
What is a DLC and how does it work?

In the world of video games there are many DLCs, some free and others paid. The Witcher 3 was one of the titles that offered the most free DLCs. One of the best was their Blood and Wine update. Another standout was the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey DLC: Legacy of the First Blade and GTA Online: The Cayo Perico Heist.

What does DLC mean?

Quizá te preguntes qué significa DLC. Básicamente, es un contenido descargable que no viene con el videojuego base, sino que deberás comprar aparte, aunque algunas veces lo encontrarás gratis. Esto último depende en gran medida del videojuego y la empresa que lo ha desarrollado.

Un DLC puede incluir actualizaciones de armas, ropa, comida, niveles de dificultad, misiones, etc., por lo que disfrutarás de contenido nuevo respecto a un mismo videojuego. Normalmente, si el archivo DLC es de tipo campaña o modo historia, puede jugarse por separado, sin tener que pasar el videojuego base. No obstante, te recomendamos que pases los juegos antes de jugar un DLC determinado, pues este podría tener un nivel de dificultad muy alto, así que requerirás bastante experiencia.

Por otro lado, ten en cuenta que después de pagar y descargar el DLC en tu PS4, la consola lo instalará automáticamente, así que no te preocupes, ya que es una tarea sumamente fácil. De esta manera, contarás con juegos DLC en pocos minutos, dependiendo de tu velocidad en cuanto a Internet.

DLC digital vs físico, ¿cuál es mejor?

Anteriormente, eran más comunes los DLCs físicos, pero con el paso del tiempo han quedado en desuso, ya que las nuevas consolas ofrecen tiendas virtuales donde puedes descargarlos e instalarlos automáticamente.

Por supuesto, aún se pueden encontrar en formato físico algunos DLCs, por ejemplo, Infamous First Light, Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare y GTA IV Episodes of Liberty City. Esto es porque se pueden jugar aparte, es decir, sin necesidad de tener instalado el videojuego base.

DLC Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: Legacy of the First Blade

If you don’t know what a season pass is, this could be a good example as it is the first DLC included in the season pass.

Keep in mind that the season pass is usually a compilation with various DLCs, but it can also be considered as an expansion for a certain video game. In this case, the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Season Pass includes Legacy of the First Blade, The Fate of Atlantis, and Assassin’s Creed III Remastered.

In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey we can play with Alexios and Kassandra, who will have to meet Darío, a man who wears the traditional clothes of the assassins, as well as the hidden blade. The latter is the weapon that only assassins should have.

The story of the DLC takes place in the year 435 BC, specifically, in the midst of the Peloponnesian War. In history you will have to go through markets of the time, historical monuments, seas, cities, islands, etc.

The Witcher 3 Blood and Wine DLC

This DLC offers you more than 20 hours of gameplay and is available for PS4, PC and Xbox One. This time you will enjoy Toussaint, a very beautiful place inspired by the lands of northern Italy and southern France. Also, it is a DLC with new characters and knights capable of giving their lives for Duchess Anna Henrietta.

Similarly, this DLC has a unique adventure that you can play apart from the base game or the Hearts of Stone DLC, which has also been one of the best updates for The Witcher 3.

DLC for GTA Online: The Cayo Perico Heist

As many were expecting, the new GTA Online DLC will be available on December 15, 2020. Cayo Perico is a beautiful island where parties and crimes will be very present. There you will not only see El Rubio’s drug empire, but also beautiful landscapes with palm trees on the shore of the beach, legendary music producers, as well as new vehicles.

DLC for Lego

If you like Lego Ninjago sets, Marvel, Worlds, Star Wars, etc, you may be interested in knowing some DLCs for featured video games. For example, on PlayStation consoles (in this link you can find several products to choose from) there are several packages available, one of them is the LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Season Pass, which offers 6 level packs and 4 character packs.

Other Lego DLCs are Star Wars: Rebels Character Pack and LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Asgard Pack. Each pack offers various characters that do not appear in the base game.

How to share PS4 DLC with a friend?

Luckily, the PlayStation 4 console allows you to share video games, DLCs, season passes and, in general, everything you’ve bought from the PlayStation Store. However, you can share only with another console, that is, in total you can play the same titles on your PS4 and your friend’s. Until now it is not possible to share PS4 DLC or complete video games with 3 or more consoles.

In order to do this, you must open secondary accounts on each console. For example, if you’ve purchased multiple DLCs with your account, your friend will need to log in and download the content you’ve previously purchased.

How to download a DLC for Xbox 360?

If what you have at home is an Xbox 360, don’t worry, because it also allows you to download and install DLCs. Simply turn on both the TV and the console and connect the console to the Internet via cable or WiFi. Then, go to the video games tab and move around it using the left joystick of the controller.

Press the “A” button on the game you want to install the DLC for. A window will open with several options, you just select the downloadable content you want to install. The download and installation will take a few minutes, depending on the size of the DLC. Later you can open the video game in question and enjoy the new DLC.

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