What formats does Kindle read?

Kindle is the electronic book created by Amazon. It is a device similar to a tablet that allows you to acquire, save and read books in various digital formats. This device, unlike tablets, does not have a backlight, so reading is much more comfortable. Below is an explanation of the different eBook file formats supported by Amazon Kindles.
One of the first things that users notice is the formats that Kindle reads, since each model has the capacity to read one type of format. In this sense, although the files downloaded from the Amazon e-book store have an AZW3 format, which has been created expressly for the Amazon e-book. In this sense, the most normal thing is that when you buy a Kindle reader it has the capacity to read other formats such as PDF or MOBI files.
In this sense, one of the most common complaints about the Kindle book format is that it is not capable of reading EPUB files, a very popular format in the layout of digital books.
This causes some confusion among users when buying Kindle books. To help you understand all the file types and the most suitable Kindle book format for each model, we will explain the compatibility of Kindle ebooks and we will show you how to convert the different formats that are not compatible.
Formats supported by Amazon Kindle
Surely more than once, after downloading PDF books, you have wondered whether or not they will be compatible with Kindle. To start the list, we’ll explain the types of files that Kindle Paperwhites and other models read, and move on to common formats.
AZW: This is the native format created by Amazon, which is also known as Kindle Format 7. It has been developed expressly for their Kindle devices. In this case, AZW is the original format, used by Amazon Kindle 7 or earlier devices.
AZW3: This is the update of Amazon’s native format, which becomes Kindle Format 8, released in 2011 and is compatible with Kindles from the eighth generation, as well as Kindle Touch. It’s basically an EPUB3 file to which Amazon’s DRM has been added.
PRC: This electronic book format also has DRM protection, which protects against reading those who do not have a certificate of ownership.
MOBI: This is the Mobipocket ebook format, it is a free standard for book publishing that has been acquired by Amazon. It is not yet a proprietary format and can be read on Kindle as long as it is DRM-free.
PDF – Although not an eBook format, it is possible to convert PDF to Kindle so you can read it. This type of file can cause reading problems, especially when it has images, which makes it an inadvisable format and it is always better to convert it to other formats.
TXT: This is the basic plain text format of any file. It is not a format used for books, since it is too simple, but if you use TXT files to take notes, notes or anything, you can read them on Kindle.
OTHERS: In addition to the above formats, Kindle also supports DOC, DOCX, JPEG, GIF, PNG, or BMP formats. These are common formats in downloaded files, so it is always advisable to buy a Kindle that is capable of reading them.
Finally, we cannot forget the EPUB files that are not compatible with any Kindle and that it is one of the most common formats of electronic books. Luckily, it is possible to convert EPUB to Kindle very easily, thanks to some free applications.
How to transfer books to Kindle when they are not compatible
To convert non-compatible formats in the Kindle version of a book, you should go to Calibre, since this is one of the most used applications by users to manage their e-book libraries, either to change the format or to upload and Format your own eBooks. Caliber is available to download for free for GNU/Linux, macOS, and Windows.
Installation is very simple, since you only have to follow the steps that appear on the screen and since the application is very light, it will only take a few seconds. In this sense, the biggest complication you can find is knowing what model of eReader you have, something that is solved by consulting the technical characteristics of your device. However, this is an optional setting, so it’s not entirely necessary. To finish the installation, Caliber will ask you to choose an empty folder in which to save the books that are added to the program.
Once the application is installed, to change the format of a book, you must press the “Add book” button that is located in the upper right part and choose the type of file to which you want to convert, although you can select the type of file, Caliber recognizes it automatically, so it is not necessary at this point. Next, you choose the book from your computer and, finally, select the “Convert book” button.
At this point, a window of options for converting the book will appear. Although the application has many options, it is enough to select the format that we want to output, using the drop-down menu in the upper right. To finish the process, just press the “OK” button to finish the file conversion.
E-books can be uploaded to the Kindle through the Caliber app, from the free storage space that Amazon offers with each device, or by connecting the e-book to your computer, as no Kindle reader does not have a card reader (you can find it at this link some options to buy), so you will not be able to load the books from an SD card.
Now you know what ebook formats are compatible with Kindle and how you can convert unsupported formats in the easiest way possible, so you can enjoy your favorite Mexican drinks while reading on your Kindle Reader from your sofa.