Opinions about GT Media V8 Nova

Main advantage:
This purchase alternative in satellite receivers has a stable performance in the reproduction of content, in addition to putting at your disposal useful functions to take advantage of the internet access you enjoy.
Main disadvantage:
Handling the device can be a bit confusing at first, especially due to errors in the translation of the text present in the interface, so you’ll have to get used to what each access takes.
Verdict: 9.6/10
With this receiver that GT Media offers you, you can take the quality of home entertainment to another level, providing your TV with a practically infinite source of content, be it movies, series, programs, etc.
Main Features Explained
team design
If you are looking for the best satellite receiver, you cannot ignore its design features, since, being a device that is connected to the TV, it is important to check details about its size, for example, to avoid inconvenience later..
GT Media V8 Nova is an option in receivers that could have everything you need to watch practically any TV channel from the comfort of your home. The equipment is black in color and stands out for having an orange stripe and an LED screen with white backlighting, to make it easy to read even if it is dark.
Regarding its size, the GT Media equipment measures 19.3 x 12.4 x 3.8 centimeters, making it one of the most compact on the market and its weight is approximately 798 grams, so you can easily handle it when installing it.
Formats and resolution
A satellite receiver is a device that, basically, is responsible for receiving the signal emitted by the satellite and decoding it, so that it can be reproduced directly on your TV screen.
Due to this, it is relevant to consider the supported formats and the maximum playback resolution as important characteristics, since they are a fundamental part of determining how well the content will look on your screen.
However, it should be noted that the receiver offered by the GT Media brand is capable of reproducing in the most used video scales, which are 4:3 and 16:9, avoiding cutting the images when reproducing them. In addition, it has a maximum resolution of 1080p, with which you can enjoy HD content at any time.
In addition to this, the receiver system is also capable of taking advantage of the conversion from PAL to NTSC, facilitating the support of the content by both the equipment and the TV.
integrated connectivity
The connectivity offered by certain satellite receivers can make a difference in making a purchase decision. The opinions of many users agree that the more link alternatives the device offers, the more flexibility you will have when deciding what to watch.
In this sense, the GT Media brand device could not leave high resolution aside, providing an HDMI port on the back where you can easily connect the cable to your TV. It also has a USB port, an Ethernet, an AV Out and, as an additional detail, it also has a built-in Scart input.
The aforementioned elements are those cataloged within the wired connection section, but the equipment also has access to Wi-Fi connectivity, providing a link without the need for cables for the use of the Internet and online content platforms.
system functions
The fact that a satellite receiver includes functions that others do not, can considerably raise its price and, sometimes, it is convenient to evaluate in detail the cost-benefit ratio, in order to choose a piece of equipment that is really practical, based on the needs you have. as a consumer.
In the case of the GT Media V8 Nova receiver, the aforementioned Internet access provides the user with network sharing, through which he can enjoy multimedia content on various platforms.
In addition to this, the team’s system also stands out for offering support to services such as Network Sharing, Google Maps, Yahoo News and many more, becoming a very useful tool to use on a day-to-day basis, whether for entertainment reasons, searching for information or simply browsing the internet.