
The best changing rooms with a bathtub

Changing tables with bathtub – Buying Guide, Opinions and Analysis in 2022

Two of the things that we use the most with a baby in its first months are the changing table and the bathtub, being an important task for parents to choose the highest quality products. In this sense, and as a way to help with this task, changing tables with a bathtub have been designed, being convenient equipment for cleaning the baby and keeping everything in one place, taking up less space. If you are thinking of purchasing one of these pieces of furniture, we recommend the Chicco Cuddle & Bubble 2 in 1 model, a piece of furniture that is a bathtub and easily becomes a changing table. In addition, it includes all the accessories to facilitate the baby’s bath time. Next up is Safety 1st Dolphya bathtub with changing table that has various compartments, which favors the storage of products and utensils used during the bath. In addition, the changing mat is softly padded that prioritizes the comfort and safety of the little one.



Opinions on the best changing tables with a bathtub

Having clear and objective information about the best changing tables with a bathtub will be very useful for making a smart investment. For this reason, we have based ourselves on the characteristics and benefits of the products in question and the evaluation that other clients have made of them. So we invite you to continue reading about the best changing tables with a bathtub currently available.

Chicco Cuddle & Bubble 2 in 1

Chicco offers parents a changing table with bathtub that summarizes everything related to bath time and diaper changes in a single piece of furniture. Of this product we highlight its folding structure, made of metal tubes with an intuitive format for folding. In addition, its height is adjustable in three positions to offer a suitable posture to caregivers. 

For its part, the removable bathtub has a non-slip treatment for the safety of the baby, in addition to allowing it to be used in a semi-lying position when it is newborn and sitting, from 6 months.

In turn, the changing table has soft padding, with wedges to protect the baby from falls. Meanwhile, you can use the lower tray to place all the implements that make diaper changing easier, such as wet wipes, ointments and, of course, diapers.

For many users, this may be the best changing table with a bathtub at the moment and for this reason we summarize its pros and cons below. 


Folding: The structure can be folded to facilitate storage, it also incorporates wheels that facilitate moving from one place to another.

Adaptation: The changer is a firm and waterproof padding, which includes a removable insert in soft fabric, suitable for newborns.

Practicality: The lower tray and the side pockets in the bathtub changing mat allow you to have all the necessary utensils within reach during the diaper change or the baby’s bath.


Variety: For now, this product is offered in three color models. However, this is an aesthetic aspect that does not affect its functionality.

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Safety 1st Dolphin

If you are looking for the best changing table with bathtub, the opinions of some users will guide you to this Safety model. It is a bathtub integrated into the structure of the changing table with different compartments and trays that favor the organization and storage of the baby’s personal hygiene products.

As for the changing table, this mattress is easily removed to the side and has a waterproof coating that protects it from spills. Also, the wedges on its sides help keep restless babies inside the safe area while the caregiver performs the diaper change.

When it comes to transportation, the plastic frame and built-in wheels make it much easier, allowing you to move it from one place to another, if necessary, since it cannot be folded for storage. It should be noted that the wheels have a brake that blocks them for when you want to leave the bathtub fixed in one place.

Now we want to show you the pros and cons that we find in this model.


Space: This bathtub stands out for having a lower organizer tray, several storage baskets in the middle and four compartments at the level of the bathtub. 

Assembly: The structure is easily assembled following the included instruction manual, no specialized tools are required and it can be done in no time.

Transfer: With the built-in wheels and the light plastic structure, it is easy to change this piece of furniture, according to the needs of the users.


Height: The height on this product is not adjustable, which may be uncomfortable for parents taller or shorter than the average height for which it was designed.

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Plastimyr Plastimons

As one of the cheap changing tables with a bathtub on the market, this Plastimyr model stands out for being convenient for places with little space, since it is foldable and very light to move from one place to another without problems.

Its design allows you to comfortably change your baby’s diaper, making the task easier. In addition, its bathtub is made of flexible plastic, emulating an inflatable pool, which gives it space and folding safety.

Also, it has a tube that improves the process of releasing the water from the bathtub once it has been used. In the same way, it has some rollers on the sides, designed to avoid accidents due to the baby’s movements and improve the position of the changing table during the use of the bathtub. Another quality that users point out is the ease of folding, being possible to do it without external help and leaving the area free to improve space.

Within this comparison, this model is one of the cheapest, although it does not detract from its quality, since its characteristics are appropriate for a product of this type and its very positive comments, being recommended by users.


Space: It folds conveniently so that it does not have to take up space when not in use, being suitable for small houses.

Weight: It is very light, so you do not have to make great efforts to move it from one place to another.

Resistant: This changing table is made of very durable materials, so it can be used for a long time without problems.


Size: This changing table is a bit low, according to comments from several users, so it is uncomfortable to use for very tall people.

Tray: It has a tray at the bottom that comes out when folded, which is a considerable problem for some users.

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Jane Flip

In this comparison of the best changing tables with bathtubs of 2022, the Jané Flip model comes to surprise us with a set of good comments from users. Its characteristics allow you to keep calm regarding your investment, since it has a practical folding system and is very easy to clean after use.

Also, it has wheels, to give it greater mobility and it is light, so as not to have problems when relocating it. The changing table has a safety edge, designed to prevent accidents if the baby is very restless, in the same way that it incorporates an aluminum chassis to give it stability.

For its part, the bucket is ergonomic and reversible for easy use. Its size is adequate to avoid ailments and back problems in caregivers, even with the use of the bathtub, which includes a hose designed to release the water when finished using it, which improves drainage.

If you still don’t know which changing table with bathtub to buy, this could be the option for you, since it has very good comments from users who have used it. Below we point out its positive and negative aspects.


Height: It has an adequate height so that it can be used comfortably by a person of average height, avoiding back and spine pain.

Mobility: The changing table has two wheels that make it easy to move from one side of the house to another.

Design: Its colorful design can be considered neutral, so it is suitable for girls and boys, regardless of gender.


Temperature: Being made of plastic, the changing table can be a bit cold when placing the baby on it, which could cause discomfort.

Emptying: The hose that it incorporates to empty the bathtub is light, so, in some cases, it can move due to the pressure of the water, causing the liquid to spill around the place.

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Brevi 567NEW-673

For those families who live in small apartments and must know how to take advantage of every space, it is very useful to acquire a changing table like this one from Brevi, which has a folding format to reduce its dimensions and facilitate storage.

This model is very functional because the bathtub is spacious and has an anatomical design that allows the baby to be placed in the semi-recumbent position when newborn. 

Also, the changing table has protectors on the sides to prevent accidental falls. In terms of practicality, this model stands out for being compact and offering a lower organizer tray, as well as upper compartments in which hygiene products for bath time are placed.

For all these features, added to the non-slip feet of the structure and the affordable cost, some users have described it as the best value for money changing table with bathtub. Consequently, we have made a summary of its positive and negative aspects to help you in your purchase. 


Structure: The metal chassis has been made with flat tubes, which favors a more compact folding, to better reduce its dimensions when storing it.

Adaptation: The bathtub has an anatomical design in which the baby can lie down in the first months to bathe him, without slipping.

Safety: The raised sides of the changing table prevent the baby from turning carelessly and falling from that height. 


Drain: Care should be taken that the drain hose is properly attached. Otherwise it can come loose causing a big water mess on the floor.

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» Review information from previous years

Chicco Cuddle & Bubble

Este modelo de Chicco está considerado por muchos usuarios como el mejor cambiador con bañera, pues tiene un diseño funcional y un diseño neutro, por lo que puede utilizarse tanto con niñas como niños.

Además, incorpora patas que se ajustan hasta en 3 alturas brindando mayor comodidad al cuidador. Su capacidad de plegado permite que pueda guardarse fácilmente cuando no se está utilizando, por lo que no será un equipo aparatoso en ningún momento.

Por su parte, la bañera ergonómica presenta algunas aplicaciones antideslizantes para mayor seguridad del bebé. En este sentido, el fabricante recomienda no dejar solo al pequeño durante el uso del producto, ni permitir que se levante en la bañera. Para ello, cuenta con la posibilidad de colocar al bebé semitumbado y sentado.

Además, su peso máximo de soporte es de 25 kilogramos, por lo que niños con pesos mayores no deben ser colocados en el cambiador.

Comentado por los usuarios como el mejor cambiador con bañera del momento, este modelo de Chicco tiene muchas características interesantes, siendo un producto de gran ayuda para el hogar. Aquí resumimos sus aspectos positivos y negativos.


Espacio: El cambiador tiene mucho espacio, por lo que podrás maniobrar de forma cómoda para realizar los cambios de pañal y los lavados en la bañera.

Limpieza: Es un producto que facilita mucho la limpieza, puesto que no tiene espacios demasiado encajados por donde se meta la suciedad.

Compartimentos: Cuenta con varios apartados destinados para colocar los utensilios necesarios para llevar a cabo el baño o cambio sin tener ningún inconveniente, como jabón, toallas húmedas o pañales extras.

Movilidad: Gracias a sus prácticas ruedas, este cambiador puede ser fácilmente transportado de una habitación a otra, permitiendo que sea usado en cualquier lugar.


Espacio: Aunque es plegable, igual necesitarás espacio adicional para colocar la bañera, así que si vives en un piso pequeño quizás este modelo no sea el más indicado para ti.

Brevi Lindo Bianconiglio 501

Con comentarios muy favorables de los usuarios, este podría ser la respuesta a cuál es el mejor cambiador con bañera. Sus características lo hacen ser una opción muy estimable de Brevi, pues cuenta con un bastidor plegable en su base de metal barnizado, de fácil manejo para que una sola persona pueda plegarlo y desplegarlo según sea el caso.

Por otro lado, además de ser muy ligero posee un mecanismo de patas anti deslizantes que lo hace muy seguro y estable, facilitando el proceso. De igual forma, presenta un borde de seguridad, el cual es abatible para cuando se desee utilizar la bañera.

El fabricante sugiere instalar este cambiador con bañera sobre sanitarios para que pueda drenarse el agua de forma cómoda, ya que también tiene la altura adecuada para que no sea molesto de utilizar. Asimismo, aunque no es muy grande, tiene un tamaño conveniente para poder cambiarle el pañal al bebé sin problemas de espacio o incomodidad.

Tomando en cuenta las opiniones de los usuarios podemos indicar que esta es la mejor marca de cambiadores con bañera, ya que cumple con muchas de las características que se esperan de un producto de este tipo. Por eso, resumimos los pros y contras de este modelo en particular.


Antideslizante: Sus patas cuentan con un sistema antideslizante, lo que le permite ser mucho más estable al momento del uso.

Portaobjetos: Posee un tablero que funciona como portaobjetos, para que puedas tener a tu alcance todos los utensilios que necesitas para cambiar a tu bebé.

Seguridad: Su estructura presenta bordes de seguridad, muy útiles para cuando tu bebé se mueva mucho, ya que evitarán accidentes.


Ruedas: Este producto no incorpora ruedas, lo que hace muy complicado su transporte de un lugar a otro de la casa, cuando se desea utilizarlo en otra habitación.

Drenaje: El sistema para drenar la bañera es un poco básico, según el comentario de un usuario, por lo que cuesta un poco sacar el agua al terminar de utilizarla.

Cam C913006

Para muchos usuarios este es el mejor cambiador con bañera de relación calidad precio, pues aunque este producto de CAM puede parecer un poco caro a simple vista, después de analizar sus especificaciones la percepción cambia.

Su diseño polivalente lo convierte en un mueble con gran utilidad, ya que sus funciones sobrepasarán la infancia de tu pequeño.

Para comenzar, podrás utilizarlo como un cambiador muy cómodo y con seguridad extra, gracias a sus bordes de protección. También, su bañera será de mucha utilidad para tu bebé y para ti, ya que no deberás adquirir la tina por separado.

De igual forma, podrás guardar todos los utensilios, ropa y accesorios de tu hijo en sus cajones de buen tamaño y cómoda ubicación, facilitándote el acceso a todo lo que necesites. Y, por si fuera poco, al crecer tu bebé, podrás darle el uso único de cómoda, debido a que incorpora la madera superior para aprovechar su funcionalidad.

Un cambiador muy estable y con buena capacidad de almacenamiento es una de las mejores opciones que se pueden tener a la hora de elegir un producto de esta categoría. Es por ello que este modelo es una alternativa conveniente para organizar y cambiar a tu bebé cuando sea necesario.


Espacio: Cuenta con cajones donde guardar las cosas del bebé, los cuales se encuentran accesibles aun cuando se utilice la bañera que incorpora el producto.

Material: La base del cambiador es de madera de calidad, por lo que es muy resistente y duradero, siempre que tenga el cuidado adecuado.

Unisex: Puede ser utilizado tanto para niñas como para niños, sin distinción ni discordancia con ninguna decoración en especial.


Peso: Este cambiador es bastante pesado, por lo que no es conveniente cargarlo, siendo recomendable utilizar las ruedas incorporadas para su desplazamiento.

Diseño: Para varios clientes es una pena que no haya una variedad de modelos y diseños para escoger uno más personalizado.

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