Casio FX-82ES PLUS Reviews

Main advantage:
With approximately 249 functions available, this is a scientific calculator if you are looking for a model that has pocket dimensions and has a flash memory of 16 MB and internal memory of 0.01562 MB. In addition, it allows you to have up to 21 characters on the screen.
Main disadvantage:
This model does not have any type of mode indicated for programmers, which allows to carry out works or exercises taking into account a numerical base such as, for example, binary or hexadecimal systems.
Verdict: 9.6/10
It is a good calculator for your children to take to school, performing most of the basic functions such as logarithms, sine, cosine, etc. In addition, it allows working with fractions and an improved visualization screen.
Main Features Explained
Operations method
Indicated for the institute, the Natural-VPAM scientific calculators are one of the best alternatives along with the VPAM or SVPAM. The Casio FX-82ES PLUS model is a scientific calculator with Natural-VPAM operations methods, referring to “Natural Visually Perfect Algebraic Method”, which means that with this equipment you will be able to perform mathematical expressions more naturally. For example, if you are looking to calculate the sin of 30, you would press “sin” 3 0 =; in this way, you will know the result easily and quickly.
On the other hand, the Natural-VPAM scientific calculators, in addition to having a higher price than the normal ones, have a high advantage over them. With this model, you will be able to take advantage of the two screen lines, which will allow you to visualize the operations in textbook format. This is really useful if you are interested in purchasing a scientific calculator for your children or a young student.
Based on the opinions provided by the most experienced users who already have this calculator, it is an excellent tool to reinforce what you have learned in high school, since its method of operation will allow you to see fractions, roots or integrals clearly..
functions and memory
Considered one of the best scientific calculators of the moment, with this tool you will be able to perform a large number of algebraic functions, which is why it is suitable for students and even professionals who want to have a versatile and highly functional calculator at hand. It has 249 mathematical functions to solve your simple and complex equation problems. You will be able to do regression analysis and it includes a very useful reproduction function to solve certain exercises. In addition, this tool will allow you to automatically calculate fractions and factorization of prime numbers, among others.
If you are looking for a scientific calculator with which you can do differential and integral calculations, this is your best alternative. With it, you will be able to work with random integers, in addition to having a table of functions. On the other hand, it has a flash memory of up to 16 MB, in addition to incorporating an internal memory of 0.01562 MB that allows you to store data from various equations performed. In this way, you will be able to save some calculations to give space to enter new numerical data and finally be able to join them or compare them with the stored accounts.
design and battery
It is a feature that, although many users do not take into account, it is important to take care of to guarantee that you will be able to take the calculator to the place where you need it. This model has a modern design made of resistant black plastic and with a removable gray casing made of the same material, with which you can protect the buttons and screen. Its dimensions are 8.95 x 2.06 x 18.85 cm and it weighs 230 grams, so you can easily carry it anywhere in your bag or briefcase. It has a large dot matrix display ideal for graphing and full visibility of up to 21 digits and 8 lines.
This pocket scientific calculator stands out for having a solar cell on the front that allows it to receive electrical charges for its operation, which is very useful, especially to prolong the life of the AAA battery that is incorporated. Therefore, it has two sources of energy, one by battery and the other solar. Also, in case the battery runs out of charge, you can easily replace it by removing the back of the calculator, which hides the battery compartment to keep the device more aesthetic.