Having a pregnancy with period: everything you need to know

Probably, you have ever wondered if you could get pregnant while having your period and many think that it is impossible for this to happen. But, you should know that there is a small chance of getting pregnant in that condition and, if you do not want a child yet, then it is appropriate to use any contraceptive method to protect yourself, even with menstruation.
Many women consider that if they have sexual intercourse during their period they could never get pregnant, but it is possible. However, it is very important that we know our menstrual cycle to know when we are ovulating, since this process varies in each woman, even during each month the cycle can be different.
To refresh your knowledge, in this post, we will talk a little about what ovulation is, how fertilization can occur during menstruation and the symptoms you may feel, we will even tell you if you can be pregnant and menstruate at the same time.
ovulation process
The monthly bleeding that all women have is called menstruation, although they commonly call it a period or rule. With this bleeding begins your menstrual cycle, which you must be aware of to know your fertile days.
This bleeding is due to the detachment of the endometrium, when the egg has not been fertilized, and usually lasts between 3 and 5 days, although in some cases it can be two days, or extends up to 7 days, so if you happens any of these cases is normal and you should not worry.
Now, ovulation begins with a phase known as pre-ovulation, in which our ovaries secrete estrogen and the egg begins to mature, at the same time that the endometrium thickens. With the production of estrogen your cervix is stimulated and cervical mucus is generated, which is a great indication for women that they are in their fertile days.
For its part, the ovum completes its maturation between the 14th and 15th day of each menstrual cycle, being expelled by the ovary and conducted through the fallopian tubes until it reaches the uterus, thus ending the ovulation process, being these days when you you can get pregnant But remember that these are just estimates for regular cycles, as ovulation can vary and happen on day 13 or day 16.
Finally, if fertilization of your mature egg does not occur, it decomposes and is expelled from the uterus through vaginal bleeding. This phase is called the luteal or secretory stage, which occurs between day 16 and 28 of your cycle.
So, the menstrual cycle regularly lasts around 28 days, counting from day 1 of your period, although it is considered a normal cycle if it lasts 21 or up to 35 days.
Can I get pregnant while having my period?
Yes. There is a minimal probability of pregnancy during the period and it is due to the fact that there may be some change in our cycle, which generates an advance in ovulation, that is, that together with the period or the elimination of the previous mature ovum, there is a new one waiting. to be fertilized.
This is not common, but it is possible to happen, especially in women who have polycystic ovaries (PCOS), who have irregular cycles. So, if this is your case, we recommend that when you have sex with your partner during your period, you use a condom to avoid these surprises.
Now, if you are a woman with short menstrual cycles, that is, the ovulation process takes about 20 days, it could happen that a mature egg is released in the final days of your menstruation or immediately after it is removed., which would considerably increase the probability of getting pregnant during the period.
Can you lose your period while pregnant?
You took a pregnancy test and the result was positive, but suddenly you notice a stain on your underwear and you don’t understand what’s going on. You are probably worried because it could be a symptom that something is going on. And then nothing else happens, the bleeding stops and your pregnancy continues.
Well, you should know that this pregnancy and period of the first month is not really menstruation, but a slight spotting that is experienced at the beginning of pregnancy or during the first weeks after. This bleeding occurs because the embryo is implanting in the uterus and it only happens once.
How long does implantation bleeding last?
Implantation bleeding usually occurs in the first or second week after conception and is associated with menstruation, because it appears on the expected date of the period, so it could cause confusion in some women. But this bleeding is very mild and light, lasting a single day or even two, even in some it does not even occur.
Pregnancy and heavy period
Now, if you have already confirmed the pregnancy and you notice abundant bleeding, it is not a period, and it is essential that you go to your gynecologist as soon as possible, because it could be a miscarriage. Symptoms of miscarriage are:
Abundant bleeding.
Abdominal pain.
Severe cramps.
Intense pain in the back.
Loss of the fetus.
Can you lose your period while pregnant?
No. So, forget about the symptoms of pregnancy with a period, because that can’t happen. As we explained earlier, the bleeding that occurs in the first two weeks of pregnancy is the implantation of your fertilized egg in the uterus and that could confuse you, especially if you are a woman with short menstrual periods.
As you can see, it is not common, but it is possible that if you have unprotected sex during your period you can get pregnant. Although if your cycle is regular, these possibilities are minimal. Therefore, it is very important that you know your body and the changes that occur during the ovulation stage, so that you know your fertile days and you can avoid an unwanted pregnancy.
Also, as we have described, it is important to know that being pregnant it is not possible for your period to come down. If this happens, you should go to your trusted doctor immediately, because it may be an indication that something is not right with your baby.