pregnancy week 34

While the birth arrives, the growth of the fetus advances gaining up to 250 grams each week and its lung development is practically complete; however, his immune system and his nervous system have yet to mature. Therefore, in the event of a preterm delivery, complications could occur with a survival rate of 90%.
34 weeks, how many months is that? In this case we refer to a gestation of 8 and a half months; so at 34 weeks of pregnancy the baby is already very developed and the mother must have a voluminous belly.
At week 34 of pregnancy, the vast majority of children have already adopted the position of being born; that is, they have turned in the womb and have placed their heads down, waiting for the moment to cross the vaginal canal. However, a concern of many mothers is what happens to an embedded baby and how long until delivery? It should be remembered that when a baby takes birth position it does not mean an imminent delivery. For this, all the conditions that the maternal organism in its wisdom can recognize must be given; such as the expulsion of the cervical plug, the rupture of the amniotic sac or the presence of uterine contractions.
Development of a fetus at 34 weeks
During week 34, the baby will continue to gain size and weight, while all its organs prepare to function properly outside the womb; especially the lungs and the brain. Likewise, both the central nervous system and the immune system remain in the process of maturation.
A 34-week-old baby has many similarities to a full-term baby. You have fewer wrinkles on your skin due to accumulated fat, you can also recognize your hands and feet and even an ultrasound at 34 weeks pregnant can show a child who can suck his thumb. In addition, the 34-week pregnant woman can feel rhythmic movements lasting a few minutes and that are related to the hiccups of the baby in her womb.
At 34 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s weight can be over 2,300 g and its size could reach 45 cm, considering its length from head to toe. Likewise, the baby’s hearing at 34 weeks increases its acuity, so it is advisable to read stories, sing, talk to him or play classical music; since various studies have revealed that this music can relax you.
Also, when it comes to male babies, normally at this stage the testicles are already housed in their respective scrotum.
Risks in the birth of a preterm baby
Unlike the heart, which begins its functions once fetal development begins; the fetus does not use its lungs during this entire process. While the child is in the womb, these organs are compressed and do not expand until the moment of birth, when air first enters them.
The child’s lungs are formed in the first trimester of pregnancy, but they do not complete their development until the 35th – 37th week of gestation has passed. Therefore, if a pregnant woman is at risk of premature birth or when the pregnancy must be terminated for any reason, the specialist doctor must take the necessary precautions to accelerate lung maturation.
In this sense, there are many risks related to the survival of the baby and its date of birth; The further away the estimated date of delivery is, the greater the possible complications that could arise. In particular, when delivery occurs at or below 34 weeks.
If a premature delivery occurs at 34 weeks, the chances of the child surviving are 90%. The most frequent complication that usually occurs in children is Respiratory Distress Syndrome. This problem is related to lung failure, specifically due to the absence or low amount of a substance called surfactant, which prevents the collapse of the pulmonary alveoli.
However, by applying the proper treatment, the survival rate is significantly increased and the development of chronic respiratory diseases is prevented.
The importance of lung maturation before 34 weeks
Although at 34 weeks of gestation, the fetus has practically completed the phase of lung development; There are cases in which the pulmonary surfactant is not sufficient to guarantee optimal functioning of the lungs. Hence the importance of applying the Fetal Lung Maturation technique with medications that prevent complications and respiratory problems. In addition, this ensures the survival of the child by 100%.
The treatment applied in these cases is generally injections of Dexamethasone or Betamethasone, effective corticosteroids that help stimulate the production of surfactant in the child and thus ensure that a baby of 34 weeks of gestation or less can breathe on its own.
Week 34 of pregnancy, discomfort and care of the mother
After 34 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s movements could be considerably reduced, mainly due to the size reached at this stage and the little space it has in the womb to move. Therefore, you can only turn to the right or left, or stretch your limbs a little.
Due to its development, the child finds its body in contact with the wall of the mother’s uterus; so the mother will be able to clearly feel her movements and even she will be able to distinguish if it is an arm, elbow or knee. In addition, at this stage, many of the mother’s organs are displaced backwards, causing pressure and discomfort in the lumbar region.
Likewise, it is normal for the future mother to have problems resting at night, since the baby is more active at night. For this reason, a recommended alternative is to use any of the pregnancy pillows (check some options by clicking on this link) available on the market, which adapts to your anatomy and promotes restful sleep.
It is also important not to neglect calcium intake, since a mother with a pregnancy of 34 weeks could have weak bones . This is because the fetus, for the development of its skeleton, absorbs a large part of this nutrient. For this reason, the woman should eat a diet rich in dairy products before delivery.