What is the Wankel engine?

Cars are machines and therefore need an engine to run. Although this piece seems immutable, there are several prototypes designed to supply energy and make everything start, using different internal systems, such as the Wankel engine, one of the favorites by many mechanical engineers for car development.
Contrary to what some people may think, there are several engine options when assembling a car. Each one has advantages and disadvantages and the choice of one mechanism or another will depend on a series of variables. In this context, the Wankel engine appears, which is designed to carry out the combustion process internally.
Likewise, another notable difference of this engine compared to conventional ones is that, instead of the known pistons, it uses pieces called rotors to carry out its operation.
In case you are curious about this type of rotary engine, we are going to summarize a little what the wankel engine consists of, what it is made of, how it originated, what are its advantages, disadvantages and the prospects for the future in terms of feasibility of its use.
A turning movement
The turning movement is the essential aspect for the operation of the Wankel engine, and this action occurs through a process of internally produced combustion . To do this, it is necessary for the piston to drive the crankshaft, using a gear that stimulates the respective rotation.
This was the process that Félix Wankel made possible in 1957, when he created his engine, which was a novel invention for the time and was adopted by a good part of the automobile industry. Thus, records of various models of Wankel-powered cars can be found, as well as certain models of motorcycles.
Even though this type of system was well received in the market, over time many brands stopped using it and it was only the manufacturer Mazda that ventured to experiment and develop the full potential offered by this mechanism, being today a of the companies that can speak properly about what can and cannot be expected from the Wankel rotary engine.
These are the main parts that make up the Wankel engine:
Stator: it is a fixed structure with a circular shape.
Rotor: this piece is inside the stator and moves in an oscillating way. Its shape is that of an equilateral triangle, but inside it has a hole in the shape of a toothed crown that is key to the rotation movement.
Pinion: it is the wheel that fits with the aforementioned rotor crown.
Ports: They are classified as exhaust port (LE) and intake port (LA) and are located on the side of the stator.
Spark plug: its function is that the spark comes into contact with the fuel and is on the opposite side of the ports.
four stages
For a better understanding of the operation of this mechanism, in addition to understanding that its main characteristic is rotation, we must consider that its process is completed in four stages, which we will describe below:
- In the intake process, the fuel enters through the LA.
- For compression, the LA closes when the mixture has entered and proceeds to compress it until the spark is generated, causing the phenomenon called ignition.
- The explosion is the stage where the gases exert pressure on the rotor and it rotates quickly through the gear. This element is key to the rotational movement.
- In the exhaust phase, the gases leave through the LE and the cycle is completed.
Knowing how the Wankel engine works and how it is composed, it is time to review its advantages and disadvantages.
From a general point of view, you should know that these types of mechanisms tend to produce less vibration and, therefore, do not generate as much noise. In the same way, it is a lighter engine, since it is made up of fewer parts and this means that it also takes up less space.
Thus, it is an engine that requires less cooling and is considered simpler from a mechanical point of view, since it dispenses with a series of parts that are essential in other engine models.
As for its negative aspects, although its manufacture does not imply a high cost, the same cannot be said regarding its maintenance. In addition, Wankel engines usually make a considerable consumption of gasoline and 5w30 oils. This represents an economic expense and also a source of pollution, since a significant amount of gases is generated during its operation.
Likewise, although they seem simpler from a mechanical point of view, it must be made clear that they only work if all the corresponding requirements are met. So there must be a high level of synchronization to guarantee the success of the mechanism.
Challenges: maintenance and contamination
Currently, the wankel engine faces various challenges. Although it has considerable potential not only for use in cars, but also in other mid- to low-end and lightweight machines, the issue of pollution remains to be resolved.
This is because, to develop a prototype engine that has a low polluting effect, the investment required is high and this prevents the corresponding models from having a lucrative demand in the market.
On the other hand, Mazda, one of the brands that knows the use of this engine, explains that it is very difficult to develop a car that has this part as its central element, but indicates that it can be used as an alternative engine for the main mechanism, especially if it is It is an electric type car.
Therefore, the practicality offered by this mechanical system is not completely ruled out, but it remains to be seen if it will evolve towards a more harmless presentation for the environment, with costs that allow it to be implemented by other large factories, to finally reach the hands of the users.