
vaginal discharge during pregnancy

The lack of information in this regard means that the presence of cervical mucus during pregnancy becomes a source of stress for women, since they do not know the real causes of its appearance, which leads them to make their own guesses, assuming that it is something bad for her and for the baby.

Vaginal secretions are part of the life of every woman and, even more so, during the gestation period. However, for a new mother-to-be, the appearance of discharge could be alarming, leading to the thought that it is an infection capable of affecting her condition and even causing an unfortunate loss.

In this sense, it is necessary for women to know that vaginal discharge does not have to be a reason for alarm, since not all these secretions are synonymous with something going wrong inside their body. In fact, some of them help purify it, in order to avoid infections at the matrix level.

As stated by health specialists, from the first months of pregnancy, vaginal discharge is usually considered completely normal. This is because pregnancy involves a series of hormonal changes, which cause women to expel abundant flow, constantly feeling the need to go to the bathroom.

Similarly, the flow of pregnancy in the first days is known as leucorrhoea, whose milky and odorless body is that of a thick white flow.

These are just some of the types of normal secretions experienced by a pregnant woman, which far from harming her, help protect her reproductive system. However, there are other mucus that could cause alarm if not treated in time, so you should stay alert and check the body, smell and color of the secretion.

Vaginal discharge: Increase and preventions

The flow of pregnancy in the first weeks can increase significantly, so it is necessary for the future mother to take some precautions, so that this alteration in her body does not become a nuisance during these months. In this sense, the most appropriate recommendation is to improve hygiene habits and be attentive to changes in said fluid. More details on this pair of skins below.

Cleaning of the genital area

Cleaning the genital area is vital, because if the woman allows this secretion to accumulate during the day in her vagina or underwear, a series of bacteria could be generated that cause a vaginal infection during pregnancy. In this way, not only the future mother would be affected, but also the baby.

For this reason, when the flow is less intense but equally constant during the day, the use of compresses with natural and hypoallergenic fabric is recommended instead of toilet paper since, when rubbed against the skin, it leaves microscopic particles that enter through the vagina which, added to body moisture, can cause infections.

In addition, every time the pregnant woman goes to the bathroom, and as long as the occasion calls for it, she should wash herself with plenty of fresh water and immediately dry herself. Let us remember that the accumulation of moisture, both on the skin and in the fabric of the intimate garment, is usually another powerful generator of germs.

Likewise, the use of protectors is necessary, so that the secretion falls directly on them and, therefore, the level of hygiene will be higher.

Changes in vaginal discharge

With the passing of the months of gestation, changes in the volume of vaginal fluid could be noticed, especially during the period closest to the moment of delivery. This happens because the mucous plug that is in the cervix begins to detach, so that the dilation process can take place.

This is a situation that could alarm the expectant mother since, sometimes, this flow is accompanied by blood. Of course, it is not really a total bleeding or hemorrhage, they are simply light threads of blood that stand out in the secretion, due to the abrupt detachment mentioned above.

How to recognize the type of vaginal discharge

Although we have already said that vaginal discharge is normal during the different stages of pregnancy, it is also true that, on some occasions, and depending on the type of discharge, it could be harmful to the health of the mother or the baby. Therefore, it is important to constantly check the secretion, to identify in time what type of vaginal discharge it is.

For example, green discharge in pregnancy or yellow discharge are usually indicative of the presence of a fungus. Similarly, these secretions are eventually accompanied by an intense and annoying odor. On the other hand, there is the brown discharge in early pregnancy, which reveals the presence of blood, being a more dangerous staining.

In addition, a transparent flow could arise in pregnancy, characterized by being dense and having a milky texture, which implies the rupture of membranes in advance, accompanied by vulvar pain in pregnancy, which indicates the approach of labor.

Whatever the case, it is recommended to go to a specialist to treat this pathology quickly before the end of the gestation period, because, sometimes, it is necessary to rest to avoid losses.

Also, the mother-to-be should keep in mind that she could experience a watery and transparent secretion, just after the end of the embryonic period. If this were to be the situation that afflicts her, she should not be alarmed, since it is a type of purifying flow, which is responsible for eliminating all dead cells, germs and bacteria, while protecting and lubricating the vagina.

Likewise, before suspecting pregnancy and presenting a menstrual delay and white discharge, it is necessary to see a doctor. Of course, you can also buy a pregnancy test through the web, since they are usually quite effective.

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