What should I know to acquire the best motorcycle alarm?

Motorcycles are vehicles that often attract the attention of thieves because they are more accessible to theft. To deal with these crimes, several protection systems have appeared, with alarms being one of the most effective. With the number of options available, you have to know how to search and make a choice based on greater security benefits.
The popularity of motorcycle alarm systems is increasing among users, as a prevention or early warning mechanism to deter theft of these two-wheelers, which generally tend to be more attractive than cars, because they are more light and easy to move.
Robberies the order of the day
According to some unofficial estimates, it is believed that a large part of the thefts that occur in Spain in relation to motor vehicles correspond to motorcycles. In this situation and seeking adequate protection for the vehicle, it is necessary to have an alarm device. Today, there are many makes and models available. Each of the alternatives offers different attributes and advantages that are adjusted to the particular requirements, while presenting different levels of security and being equipped with different sensors.
Therefore, before making a hasty decision, it is convenient that you know what features to look for, as well as what the advantages of each model are. All this will be tried to decipher below. In addition, answers will be given to the most frequently asked questions by users.
Don’t be alarmed, look for an alarm
It is true that thefts are the order of the day, but instead of going into despair, it is convenient to analyze the options and make an intelligent choice. Therefore, the first thing is to know that a motorcycle alarm is a system that, after being activated, will emit an acoustic signal if the vehicle tries to be moved in an unauthorized way.
These protection mechanisms are a preventive action against a possible theft, not a response. In other words, although they cannot necessarily prevent it from happening, they manage to issue an early warning and even foil the crime.
Simple operation
These systems work by connecting the alarm device to the vehicle. After installation, the alert sound will automatically be triggered when there are strong movements near the motorcycle or when manipulation is attempted, without having previously disconnected the alarm.
It is important to mention that not all models have the same operating system, being an essential requirement that its functionality be simple and its activation sensitive, but that, for example, it be able to discriminate the wind with a touch. Otherwise, it will spend the whole day activated.
Usually, an alarm system does not only include the device. The different brands present alternatives in kits. These are made up of the siren, motion sensors, controls or controllers, among other objects.
The most popular modalities
- Anti- theft motorcycle alarm: This model is compatible with Yamaha motorcycles, as well as with most models that work with 12/24 volt batteries. It is equipped with four-level adjustable shock sensors. When activated, it emits a 125 decibel sound and the flashing lights come on. Its price is cheap, less than 10 euros.
- Motorcycle alarm with GPS: Commonly cataloged as the best motorcycle alarm on the market (check this link for some purchase options), this alternative is integrated by a security system with a high degree of protection. One of the advantages of this model is that although it cannot prevent theft, it can track the location, thanks to the GPS system that is included in the alarm.
According to its operation, a GPS signal is emitted that goes to the computer or mobile that has been affiliated at the time of installation or will issue a notice to the company in charge of motorcycle safety. In any case, by having this information, you can contact the authorities to recover the motorcycle, since you will have the exact location of where the vehicle is after the theft.
- Spy motorcycle alarm: The Spy systems are alarms that have an easy installation process, which warn by means of a sound if there is any eventuality with the motorcycle. In general, they incorporate a control to activate and deactivate at a distance of up to 2 kilometers . From this control you can enable or close the starting system and, in some cases, the control can vibrate when the alarm is triggered.
Each of these alternatives is an appropriate option depending on the case and the security needs. Therefore, before making a purchase decision, it is necessary to make an analysis of the use of the two-wheeler, the hours that it remains alone and the place. With this information you can access the best alarm system for each case.
In general, alarm systems, whatever the type, are simple to install and include an instruction manual with the steps that must be followed to complete the process successfully. Not many tools are required, but a basic notion of electrical circuits and cables is necessary, since it will be necessary to make some connections to the board.
Therefore, if you do not feel confident to complete the installation, you do not have mastery of the parts that are included in the alarm system and, if the model does not include the instructions, then it will be necessary to go to a technician or professional who is in charge to carry out the process efficiently.
In this way, it will be ensured that the alarm has been correctly installed and that its operation will be correct to activate when there are suspicious movements around the motorcycle or when outsiders try to move the two-wheeler without authorization. Similarly, in a specialized center they will be in charge of adjusting the sensors and the rest of the components.