Types of animal abuse
It is widely accepted in the scientific community that animals bring many benefits to the physical and mental health of human beings, so it seems incredible that certain individuals commit acts of cruelty against animals, but unfortunately it happens, so it is worth discussing about this delicate question.
Addressing the issue of animal violence is not an easy matter, since it calls into question the characteristics of the society in which we live and the very nature of the human being. However, it is our duty to take responsibility for defining what animal abuse is, since the best way to combat it is to understand how it works, to have a clearer idea of how to avoid cruelty to animals.
Definition of animal abuse
There are many ways to subject an animal to inappropriate conditions, so it is sometimes difficult to know what is considered animal abuse. In this sense, there is no exact definition on this complex issue. In fact, the definition may vary in each country, not to mention that the concepts compiled in the laws do not always coincide with the common sense of the people.
A definition of animal abuse can be that action carried out by a human being that leads to the suffering of a wild or domestic animal, including physical and psychological pain. In this sense, it can occur outdoors where animals are free and are attacked by certain people, but also indoors when owners consciously or unconsciously attack their pets.
Main forms of animal abuse
The abuse of dogs, cats and other animals has many faces, in fact, some practices may seem harmless and yet include enough physical and psychological violence. This is why we have compiled information about the main types of animal abuse and exploitation.
1. Mistreated animals in the food industry
This type of abuse causes a lot of controversy, since a large part of Western society thinks that certain animals are at the service of human beings’ food, therefore, pigs, cows, chickens, lambs, chickens, among others. Others are not considered in the same way as dogs and cats, so they are used as simple objects in the food chain. In fact, many of these animals suffer different abuses from their birth until the moment they are slaughtered. For this reason, vegetarians are often against animal abuse.
2. Bullfighting
Some countries have advanced in terms of dogfights, cockfights and other practices that include money bets, however, in Spain bullfighting is still legal because it is part of the culture and tradition, so many Institutions continue to criticize this practice that necessarily implies cruel treatment and cruelty against the bulls.
3. Circuses
Although more and more circuses are eliminating their animal shows, it still happens that many include presentations in which animals are punished if they do not behave in the expected manner, not to mention that they are removed from their natural habitats and taken from a place to another where they have to constantly adapt. The good news is that many autonomous communities in Spain have created regulations to prohibit this type of circus in their territories.
4. Blood traction
The need for transportation is one of the causes of animal abuse. This is the practice in which the human being uses the strength of horses, donkeys and other mammals to transport heavy loads, which implies an overexertion of the animals, causing severe pain. Although it is prohibited in many countries, it still occurs, especially in rural areas with little supervision by the authorities.
5. Hunting
This is one of the oldest types of animal abuse. Currently, in some countries such as Spain and Chile sport hunting is allowed, however, this is only possible under certain conditions, since many species are in danger of extinction due to this activity.
6. Humanization
This is what we could call camouflaged animal abuse, that is, it goes unnoticed because it is considered harmless. It is about preventing an animal from behaving according to its species, forcing it to dress, eat, take a bath among other activities that are typical of the human being.
Laws on animal abuse in Spain
As we have said, the legal instruments of each region of the world have different concepts about animal abuse, therefore, the sanctions vary a lot. For this reason, it is worth reviewing how animal abuse is viewed in Spain.
Although there is still no specific national law against animal abuse in Spain, the civil code does incorporate as a crime in article 337 any procedure that unjustifiably mistreats an animal, including physical injuries and sexual exploitation, which would result in a penalty of 3 months to 1 year in prison, as well as special disqualification of up to 3 years for the possession of animals and the exercise of professions that have to do with them.
In addition, article 337 bis adds that abandonment on public roads is also considered a type of animal abuse. But it is important to clarify that this rule refers to domestic animals, so all those that live in the wild remain unprotected.
It is worth mentioning that in 2003 a party against animal abuse called PACMA was created in Spain, whose main ideologies are pacifism, environmentalism and progressivism.
Motor oil: A “cure” that mistreats dogs
As we have seen, having a pet at home is not only about buying cat food and wet dog food, but also requires responsibility. Many people out of ignorance mistreat animals without realizing it. For example, a common dog disease such as mange is sometimes attempted to be cured with burnt motor oil, however this has caused countless deaths. 5w30 oil or any composition is a derivative of petroleum, therefore, it is highly toxic to dogs, even more so if it is burned oil, not to mention the level of mistreatment it represents for the animal.