How to remove junk from the system?

Junk files that accumulate just by using your computer can easily affect its performance, especially its speed. In order to keep it free of clutter and to be able to enjoy its true capacity, there are several tools that can be used easily, and even for free, to get rid of these types of files.
The computer is a tool that has become essential for day-to-day tasks, so its use has increased considerably. However, constant use causes junk files to accumulate which, if not removed by proper PC cleaning methods, can cause serious performance issues and even overheating .
Methods to free up space in Windows 10
If you are wondering where is the trash can in Windows 10 to delete junk files?, or you want to get rid of documents and photos that only take up space, in the following guide you will find effective methods for cleaning your computer.
– Free disk space
To know how to delete temporary files in Windows 10, you need to learn how to handle the tool called Disk Cleanup.
Launch any system window, Documents, for example, and in the list that appears on the left, look for the icon accompanied by the legend This computer. Clicking this will update the window showing folders and a section dedicated to Devices and Drives. Below it you can see the local disk that your computer uses to work.
When you find it, right click on the disk icon and select Properties. In this new window you will be able to see the Free space button and if you press it, you will be able to check the boxes of the files that you want to delete from the computer so that the program will take care of deleting them for you.
– Recycle Bin
The Recycle Bin is a storage section where files deleted by the user are stored permanently or temporarily , depending on the program’s settings.
Although it may not seem like it, there are many people who, due to simple forgetfulness or for fear of needing a file later, allow their recycle bin to be full of application data, personal files, old documents, duplicate icons, among an endless number of other things They just take up space. Consequently, when cleaning system junk, this bin is one of the first sections you should visit.
To empty your recycle bin , you simply have to position the pointer over the icon on the Windows 10 desktop, since it appears by default. Press the right click to display a window with options and select Empty recycle bin, a dialog box will appear to confirm and everything is ready.
– Browser data
To clean a registry in Windows 10 that you have made on any web page, you will have to do it from the same browser that you used to access that page. In this case, we will be guided by the Google Chrome browser interface.
Launch a new program window and click on the three dots located in the upper right corner. Select Settings and under the Privacy and Security section you will see the Clear browsing data option. Click here and a window will be displayed in which you will have to select the type of data you want to delete , and then press the Delete data button, wait for the process to finish and everything is ready.
– Old programs
Checking the list of programs installed on your computer from time to time is a very useful action to get rid of applications that you don’t really use and that are only consuming PC resources.
To access this listing, go to Start and click the Settings cog, which will open a window in the Apps & Features section. Here you can see all the programs that are currently on the computer, their installation date and since when you don’t use them.
When you click on one of them, two buttons will appear below: Modify and Uninstall. Choose the uninstall option for the ones you don’t need and accept the conditions that will appear in the dialog boxes to complete the process. Of course, be careful and do not remove things that you do not know what they are , since much of what appears in the list is installed by default and is crucial for the proper functioning of the OS.
– Download data management
Cleaning Windows Updates is also very important to prevent excessive cache buildup on the system. Taking advantage of tools such as disk space cleanup and emptying the trash can, you will be able to better manage those files that you have without a real purpose.
At the same time, we advise you to regularly visit your Documents and Downloads folder so that you can manually delete the multimedia content that you have already viewed, used or edited. These simple practices will help you keep your computer clean, fast and free of junk files.
Other alternatives
In case you prefer to streamline the process and cut down a couple of steps when cleaning your computer’s junk files, you can also choose to use an automatic PC cleanup program. You can find several options online both free and paid and with various capabilities, some of the best known being CCleaner, Slim Cleaner, among others.
In addition, it is also possible to program your computer to periodically clean temporary files, waste from the trash, cache and other documents or data that do not contribute anything to the operation of the computer, to save you both time and effort. However, it is necessary to point out that even if there is a program that can be classified as a computer cleaner, it will never hurt to apply methods such as those mentioned in the guide for a more effective and thorough treatment.