
Games for children outdoor

In this technological age, when children first learn to use a smartphone than to eat alone, we cannot forget the importance of outdoor games, which will help them develop their motor skills, social skills as well as stimulate their imagination.

Currently, children since they are babies are overstimulated with the use of electronic devices, often limiting their routine to closed spaces inside the house: watching television, playing on the tablet, using the smartphone of the parents and thus they can spend the day.

However, children’s contact with open spaces and nature is very important for their physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. We are not just referring to taking them to the playground in the square, but to have direct contact with nature to do outdoor activities with other children and adults as well.

In this sense, we propose 10 games for children that can be played in open spaces without requiring a lot of logistics or instruments. Many of them are camp games and dynamics for children that can be guided by an adult, and even have the participation of parents , since it is necessary for children to feel that the whole family is involved. 

running games

Running benefits the physical and psychological development of children, stimulating their self-confidence. So one of the children’s games that we propose below depend on this exercise.

  • Anteater: This activity consists of one child playing the role of the anteater and the others being the ants, who must run around the defined play space to avoid being caught by the bear’s nose. When the bear reaches an ant, it will become the bear that must chase the rest of the participants.
  • Cops and Robbers: This is one of the classic group games. The idea is to separate the children into two teams: one will be the police and the other will play the role of criminals. You must choose a space that will be the jail. The police kids will give the thieves a few seconds head start to escape and then chase them down to put them in jail. A loose thief only needs to touch a fellow prisoner to free him. The game is over when all the thieves are caught and the roles are reversed. 

recreational games

During outdoor walks it is also appropriate to stimulate the imagination and creativity of children. Therefore, we propose some activities that serve as games for children 3 years and older.

  • Treasure hunt: During a walk they can collect interesting objects such as pretty leaves, conspicuous rocks, misshapen branches, etc., to constitute a treasure. The adult shows all the objects to the children and then hides them. The children must undertake the search to find the lost treasure. 
  • Family of explorers: In this activity it is ideal for the whole family to participate and plan a day of excursion, trace a hiking route for the children and during the walk pay attention to the shapes of the trees, the sounds of nature, animals, among others. Each member can carry a bag and in it keep small objects that they consider interesting. At the end of the tour, everyone will be able to show them and comment on why they chose those items.

Gymkhana for children

Gymkhanas for children are highly requested at parties and recreational events, and adults also enjoy accompanying their children in these competitions. Here we suggest some.

  • Sack race: Although gymkhana dynamics are carried out more in summer camps, you can take advantage of a picnic day with the family, invite some of your children’s friends and play various games in the open air. The sack race is very popular because children encourage their coordination and competition among friends. If you don’t have sacks you can use old covers or simply tie the ankles with ropes or tennis laces so that the children can run with their feet together.
  • The broken phone: In this game, children can be divided into two groups, which form lines and the adults who lead the game must say the same message in the ear of the first child in line. He must transmit the message to his partner and continue like this until he reaches the last child. The team that has kept the message as original as possible is the winner.
  • Balloon race: Traditionally the egg race was done in the spoon, but to add more excitement in the summer, you can use small balloons filled with water and place them on the spoon to carry out the race. At the same time, the relay format can be used so that several children participate, so when one reaches the goal, he passes the balloon to the other to continue the journey, whoever drops the balloon loses.
  • Tug-of-war: One of the most popular children’s games that adults also participate in is tug-of-war. In this, a line must be drawn on the ground and a team must be placed on each side, so that the participants at each end pull the rope strongly until they defeat the opponent, pulling the rope towards their side of the line. 

Relaxing is fun too

During the walks it is also good to stop to drink water, have a snack and observe the landscape, see the shapes of the clouds and talk a little with the children to get their opinions. In the following activities you can find that moment of relaxation to share with the little ones outdoors.

  • Painting the landscape: In the category of toys for 3-year-olds we find the magic blackboard mats that can be used outdoors so that children with their parents have fun creating works of art, inspired by nature. 
  • Fly kites: To stimulate creativity in children and the development of manual activities, you can propose them to make their own kite and go out to fly them in open spaces when there is a lot of wind. This activity enriches families because it strengthens teamwork without competition, it allows children to cultivate patience while exercising.

And don’t forget to capture these fun times outdoors to bond the family. Therefore, having a sports camera would be very useful. With it you can record videos and take photos while the children play. Also, you can use a gopro selfie stick to take shots of everyone together during recreational activities to share on social networks, motivating friends and family to maintain a physically active life with the little ones. 

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