vary from one child to another, since it depends on many particularities. It is true that between 2.5 and 4 kg is considered normal, this means that babies who weigh less or more need special care. Most children born at 39 weeks weigh 3 to 3.5 kg, so they are within the appropriate range. However, it is good to mention that this is a general calculation, which means that we should not be alarmed if our baby weighs a little more or slightly less at birth.
It is necessary to mention that generally the weight gain of babies is not stable and sustained every month, but variable, for example, a child can gain a lot for 15 days and then increase the weight very little the rest of the month, that is why that it is recommended to weigh the baby once a month and not every week.
In theory, the weight of a 1-month-old baby should be between 600 and 900 grams more than what it weighed at birth, something similar happens with the weight of a 2-month-old baby, but it does not necessarily have to be that way, some children increase more and others less, without this being a symptom of any disease. For its part, the weight gain of a 3-month-old baby may be less than during the first weeks of life, it is usually 500 to 600 grams more than the previous month.
According to pediatricians, in the period of time between the third and sixth month of life, the increase is usually a little less, in this case 350 to 400 grams each month, thus, the weight of a 5-month-old baby can be between 6 and 8 kg, while in the following trimester the average monthly increase is between 250 and 300 grams, thus, the weight of an 8-month-old baby would be in a range of approximately 8 to 10 kg. If we take into account the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), a 9-month-old baby should weigh about 9.2 kg, while the weight of a 1-year-old baby would be around 10.2 kg.
The transition to eating solid foods
If the weight of a 6-month-old baby depends on many factors, it is normal that as parents we have certain fears during the baby’s transition to solid foods . From the sixth month it is possible to introduce some foods other than milk in the diet, such as cooked cereals, pureed vegetables or fruits, baby food, among others, but it is necessary to include one ingredient at a time, since it is in this period that we will know if the child has an allergy to any food. For example, it is preferable to prepare applesauce without additives such as sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, etc. In this way, we will know that the child tolerates the fruit well. If there is diarrhoea, vomiting or skin conditions, try another food, but if symptoms persist, consult a pediatrician.
Low body weight and overweight in babies
Controlling the baby’s weight can prevent diseases in the present and future. These problems are usually due to malnutrition caused by the inexperience of the parents. Thus, in many cultures excess weight is considered a symptom of good health, but this is a myth, since in reality childhood overweight can cause delayed physical and mental development, in addition to generating many conditions, not only in childhood but throughout life.
On the other hand, a body weight index that is too low can be the result of malnutrition, which can be serious for babies. As we have seen, weight gain during the first year is not constant, in fact, we can say that it fluctuates quite a bit, since the weight of a baby at 7 months is not the same as the weight of a baby at 11 months. Even so, monthly evaluation by a health professional is important to identify if there is weight loss and thus address the problem in time.
Breast milk production and baby weight
Generally, the baby’s weight does not depend on the mother’s milk production, but it is true that in some cases it is necessary to supplement the diet with a special formula. However, it must be a doctor who determines if the milk production is really low and if this condition is affecting the nutritional needs of the child.
On the contrary, an excessive production of milk does not necessarily mean that the mother must feed the baby more times, since this can cause overweight and long-term problems. In addition, it must be taken into account that the crying of the child is not always an indicator that she needs to eat. Some babies gain unhealthy weight because the mother gives the breast or bottle every time she cries.