Tricks to schedule automatic shutdown in Windows 10

Although Windows is one of the most advanced and used operating systems in the world, it does not provide the automatic shutdown option for the PC by default. However, there are ways in which this action can be programmed so that the computer turns itself off when needed.
Today the PC is a machine that is used for endless tasks, being essential in many cases. Those who work in them are usually familiar with what it can take to download large files, upload a video or any editing process. In this sense, if you are an assiduous user of computers, probably on more than one occasion you have needed a PC timer that you can program so that it takes care of deactivating the computer for you.
This is because, in some cases, some action can take several hours, so many are interested in knowing how to schedule an automatic shutdown , so as not to have to spend hours waiting for the computer.
Although it may be surprising, Microsoft has not included this function directly within its basic tools, so programming the shutdown in Windows 7 or in any of its other versions must be done through programs from the same OS or from third parties.
How to activate the shutdown in Windows 10?
Since you have been interested in learning how to shut down Windows 10 automatically, we tell you that you can configure a task so that the system recognizes it as part of its basic functions. This is achieved through the Task Scheduler ; the tool with which you can generate automatisms in Windows.
1. Start Task Scheduler
To use it, go to Start and click on the Windows button. Once the menu is displayed, type “Task Scheduler” on the keyboard. This will return a single result and when you see it, you will need to press the Enter key to execute it.
2. Create and describe the new task
When it starts, you will find yourself in front of a window in which you will be able to see a list under the Actions section. Here you must display the section that is under Task Scheduler (local), and then click on Create basic task and display a new window.
In this part you can choose the name you want the automation to have. By default, we’ll use Off, so we can find it more easily when we want to change the setting. In the lower section you will be asked for a description of the task and here you can edit the particular actions that the PC will follow to deactivate. Once you have everything ready, click Next.
3. Schedule homework time
Within this new section of the task configuration you will be asked to select the frequency in which the action will be repeated which you will determine later. You can choose between alternatives such as daily, weekly, monthly, once, among others. Check the Daily option and click Next again.
Now you need to determine the date and time you want the new task to start running. Here you must carefully enter what time of day your PC will turn off by itself, so we advise you to select one in which you do not use it normally, to avoid any inconvenience or accident.
In the lower section you must choose how many days you want the action to be repeated, so if you enter a 1 in the box, the equipment will turn itself off every day. When you’re done, continue to the next step by selecting Next.
4. Determine the action of the task
Now that you have configured the activation cycles of the task, you will have to choose what action the computer will take when starting a new cycle.
Below the “Program or script:” section you will find a blank space with a Browse button right next to it. Click on it and this will bring up a small window where you need to navigate to the System32 folder.
Commonly, the path to find it is C:\Windows\System32 , where C: represents your hard drive. When you are inside the folder, look for the shutdown.exe application in the list. Select it with the pointer and click Open. This will return you to the previous setup window and you will now be able to see the address of the application by filling in the box under Program or script.
To finish, you only have to click Next and then Finish. This will generate an automatic action in the computer that, every day and at the same time, will take care of turning off the computer on its own, so you don’t have to worry about it.
Schedule timer to shutdown in Windows 10
When you’re looking for a program to turn off your PC at a certain time, but you don’t want to get too complicated, you can use a timer to turn off your PC.
To activate it, you will have to do it through a command that is entered in the Run program . To use it you must click on Start and write the word Run in the search engine. When it appears, press Enter and it will display a small window where you will have to enter the following command: shutdown –s –t [number] .
In the space inside the brackets, you can indicate the time in seconds remaining to shut down the PC automatically. For example, if you want it to shut down in an hour, the command would look like this: shutdown –s –t [3600]. Once you have entered it, press Enter again and you will see that the computer turns off by itself in the determined time.
As you can see, you have several useful and customizable alternatives to automate the shutdown of Windows on your computer, so you only have to spend a couple of minutes configuring them and thus you can stop worrying about being on the lookout for your PC every night before going to sleep.