No internet connection: how to solve this problem?

Not having an internet connection, despite being connected to Wi-Fi, can be quite annoying, especially considering the importance of wireless access to networks today and the number of operations that are mainly carried out online. Therefore, it is important to know what to do in such a situation.
Knowing how networks work
Internet access at home or in the office is usually based on a simple installation that takes advantage of the telephone connection of the home, to create an access point to the global network. This is accomplished by a device called a modem, which is plugged into the phone port, then via an Ethernet cable or router to provide access to other equipment within the area.
Routers, on the other hand, are devices that work in conjunction with the modem and basically convert the wired signal into a wireless connection point capable of broadcasting its signal up to a certain distance.
With the use of a router, it is not necessary to use cables to access the internet connection, which is why it has become one of the main devices for internet consumption, whether in domestic, public or commercial installations.
However, due to this, it is also usually the device that can cause the most problems at home. A TP Link router without internet access, for example, will require almost immediate attention, considering the importance of network access today to carry out all kinds of operations.
Most common reasons for internet connection failure
There are multiple variants why the internet might not be available on your connection, and below we will review some of the most common reasons why your device or PC connects to Wi-Fi but not to the internet:
signal strength
When you can connect to the hotspot, but you find yourself on Wifi with no internet access, most likely the signal strength picked up by your device is too low for normal browsing.
If you want to check its status, you can do internet speed tests or just check how many lines the connection icon shows on your device.
poor wiring condition
The poor condition of the wiring used in the installation is one of the most common reasons for a Wi-Fi network without internet, since the connection between the router and the modem is made through an Ethernet cable, which must guarantee a stable link without loss. of data.
saturated connection
If you notice that you have Wi-Fi connected, but no mobile internet access, the hotspot is probably overcrowded with users. Some routers can be affected if many devices are connected at the same time, even requiring a reboot to work properly again.
In conclusion, when this happens, it can either slow down the connection speed, drop completely or not allow access to new devices. Some bike computers, for example, can transfer the collected data via Wifi, but if you try to access the router’s saturated connection, the system will most likely throw an error.
structural locks
Walls, walls, doors, and even closed windows can be considered structural blockages that can leave you without Wi-Fi. Due to this, it is important to consider the location of the access point when installing it, since the solution is to move closer to it or to intensify the signal using a Wifi extender.
In case you come across the message “Wifi connection without secure internet” when choosing the access point, the router is probably misconfigured. In these cases, it is possible to restart it to take advantage of the initial setup wizard which, on most models, provides a guided installation that is easier to follow.
Methods to establish a stable internet connection
With the intention that you can avoid Wi-Fi connection problems, we have developed a series of tips and methods that you can apply at home or in your office, so that you do not one day find yourself with a Wi-Fi connection without internet:
Choosing the right router
To avoid Wi-Fi problems, one of the main requirements is to choose the right ADSL router, depending on the utility that is going to be given to the equipment.
That is, you must select the model to buy taking into account its connection capacity, link, encryption methods and security. As well as, of course, your signal range; making sure that it can encompass the entire living space in your home.
Modem Installation
When installing the modem at home, you should make sure that you use the correct cables in the correct ports, as well as check that they are in good condition. A single pin that does not have a good connection with the device can affect the operation of the entire system.
connection management
Practically any modem and router available have an access interface through the IP address, to enter the entrails of the equipment and know details about its performance, including the connected devices.
If you notice that your connection slows down, check this list to make sure there are no intruders on your network. If so, block their IP and change the access password.
device location
It is very important to carefully choose the location of the router when installing it, considering that its signal can be interfered with by objects, walls and the same distance. Based on this, we advise you to take into account where your PC or your room is, for example, in order to install the router close enough and with the least amount of walls in between.
router installation
Another aspect that you must take care of to avoid being without internet access in Windows 10, MacOS, Linux or another OS for PC, is the installation of the router.
Fortunately, many models include software with easy-to-follow prompts and auto-installs that take care of step-by-step setup, so you can set the network parameters you want.