Makeup for green eyes: how to take advantage of them?

Having green eyes is an advantage that brings great attractiveness to the look. This shade is only present in 2% of people; so it is worth making the most of their rarity and learning how to make them up, highlighting all their color and beauty.
Much of the appeal of green eyes is due to their rarity. There are no reliable statistics or studies that reveal the prevalence of this color in people. However, some sources dare to mention that only 2% of the population has green eyes.
Within the types of green eyes there are some variants, so we see bluish green eyes, greenish honey eyes, dark green eyes, greenish brown eyes and also green eyes with a more or less yellow pigmentation. However, regardless of the tonality or nuances they have, it is important to learn how to make up green eyes to get the most out of it.
Tips to choose the most suitable shade
First of all, to choose the shadows for green eyes, it is essential to know how to differentiate a makeup for blue eyes from a makeup for green eyes. Although in both cases it is about light eyes, the shadow palette to be used must be different.
Green eyes have their opposite tones , as the color wheel shows us. For this reason, to learn how to apply makeup well, you should choose contrasting nuances, since they can enhance the color of your eyes without stealing the spotlight from your eyes. In this case, the opposite tones and the great allies to enhance the beauty of green eyes are warm and reddish tones.
In this sense, we have that brown tones with their nuances such as reddish browns, intense chocolates and beige tones, are recommended to highlight the beauty of any person; especially if it is a brunette with green eyes.
In the case of a green-eyed blonde or a green-eyed redhead, they can attract attention by using makeup where purple and lilac tones predominate. These shadow colors intensify the color of the eyes and even better, when combined with a beige shade that works as a highlighter. In these cases, beige is applied under the eyebrow and in the tear duct.
Likewise, metallic tones, whether in the range of copper or gold, are appropriate to give greater light and depth to green eyes . Similarly, grays in dark tones are suitable to define the look.
The importance of using eyeliner and mascara
Eyeliner is an option to complement makeup and it’s no different for green eyes. Therefore, it is essential to learn how to paint your hairline and choose the most convenient colors. In this case, brown tones and earth tones are recommended. You can also create a very attractive look with dark greens and blacks. When you apply a darker shade to demarcate the contour of your eyes, you are making them look brighter, while deepening the look.
However, if you are looking for a natural makeup for green eyes, without the hardness that a black eyeliner provides, you could use shadows in shades of bronze or gray, to achieve a softer effect. But if the makeup is for the evening, beauty experts recommend using a dark metallic green pencil.
On the other hand, wearing mascara is essential, whether day or night; regardless of whether it is green and brown or blue eyes. The mascara lengthens the lashes and shapes them, providing a perfect frame for the eyes and making the color of the eyes stand out above the colors of the shadows. Green eyes can wear mascara in shades of coffee and brown.
How to do eye makeup for a special occasion
Next, we present a step by step so you can learn how to make up green eyes for a special occasion.
Step 1
Once you have prepared the skin with its respective base, concealer and powder; proceed first to outline the upper line of your eyes, using a metallic green eyeliner pencil with a soft texture (you could also use a turquoise pencil). Next, fill in the mobile eyelid following its natural curvature until it slightly exceeds the end of the eye socket.
Step 2
As in this case we are going to use a pencil instead of shadows, it is possible that the finish will not be uniform. For this reason, it is advisable to blend with your fingers; giving light touches in order to achieve a homogeneous appearance.
Step 3
In order to avoid a finish with a very defined contour, which would detract from the elegance of the makeup, it is important to blur the line where the color ends with an angled brush. This way you will be achieving a more professional finish.
Step 4
Now, to add extra light to your eyes, add golden shadows; This color favors the make-up to light up. You should only apply them carefully in the tear area and in the center of the upper eyelid.
step 5
After applying the color to the eyelid, then use an eyeliner to frame the eyes. Glide the pencil along the lower lid line, either very close to the lashline or along the outer edge. This adds intensity to the look.
Step 6
Finally, it only remains to cover your eyelashes with a mascara; apply several times from roots to ends. You can choose a brown or black mask.
Tricks to bring out the green in your eyes
A trick used by professional makeup artists is to use black and gray shadows to create a smoky effect. Remember that dark tones accentuate the green of the eyes, making them appear lighter.
On the other hand, not only the nuances chosen in makeup for green eyes are important, the color you use in clothing is also key. In this sense, garments in shades of green help to enhance the attractiveness of your look.
Likewise, do not ignore the importance of a flattering hairstyle . Ideally, you want a style that keeps your hair away from your face. The idea is that your eyes are the true protagonists of the look and can shine in all its splendor.