Learn to detect GPS locators hidden in the car

Although it seems unusual, cars can have built-in GPS locators without knowing it. It’s not necessarily a result of someone stalking you, but if you bought a used car, it may have the tracker installed. Fortunately, there are several mechanisms for electronic scanning to help find hidden trackers and clean up.
Global positioning system locators for cars are practical equipment that can be very helpful as a security and surveillance system, since they provide the user with accurate and favorable information about the location of the vehicle in real time. Some alternatives are even capable of providing audio of what is happening inside the vehicle.
These benefits are interesting and useful if you want to prevent theft or have an immediate response mechanism that helps the authorities find the whereabouts of the car. In fact, these devices provide peace of mind. However, this only happens when they have been installed on their own initiative, not when someone else has secretly introduced the tracker for some purpose.
Types of trackers
Before panicking, it is wise to know that there are mechanisms to disable these trackers, as well as to locate and remove them from the car. The first thing is to know that there are two types of pagers: active and passive.
In the first case, it is a device that transmits a constant signal through a WiFi spy camera or it can be a GPS locator. In the second, it does not transmit a signal, but receives it.
According to the type, the way to locate them changes. So for an active locator, a frequency scanner must be used, while for a passive electronic device, a non-linear joint detector must be used.
Tracker or GPS
On the other hand, GPS devices are burst transmission devices, which involve sending data periodically, and are equipped with a global positioning system receiver module, as well as a GSM/GPRS transmitter module, which is used to give the exact position by means of a satellite to an active device.
Now that these terms are known and that there is a mechanism to find the devices, we will know the steps that you will have to follow to find them and be able to disable them.
Visual and electronic search
In order to extract this device from the car, the first thing to do is find it or at least identify its existence. For this reason, it is necessary to make a visual recognition of all the components and elements in the car, in order to find any strange part that may be connected in certain places of the vehicle.
The most common is to find them in places such as the battery, fuse box, dashboard, under the seats, cigarette lighter socket, glove box, under the vehicle, OBD connection, in the side compartments and even in the engine.
After the visual search, an electronic reconnaissance should be done. For this, it will be necessary to use a digital frequency detector, a simple and fast system, which is capable of revealing even the existence of the best GPS locator for cars.
Most GPS locators are configured so that they are activated when there are movements. So that the rest of the time they remain in a state of rest. Although it is believed that this is something positive, it is not in the case of establishing an electronic search because, if the GPS does not transmit any signal, it will not be possible to be located.
Methods to find a locator
To locate the device inside the car, it is recommended to take the vehicle to a place far from the frequencies. Afterwards, it will be necessary to park on the side of the highway or in the field and put the phone in airplane mode. The next thing will be to put it in “cellphone” mode and adjust the sensitivity of digital frequencies to its lowest expression and select audible.
To continue, take all the objects from the trunk, glove box and sides and put them in a box. At this point, you should turn on the digital frequency detector and allow it to scan for a couple of minutes. You should keep an eye out for whether it detects a GSM frequency constantly and repetitively, in a period of time that could be 30 seconds.
Now, take the frequency detector and place it on the dashboard of the car and drive a couple of kilometers to observe the frequency scanner. Afterwards, you must return to the place without interference to start the search outside the car.
outdoor search
For outdoor search, it must be divided into four parts, one front, one rear, as well as the right and left sides. You must stay in each of these areas for at least three minutes and, in the middle of each of the area reviews, it is necessary for the vehicle to move, to keep the GPS signal active in case it is at rest..
Another efficient method is with a frequency inhibitor. However, it is necessary to warn that the use of this equipment is prohibited in Europe. In fact, there are sanctions for those who try to market or export these products. The fines are between 500 and 20 million euros, so its use is not recommended, unless it is outside the territory of the European community.
In that case, when using the inhibitor, what will be done is to force the loss of the GSM signal of the GPS tracker, and then detect it when it is restored. Having no signal, it will constantly try to connect to the network until it succeeds and it will be at this moment that it can be detected.
In any case, it is also possible to go to a mechanic to do an exhaustive, detailed and deep search in all parts of the car, since a tracer could be lodged in a wiring harness, in the engine or in any corner of the vehicle, with the purpose of going unnoticed. This can have small sizes, similar to that of a matchbox, so it is necessary to be attentive to the presence of any unusual object.