
10 month old baby development

The 10 months of a baby’s life are an unforgettable stage for parents, since the infant’s development becomes more noticeable, being able to crawl freely around the house and communicate in a better way, pointing with his hands what he wants and indicating with gestures what you like and dislike.

The development of the 10-month-old baby is a very interesting phase, since the little one has improved his motor skills: he coordinates the mobility of his hands and feet to crawl, he picks up objects with his hands and holds them in them to manipulate them when playing.

In addition, the infant has begun to understand the meaning of some words and, although he still cannot speak well, he has the ability to point with his finger if any part of his body hurts or he wants a toy to be handed to him, for example. Similarly, the 10-month-old baby manifests the development of greater sensitivity in his reflexes, senses and even her body has grown, that is, he is taller and heavier. In this sense, the memory of when he was the height of a 3-month-old baby and his mobility was reduced has been far away.

Also, it is important to comment that the little one has begun to forge his personality, being more receptive to the people around him, smiling at them, hugging them, among other acts of affection. This happens because at 10 months the baby is able to recognize who is dad, mom and some close relatives, who are in contact with him daily. 

However, when a stranger approaches, the infant may be equally affectionate and jovial or, on the contrary, be awkward, reluctant, quiet, shy, upset and even rude. It is precisely at this moment that you can define what his personality will be like when interacting with others.

Despite the fact that the little one has achieved all this series of advances, there is still a long way to go in regards to his psychomotor development, that is, the acquisition of the basic and proper skills of the human being.

Likewise, there is the maturation of the central nervous system, responsible for these skills can be set and executed daily by the baby. 

Of course, for this it is necessary that the parents stimulate the ten-month-old baby with educational toys, as well as interacting with him frequently, teaching the name of the objects and living beings that surround him: table, dog, cat, tree, etc.. In this way, the little ones become familiar with this information and repeat it intuitively.

General features

Ten months after the birth of the baby, its development is completely noticeable. The frail-bodied newborn has begun to develop into a baby with increased strength in their arms, hands, legs, feet, trunk, and neck. 

In fact, the 10-month-old baby can crawl and move around the house, pick up objects that are in his path, express emotions more clearly when feeling pain, joy or frustration. Next, we explain some particular aspects about what a 10-month-old baby does.

motor skills

The motor skills of the ten-month-old baby is associated not only with the correct development of the central nervous system, responsible for the execution of muscular contractions, but also the mobility of the infant’s limbs is related to the development of his body.

For example, the weight of a 10-month-old baby corresponds to an average of 9.6 kilograms, which can be perfectly supported by his body, whose average height is 74 centimeters. At this time, the baby shows remarkable strength and agility to move from one place to another while crawling.

In fact, at month 10, many infants begin to want to stand up and some of them even manage to take their first steps, unsteadily and with little stability on the soles of their feet. 

However, with the help of parents or other family members, the little one gains confidence to continue trying and, thus, strengthen the muscles of the legs and improve his reflexes until he can walk.

In addition, 10-month-old babies show autonomy and control in their movements, so they can sit up on their own, while keeping their back straight and their feet extended.

language and senses

Baby ‘s 10 months brings with it changes in language comprehension and deeper development of the sense of hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch. 

The baby at this age hears what you say and understands it, being a good example of this when you ask him where a certain toy is, mom or dad. Immediately, the infant directs her gaze or points to where the person or object is. 

Likewise, he understands the denial and approval of the parents to carry out some action, since when hearing a “No”, we observe that he stops or at least shows fear of continuing with the action that he was going to carry out moments ago.

Also, the 10-month-old baby will make the typical sounds that you are surely used to hearing from him, but with the difference that he will begin to unite them, that is, he will no longer say “da”, but “dada” and, later, he attributes that word to some object.


Feeding 10-month-old babies is easier than during their first weeks of life, as they can now consume a diet similar to that of adults. This is because the little ones have some teeth, which allow them to grind solid food without much effort. 

In this sense, we refer to vegetables, meat, chicken, fruits, among other foods properly cut, so that you can put them in your mouth comfortably and without risk of suffocation.

In fact, the little ones at ten months have begun to eat by themselves, picking up the spoon and bringing it to their mouths. However, they are a bit unstable when handling the utensil and end up sticking their fingers in the food, getting dirty, so it is convenient to use some kind of bib, whose designs are varied and can be found in baby clothing catalogs.

The changes do not end here. The little one will quickly enter his last phase as a baby, to become a child in every sense; more autonomous and capable, therefore, it is worth enjoying this stage.

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