The 5 Best Video Consoles of 2022

Video console – Opinions, Analysis and Buying Guide
When choosing a game console, it is true that we do not have as much to choose from as it happens with other products. And besides, each manufacturer has its own fans, so that if we are among them, we will surely already have a decision made. In any case, it never hurts to take into account what these manufacturers offer in order to choose the video console that we like the most, both for technical reasons and for the gameplay options that it offers us. And if we talk about gameplay, the Nintendo Switch is the most outstanding game console of the moment. A product that we can use in portable or traditional mode, with the possibility of connecting with many other players as we wish and with a wide range of games. Something similar to what the PlayStation 4 Slim offers us, with which we can enjoy images in 4K format when playing, and can also play on multiple devices such as our PC, television or Sony Xperia mobile.
The 5 Best Video Consoles – Opinions 2022
Since the market has not received any major news for some time, when looking for the best game consoles of 2022, the list includes models already known to all. A list in which there is room for the three major manufacturers in the market such as Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft, who continue to improve their main products with some new features in line with the new times. Something that you will verify by taking a look at this selection with which it will be easier for you to decide which is the best game console to equip yourself with.
1. Nintendo Switch Console Color Neon Blue
Within the particular fight to become the best video console of the moment, the truth is that Nintendo has a certain advantage with its renowned Nintendo Switch. A model that has established a new standard in the market, with a game console that combines both the design of a domestic product and that of a portable one, allowing you to play anywhere.
But as if that weren’t enough, you can also play alone or with your friends, connected locally or on a network thanks to the multiple options offered by the device. A complete proposal that is finished off with a growing offer of games in which the classics of a lifetime are not lacking accompanied by the latest current games. So if we ask about the best current game console, surely this model has many ballots to take that honor.
If you don’t know which game console to buy and you’re in doubt between portable and traditional, the Nintendo Switch covers both options with high quality.
Dual console: With this model you can play at home and wherever you want, thanks to its dual functionality.
For one or two players : Thanks to the configurable game control system, the console is suitable for one or two players.
Connectivity: The high connectivity of the model makes it ideal to play with whoever you want, both locally and through the network.
Region Free: This game console has no region limitations, so you can play all kinds of games regardless of their release dates.
Autonomy: The autonomy of the game console is considerable, so you don’t have to worry about running out of power wherever you are.
Games : This set is among the cheap options since it does not include games, so you will have to buy them separately or choose one of the available lots.
2. PlayStation 4 Console Standard Edition
The presence of the Sony PlayStation 4 in our list was an open secret. And it is that this revolutionary game console continues to improve its functions to give you a more realistic and higher quality gaming experience. Something that is perceived in details such as its ability to reproduce images in 4K format with a high-level graphics engine. A product that also adjusts its dimensions compared to the original PS4, expanding its storage capacity to 1 TB, where you can store your games without having to resort to external drives.
And as if this were not enough, the product includes a new functionality via WiFi with which to transmit your games to another television or even to your PS Vita, your PC or your Sony Xperia mobile.
Considered by many users as the best current game console brand, let’s see more information about the model that is currently its flagship.
Image quality: If you want to play with a 4K image, this game console has the necessary graphics engine to do it smoothly.
Multi -device : This game console allows you to play on your PS Vita, your PC or Mac, your Xperia mobile or any other TV with WiFi connectivity.
Storage : This version is the one with the largest storage of those released, with a total capacity of 1 TB.
Accessories : This model has a single control, so if you want to play with more people you will have to buy another one separately.
Ventilation : It has a somewhat more limited ventilation than previous models, although it does not affect the normal performance of the device.
3. Sony PlayStation Classic Console 2 controllers
Sony PlayStation was the first video game console of the Japanese brand and was launched in 1994, becoming one of the most successful of the decade. Today, we present you with an updated version capable of generating nostalgia in adults who have had the pleasure of enjoying it in their time.
This video game console has a size of 23 x 10.1 x 22.9 centimeters and its weight is just 600 grams, being considerably smaller than the original, but respecting aesthetic sections such as design and color.
It has a total of 20 pre-installed games on the computer, which you can play by simply connecting the console to a monitor or television that has an HDMI cable input, which is also included with the purchase.
When in doubt about not knowing which console to buy, we present the pros and cons of a retro option:
Design: The console maintains the original aesthetics of the PS1 respecting lines, colors and details throughout the equipment.
Games: You can enjoy pre-installed games on the console, so you can experience your favorite titles again.
Cable: It is easily installed and you will have an HDMI cable available that is included free with the purchase.
Controls: It comes with 2 controls, so you can invite a friend to play and increase the fun.
Public: With the current options in video game consoles, this model aims more for nostalgia than for a superior experience in gameplay or graphics.
4. Nintendo Wii U Premium Console
The Nintendo Wii U video game console is the successor to the mythical Wii, which opened the world of active games to other manufacturers. A different model that follows the line of the Nintendo Switch in terms of combining portable games and traditional video consoles. However, this is not limited to seeing what happens on the screen on the controller, but this new controller adds new game options and creates a second screen on which to see what you would not see on the television screen.
A complete design that also includes better image quality in games, many of them reaching Full HD resolution. So you can enjoy all the gameplay of Nintendo with improved image quality compared to the previous model.
If you want to enjoy Nintendo games in your home comfortably, we leave you some more details about this model.
HDMI port: The HDMI port allows access to HD and even Full HD image quality, much improved compared to the image of the traditional Wii.
Wii U remote: The remote control of this console offers you new gaming possibilities, visualization and also the possibility of playing without having to have the television on.
Miverse : The Miverse system allows you to connect with other users and play with them comfortably through Nintendo’s online solution.
Control of options: The control of the game options is somewhat more complex than expected, so it should be taken into account.
Storage : The storage of the console is 32 GB, which can be somewhat scarce when it comes to storing a large number of games.
5. Super Nintendo Classic Mini Console
Within our list of the best game consoles of 2022, we also wanted to remember the retro segment. And in this case the chosen one is the Super Nintendo Classic Mini game console. A model that replicates the old Super Nintendo and that includes 21 pre-installed games that gave us so much fun in those days. Fun that we can share since the console includes two wired controls according to the design of the original controls of this product.
A complete console that we can use with current televisions, with an HDMI port and a USB socket so that it does not need plugs to work properly. And as if all this were not enough, the product is among the cheapest game consoles we have found, so it can be a good gift for that special occasion.
If we are looking for the best video console for value for money within the retro or more traditional segment, this model is undoubtedly a good proposal.
21 games included: The console has 21 pre-installed games including classics such as Donkey Kong or Super Mario World, among others.
Connectivity : The console includes an HDMI cable with which to connect it to any current television without problems.
Controls : The console is accompanied by two remote controls with a good length of cable, to play with greater comfort.
Power adapter: The product does not include a power adapter, which you must buy separately in case you need it.
Closed environment: Since the product has a closed environment, it is not possible to add more games to the 21 that we have mentioned above.
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Microsoft Xbox One X Console 1TB
Para que nuestra selección esté completa es necesario incluir un modelo de Microsoft, como es la Microsoft Xbox One X. Esta es la última versión de este modelo, situándose en la parte más puntera del mercado tanto por rendimiento como por capacidad gráfica. Empezando por el rendimiento, este equipo cuenta con una potencia un 40% mayor a la de otros modelos similares.
En el lado gráfico, el equipo incrementa su resolución de imagen hasta el moderno formato 4K, conforme a los dispositivos más actuales. Una potencia que se combina con interesantes funciones adicionales, como la de reproducción de Blu Ray o el uso en modo streaming, con acceso a las principales plataformas de la red. Y no podemos olvidar su sistema Live, con más 50 millones de usuarios entre los que buscar un compañero de juego.
Si eres de los que prefieren los dispositivos de Microsoft a la hora de jugar, este nuevo modelo de XBox es el último lanzamiento de la marca.
Potencia: El dispositivo cuenta con una tecnología mejorada con la que disponer de un 40% más de potencia que cualquier otra consola del mercado actual.
Calidad de imagen: Gracias a su motor gráfico, este modelo es capaz de reproducir tus juegos en calidad 4K de forma fluida y eficiente.
Función streaming: Esta videoconsola también puede utilizarse para reproducir contenido desde tu plataforma de streaming favorita.
FPS en formato 4K: Aunque el producto funciona en formato 4K, según comentan algunos usuarios este sistema tiene problemas para llegar a los 60 FPS, quedándose en 30.
Arranque: El proceso de arranque de esta videoconsola es algo más lento que el de su predecesora.
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