
How to delete Facebook account

Facebook is one of the most popular and loved social networks in the world. However, its history has not been free of setbacks and, years ago, an error led to the leaking of data from millions of users. Due to this, there were not a few who were interested in knowing how to delete their profiles.


Entering Facebook is something that many people do automatically several times during the day and that is that social networks have something so attractive that, many times, you can waste more time than you imagine browsing through your photos, news and profiles.

As you can imagine, closing your account is not something that suits a company like Facebook, but the scandals that brought the service under global focus in 2018, due to the leaking of private data, led many of its users to They would consider, even for once, deleting their accounts from the social network.

Due to this and other causes, it was common for many people to use their internet browser to find out “how to delete Facebook account” or “how to delete internet profile”.

Closing a Facebook account should be easy, but accessing this function involves a series of steps that we can now review in more detail, whether it is to delete a profile or a page.

How can I deactivate the Facebook account?

If you want to know what you can do to disappear from Facebook, here we will indicate the steps you must follow to deactivate your account, either from a laptop or a desktop:

As expected, the first thing you have to do is log in to Facebook with your credentials, in order to access your profile. Next, look for the little inverted triangle at the top of the home page. When you click on it, a menu will be displayed where you must select the Settings and privacy option and then Settings.

When you enter this section, on the left you will find a menu full of options. On the third line you will be able to read Your Facebook information. Click here to display a new series of charms for settings. The last option corresponds to Deactivation and deletion, which you must choose so that the page is updated and now shows 2 options: Deactivate the account and Delete the account permanently.

In the Deactivate account option, Facebook will take care of removing personal data such as your name, photos, videos and a large percentage of the content with which you have interacted or shared on the web. However, it allows you to continue accessing the Messenger function.

The second option, Delete account, will focus on the total elimination of any content that has to do with your profile on the page, as well as the relationship with the contacts, so you will not be able to use Messenger. It is a more aggressive alternative, but safer than the previous one.

Select the one that suits you best and click Continue with account deactivation/deletion. When you do this, you will be prompted to re-enter your password and select the Continue option again.

These steps are also valid for deleting a Facebook account from a mobile phone, except that we advise you to access it from the browser and activate the web version, in order to follow the steps more easily.

How to download my information from Facebook?

If before deleting your Facebook profile you would like to be able to save all those photo albums and messages with your friends, you have a tool available on the same web page and the process is quite simple to do:

Follow the same steps to access the Account Settings section of the Facebook profile from which you want to download the information.

By doing this, you will again access the personal settings section of your account and you will be able to see a series of options on the left. Choose Your Facebook Information, to display a series of accesses to view or download the information of your personal account. Find Download your information in the list, and next to it, click View.

This will take us to a page where you can select which categories to include in your download request, be it data, photos, interactions, messaging, or anything else you’d like. You will also be able to determine a time interval that interests you in particular along with the format and quality of the content. Adjust everything to your requirements and then select the Create file option.

With this request, the Facebook team will prepare the required media information, so you can download a single file from the browser tool of your choice. In addition, when available, an email will be sent to notify you.

How to delete a Facebook page?

As in the previous case, to delete a page you must also access the account to which it is associated using the already established username and password, since the system can only grant deletion authorization to the Page Administrator:

 When you are in the News section, look on the left side of the screen for the Pages option, which is displayed in the Menu. Click here and this will take you to the page that is associated with the Facebook account.

Then, in the same section, look at the bottom for the Page Settings option, which will be accompanied by a small gray thread. This will take you to the General tab, where you will see the Delete Page option. Select this option and accept the dialog boxes that appear.

Before carrying out this process, you should know that 14 days must elapse from its “deletion” for it to cease to exist on the platform and if in this time you decide that you want to recover it, you can cancel the process by re-accessing the aforementioned sections. to the Page Setup and select the Cancel Delete option followed by Confirm and finish with OK.

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