
4 applications to synchronize hard drives safely

When we use several devices with the same files, such as conventional hard drives, external hard drives, SD cards or USB devices, it is not always easy to maintain proper synchronization between all of them. Obviously, it is not logical to have a copy of everything everywhere, but it is necessary to have both the latest versions of each file, in order to use space efficiently, and to have a centralized registry or control, so that we know where is each file.

It is important to note, before getting down to business, that we are not talking about making backup copies. And it is that this copy process is different from the synchronization. In a backup process we are only going to make a copy of those files and save it on a unit, in anticipation of a possible failure of the main unit. But when it comes to synchronization, what we are talking about is having that content with its latest versions, properly organized and up to date. So, having made this necessary clarification, we go on to see the options available to us to execute this file synchronization correctly.

My Briefcase, a classic that survives

My briefcase is a Windows tool that has already been in several versions between us and that has a very interesting utility to keep files synchronized. It is very useful for those users who need to work on several computers at the same time and do not want to complicate their lives too much, thus keeping the files updated both on the external hard drive or the memory unit that we move. as well as on the main hard drive on which we work.

The best thing about this option that includes Windows is that it is so easy to use that we will hardly need a few minutes to start it up. To do this, simply create a briefcase in the corresponding remote unit, using the context menu that appears on it when you right-click. Once created, we can change the name of the briefcase if necessary. Next, we will save the files inside the briefcase, it being preferable to do it from complete folders, in order to obtain better results.

Once all the content is loaded, we can now disconnect the device from the PC. At this time, we will have a copy of those files on the external hard drive that we can synchronize with the files stored on the PC or laptop by simply choosing the corresponding option. The best thing is that this process can be executed in both ways, so that we can create the drive on the external hard drive to synchronize the content of the PC or on the PC to synchronize the content of the external drive.

Allway Sync

Moving on to the commercial solutions sector, Allway Sync is one of the most interesting options at the moment. This program allows you to maintain proper synchronization between external and internal hard drives and other storage units. A model that uses a synchronization system that we can manage in the way that suits us best, so that the synchronization follows the principles or instructions that we have given it.

This process is very complete, so it not only synchronizes data, but also deletes, for example, those files that have been deleted from the original source. And to keep everything under control, this tool offers you both a complete synchronization history and a differential report, so it is easy to see what changes in each synchronization process and keep this procedure under control.


Synkron is another good option to run this synchronization process without too much hassle. A process that you will be able to control in each element, either from the folders that you want to be synchronized or when determining when each of those files should be modified. All this without forgetting the option to exclude files or recover deleted items if necessary.

As if all this were not enough, this application is also cross-platform, so that it can be used comfortably on both Windows and Mac computers. A complete application with a simple interface, which is finished off with all the necessary information so that you are aware of what the application is doing, thus making it easier to maintain the corresponding control of the process and know what is moving in each file.


As a last option, we present you with another free program that makes the synchronization process between devices easy. We are talking about FreeFileSync. An application with which we can establish the characteristics that this copy process must have, so that we reduce the copies to a minimum in terms of unnecessary files. In addition, it is a free software program, so that we will not have problems using it in any version of Windows.

One of the advantages of this product is that it uses dragging technology, so all you have to do is move files between drives to proceed with their synchronization. A synchronization that can be carried out through changes in date and time, changes in size or in other parameters that we have established.

This process can be managed through the use of scripts, so that we further automate the process in case of handling large volumes of data. And as if that were not enough, since we can work with different projects, we will also see those that have not been opened for a long time, to avoid forgetting that could translate into risks for our data.

The alternative, in the cloud

Although we have talked about ways to synchronize data on external hard drives and other physical units, an interesting alternative may be to use the cloud. Currently, we have services such as Dropbox or even Google Drive, which allow us to upload content to the cloud and, through specific programs, keep it properly synchronized and secure.

An alternative that, however, may have a cost in case we need a large amount of data. Although it is all a matter of seeing if the comfort and additional security that this solution offers us suits us.

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