
Ecological diapers, a sustainable and growing business

For a long time, environmental activists have talked about the negative impact that disposable diapers have on the planet, and it is even difficult to understand them as such polluting products, being objects of daily use and so necessary for simplicity in the lives of families with babies.

Let’s start by explaining that diapers are made from cellulose, this raw material is obtained from the deforestation of trees, that’s where the first environmental impact begins. Additionally, petroleum derivatives such as polypropylene, adhesives, elastics, as well as chemical products for flavoring purposes are used in their manufacture.

As for the decomposition of diapers, there are those who affirm that it takes between 100 and 300 years, which is undoubtedly a long time for its degradation, contaminating soils, rivers and the entire environment.

Back to the diapers of yesteryear

Imagining a modern mom washing cloth diapers, full of feces and urine, is not entirely pleasant, especially given how complicated the process of putting them on was more than a hundred years ago.

Now, it is clear that today we are more aware of the damage that many products can cause to the environment or to people, and if we are responsible with our consumption, we can choose to change and choose sustainable and organic products for our family..

The good news is that there are many suppliers of baby products that are completely green, with little impact on the environment. Among those options for disposable diapers are the new reusable designs, which have positioned themselves in the market as representing a lasting investment, because they are easy to put on and wash. But, they have become so popular that now there are some concepts that you must know to understand what these baby diapers are like and that we explain below.

diaper parts

Reusable diapers have two distinct parts: the cover and the absorbent. The latter is the one that has direct contact with the baby’s skin and will retain liquid and stool. It can be made of cotton, soy, hemp, microfiber, or other material. You can also get disposable but biodegradable sorbents, or reusable ones that you can machine wash, let dry in the sun and place again.

The part of the cover is the outer one that must be waterproof and that will prevent liquids from reaching the baby’s clothes, you can get them made of wool or polyurethane. This last material is widely used because, in addition to being durable, it is breathable.


In the reusable diaper market you can choose between several models such as the All in 1, which is a single piece in which the absorbent and the cover are joined.

On the other hand, there are the removable ones in which the absorbent is attached to the cover by a system of brackets, for example, but they are easily separated for individual washing.

There are also removable ones, those models that have a kind of lower and internal pocket in which the absorbent, disposable or reusable, is placed, and when the diaper needs to be changed, the absorbent is only removed and a new one is placed, as long as coverage is clean.

the most classic

If you opt for more traditional options, you can also choose the gauze used by our grandparents who were fixed with safety pins around the baby and place a plastic panty or a cover on top so that the liquids do not spill.

Starting with ecological diapers

In various parts of the world, especially in countries with stable economies, there is a boom in the use of reusable diapers, either for savings, to reduce our environmental impact or a mixture of both. The truth is that many companies have seen an opportunity for growth in the manufacture and distribution of these products.

However, in some countries with large, very low-income, rural populations, access to brand-name reusable diapers is generally next to none, so many mothers have reverted to old-fashioned diapers or, in any case, to dedicate a large part of their income to the purchase of disposable diapers.

It was thus that the young Ixchel Anaya saw an opportunity for entrepreneurship when her first child was born at the age of 22, almost a decade ago, because the little one suffered from irritations due to the use of disposable diapers. So she wanted to try her luck with the reusable models that she was getting at that time in the small city of Irapuato, 300 km from the Mexican capital. After looking at several options, none met her expectations.

Consequently, he decided to create an original design with the help of his grandmother, he made several prototypes in different sizes until he found the most appropriate and versatile one. Her friends were delighted with the diapers and bought several for their children.

From there, Ixchel recognized the business potential of selling organic diapers and, together with her husband and family, founded the company Ecopipo, which currently bills more than US$1.3 million a year.

From Irapuato to the world

Although the start of the company was somewhat difficult, by finding qualified labor to make diapers, which are characterized by very delicate sewing and excellent finishes, they managed to find a professional seamstress in their city who, patiently, trained the rest of the team. Today there are more than 20 seamstresses that Ixchel employs directly and they have managed to supply the national market.

Faced with the challenge of exporting its products, for the Ixchel company the Internet was the correct answer, because through its official website they receive orders from different parts of the world and have consolidated their company thanks to electronic commerce, in addition to promoting their products online. social networks.

Today, the company has expanded into offering eco-friendly alternatives including sanitary pads and pads, as well as swim diapers, bibs and night pads. In short, the colorful designs and functionality of Ecopipo diapers are a good option if you want to change the use of disposable ones that cause so much damage to the environment, even though they make life easier for parents.

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