Pregnancy at week 26
The 26 weeks of pregnancy represent an important phase in the mother’s health, since glucose levels are monitored to rule out gestational diabetes. In addition, the fetus already begins sleep and wake cycles that can be clearly perceived with its inactivity or movements, while its gestational development continues.
Knowing the development of the fetus month by month or your pregnancy week by week will help you better understand your body, what is happening in it and how your baby is growing. We explain all this information in this post about 26 weeks of gestation.
For the 26th week of pregnancy, the woman continues to experience changes in her body and sensations that can affect her day to day, such as a greater compression of the bladder by the growing uterus. This triggers more frequent urination, albeit less urine, and even episodes of incontinence when she laughs or sneezes.
Also, during this period it can be common to have an episode of urinary tract infection, so it is necessary to be attentive to if there is pain or burning when urinating to see a doctor.
26 weeks: how many months is it?
After 25 weeks of pregnancy, doctors consider that the sixth month of pregnancy begins , that is, the final part of the second trimester of pregnancy. For her part, the 26-week pregnant woman has a belly that is increasing in size and the use of maternal clothing is already necessary.
With regard to other physical changes in the 26-week pregnancy, the mother’s weight may have increased by approximately 5 kilos since the beginning of the pregnancy. In this sense, it is important to deny the fact that pregnant women should eat for two.
On the contrary, what is needed is to have a better diet, a rich and balanced diet with a lot of fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals to promote the development of the fetus.
On this subject, it must be emphasized that extremes are not good: eating little during pregnancy can influence the birth of a malnourished baby and if you eat excessively and unhealthily, being overweight can cause problems for both the health of the mother like the baby’s.
On the other hand, this week a glucose control is done in the mother to determine that there are no risks of gestational diabetes and if there is any alteration, the doctor will take the necessary actions to protect the health of the mother and the fetus.
Pregnancy at week 26 and the growth of the baby
At this stage, the 26-week fetus already has all its senses fully developed: sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. Thus, the baby of 26 weeks of gestation can hear sounds, such as the voice of her parents, intrauterine sounds, among others. Also, she can taste through the amniotic fluid and perceive lighting, as well as blink her eyes, as her eyelids are not fixed and her eyelashes are growing.
Regarding the weight of the 26-week fetus, it is estimated between 800 and 900 g, while its size ranges between 23 and 25 cm, which is considered a healthy growth, since the range of fetal weight per week helps doctors to know that the baby is absorbing the nutrients and supplies necessary to complete a good development.
Now, at 26 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s movements are perceived more frequently, although he spends most of the time curled up with his arms and legs bent, he also begins to stretch his limbs.
Precisely, in the moments in which the mother is inactive or resting is when the fetus takes the opportunity to move throughout the uterus. For this reason, in the 26th week of pregnancy, the position of the baby changes a lot, as it still has enough space.
On the other hand, an image of the fetus can be obtained in a transverse position at this stage, that is, the baby’s position is breech (bottom). Although this can vary in each woman, since there are also cases in which at 6 months of pregnancy the position of the baby is head down, but with the possibility of changing places at any time.
Ultrasound at 26 weeks gestation
During the second trimester, medical check-ups become more regular and your doctor may recommend a 5D ultrasound at 26 weeks, since the amount of amniotic fluid and the size of the baby will favor its total visualization, as well as its characteristics. physical.
The importance of this ultrasound is that it also allows special evaluations to determine if there are malformations in the spine, brain or cardiovascular system.
Similarly, in the 26th week of pregnancy, the position of the baby is very favorable for seeing the genitals and determining the sex, so if you are anxious to know if it is a girl or a boy, in the 5D ultrasound you can see it clearly.
Contractions and emotions
Some pregnant women may be afraid of contractions at week 26, but there is nothing to worry about, as they are the well-known Braxton Hicks contractions. And it is that throughout the gestation, the uterus is exercised to tone up and have the necessary strength for the moment of delivery. Therefore, it is normal to feel some irregular tensions that become frequent when bending down and standing up again, after sexual intercourse or doing some physical activity such as climbing stairs.
At this stage, some doctors may recommend the use of pregnancy belts, in case intense pelvic pain is felt, although it is more common to use this product in the final stretch of pregnancy, when the belly has grown considerably.
Now, with regard to sex during pregnancy , women can see their libido decreased in these months, but there can also be an increase. So, it is very healthy to have penetrative sex, as long as it is not contraindicated by the doctor and that you have a comfortable position.
There is no need to worry about the baby’s safety, since the bag of waters protects the 6-month-old fetus, as does the mucous plug. In addition, it will do the couple great to maintain healthy intimacy, while contributing to an increase in confidence and self-esteem in women.
We mention this aspect, because the hormonal ups and downs during pregnancy produce emotional changes in the mother, a roller coaster of happiness, confusion and sadness, as well as fears that increase as the third trimester of pregnancy approaches.
Therefore, talking with the partner, family and friends can do the pregnant woman good to share her feelings. You can also seek counseling, pregnancy support groups, and much more.
Remember that the most important thing is for the mother to feel good during pregnancy, not repress her emotions and enjoy her baby’s growth, because at this stage there will be less time to hold him in her arms.