
children’s first communion

Among all the sacraments, the first communion stands out for its importance, since it is the first sacrament that children carry out more consciously to reaffirm their faith. Because of this, many parents seek to celebrate this occasion and obtain more information in order to correctly guide their children during this important moment in their lives.

Although there are millions of people in the world and sometimes it seems that we have more differences than similarities, there is one thing in common that many of them share, and that is belonging to a religion.

There are different religions in the world such as Islam, Judaism and Hinduism; however, the most widespread of all of them is Christianity. The doctrines based on the teachings of Jesus Christ are followed by more than 2 billion people; however, Christianity is a diverse religion and has different branches.

The Catholic Church is the largest of all the Christian churches and, for that reason, many children, upon reaching the required age, participate in the rituals that are practiced in Catholicism to consolidate themselves in the faith of this Church.

What religious ceremonies should a Catholic person perform?

Some of the religious rituals that Catholics must perform are known as sacraments. If you don’t know how many sacraments there are you should remember this simple number: 7. These are divided into sacraments of initiation, healing and service. The sacraments for children are only 3, since the rest of them are reserved for adults.

The first of these is baptism. This is done between the first 5 years of age, most of the time, although there are exceptions. At this time, parents consecrate their child in the grace of God under the Catholic Church.

The second is the communion of the child. This sacrament is one of the most important, because, on this occasion, children receive the Eucharist for the first time in the form of bread, represented by a small host, and wine. These two elements refer to the body and blood of Christ, which symbolizes the union of children in faith with Jesus.

The third sacrament of initiation is confirmation. At this time, the children, already with greater maturity and understanding, reaffirm for themselves their faith in Christ, the Catholic Church and what they both represent.

At what age is communion made?

This depends on when the child does the catechism, which is a process that takes two years. This process can begin between 7 and 8 years old, so the age that children usually have when they receive communion is 9 or 10 years old.

What is the catechism?

Catechesis for children is a necessary process that the little ones must go through in order to make communion. The catechism consists of a kind of school that, during the stipulated time, will provide the little one with diverse knowledge about the church and what is expected of Catholics. In addition to that, you will also learn the basic prayers and various Christian ethical values.

Until they comply with the catechism, the Eucharist for children is not the same as for adults, since the little ones cannot receive communion or confess. However, after making the first communion, children can stop wondering what the Eucharist is, as they will proceed to complete each step.

It is important to emphasize that some parts of the mass for children can be boring, because the little ones can get tired, since they do not usually have enough understanding about the importance of the Holy Mass. For this reason, parents should always try to guide children until they understand the importance of this encounter with God.

Are there other requirements to perform communion?

In addition to performing catechism, there are other requirements to be able to make communion, but these only affect the child’s clothing when going to church on the corresponding day.

By tradition, boys are expected to wear formal attire in order to receive the Eucharist, while girls are expected to wear a white dress. These suits can be simple, although many prefer to spend money on them.

In addition to this, the children must carry with them some elements that represent something important within the church.

1) Crucifix: Children must carry a crucifix, as this represents that the little ones will carry their own cross and follow the teachings of Jesus.

2) Candle: The candle is used to represent the light of Jesus in the lives of children, lighting their way. 

3) Bible: Carrying it represents the commitment to read the word of God to better understand Jesus and follow his commands.

4) Rosary: ​​This element symbolizes family union, the conversion of sins, the commitment to pray the rosary and to accept Mary as Heavenly Mother.

5) Medal: Since most children are very young at baptism, they must wear their baptismal medal to renew their promises in the Eucharist.

What to do after the ceremony?

Due to the importance of this rite within the Catholic Church, many families celebrate their children’s first communion in style.

There are those who quickly look for the best types of cava to start the party as soon as they get home; however, it is necessary to remember that this ceremony is the beginning of an intimate relationship between the child and God, so it is recommended not to have a party that involves excessive alcoholic beverages and try to have a quiet meeting with the closest friends.

Giving the little one a gift for their great achievement can be a very good idea. Whether it’s a musical lamp or a piece of jewelry that will remind you of this special moment for years to come. On the other hand, it is tradition to give souvenirs with first communion dedications to all the guests.

In this way, this beautiful stage for children practicing religion can be ended. A moment they will surely remember forever.

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