How to solve incompatibility when sleeping with a partner?

Sleeping with a partner should be, according to movies and books, the best thing in this world. However, when this is not the case, it is necessary to find ways to achieve better rest that do not involve leaving the relationship behind. With these small solutions to everyday problems you will achieve the restful sleep that you and your partner so much need.
Sleeping is one of the best moments in the whole day. You get to rest and get rid of stress, it allows you to wake up with a lot of energy to face a new day and, furthermore, few things compare to the relaxation you get from lying down in a comfortable bed. In addition to that, having a good sleep rhythm is necessary for our health. This keeps us focused, psychologically healthy and gives us a better routine.
Sleeping with a partner should be all this and much more. Most of the time it is, because the couple obtains all the benefits of sleeping and, additionally, both enjoy a romantic and intimate moment that makes them have an incredible closeness. Nothing should disturb your sleep or that of your partner. However, what happens when sleeping next to your loved one does not bring the benefits you expect? What to do when your sleep is affected by the rest of the other? It is necessary to make some changes.
Incompatibility at bedtime
There are unique characteristics that each of us have that set us apart from the rest. The way we talk, eat and even sleep influences what makes us who we are. When living with your partner, you will notice that they have different habits in different aspects of life and, although this should not necessarily be negative, many times it is not positive either.
Most of the time, these discrepancies are usually easy to deal with and can also change, but in the case of sleep, this is not the case. Nobody controls the way you sleep and if there is an incompatibility between the two people, then there is no way to change this, it only remains to adapt to it. 1 in 3 Americans have stated that her partner negatively impacts their sleep routine, so if this happens to you, you know it’s not uncommon.
Some problematic aspects are frequent snoring, theft of the blanket in the middle of the night, constant movements, lack of space, the use of electronic devices to fall asleep, etc. However, it is possible to have a solution to everything, or almost everything.
How to improve rest?
1) Controlling snoring:
Snoring, although quite common, can disturb anyone’s sleep if it is too loud.
It is normal for this to happen sporadically, but when it is constant, something needs to be done about it. Wearing nasal strips, sleeping on your side or stomach, maintaining adequate humidity, and drinking plenty of water can all help to minimize the force of snoring.
2) Using separate blankets:
They say that sharing means loving, however, sometimes, it is better not to do it. It is possible to sleep with your partner without having the same blanket or the same pillows. In fact, it’s easier to fall asleep if you have your own pillow and blanket. This will make your movements affect only your blanket and not that of your companion, and will also prevent someone from falling off the pillow.
However, if you prefer to have the same blanket and pillow as your partner, then aim for both products to offer approximately 30 to 50cm to spare on each side of the partner. This way, no matter how much you move, it will be more difficult to make the other person uncomfortable.
3) Getting more space:
Many enjoy sleeping in their arms but, on the other hand, there are those who cannot stand it, either because of the heat or because they feel suffocated. The simplest option is to simply not touch each other while sleeping or put up a barrier of pillows, but if that doesn’t solve your problem, sleeping in a queen or king bed will give you more room to move.
For more drastic solutions, using two single mattresses may be the solution for you.
4) Acquiring a memory foam mattress:
A person, on average, moves about 40 times during the night. Imagine how much more if she fell asleep being restless or if she feels uncomfortable. It’s really hard not to notice your partner’s movement when you’re only a few inches apart, and it’s also hard not to get frustrated that you can’t sleep because of it.
Fortunately, it is possible to stop noticing these constant movements if you have the right mattress to help you with this. Buying the best viscoelastic mattress of the moment can save you hours of insomnia, since the foam of this type is designed to adapt to the person’s body and then take its original shape again.
In other words, the mattress adjusts to the movements of the sleeper and, in addition, manages to absorb these constant changes of position to avoid disturbing the other person.
5) Wearing sleep masks:
That your partner needs to keep the light on, watch TV before bed or read a book can cause problems, however, they are habits so difficult to break that it is easier to never sleep than to wait for your partner to fall asleep without what they need.
To avoid having to deal with light, a cheap and easy solution is to buy a sleep mask that blocks light and allows you to rest without problems.
6) Reaching midpoints:
If your sleep habits aren’t completely necessary or can be changed so they don’t affect your partner as much, try talking to them to find a middle ground. Communication is important and both the trust between you and the quality of sleep will improve.
7) Sleeping apart:
If despite trying everything, you still can’t sleep together comfortably, then the solution is to sleep apart. This will not make you love each other less and it is not a bad thing either, as many people do it. Just making time for each other before you fall asleep and going to different beds or rooms shouldn’t be a problem. In fact, sleeping well can give you the missing energy and a strong mind to love yourself much more.