Opinions about Cisa AP4S

Main advantage:
The Cisa cylinder offers a wide variety of locking systems that increase both the resistance and the safety of the equipment and, therefore, of the lock in general.
Main disadvantage:
The keys that are included with the purchase of the security bowler do not have an ergonomic head, since the entire structure is metalized and this could be a bit uncomfortable to handle.
Verdict: 9.5/10
If you want to replace your security bowler or install one on your new armored door, we recommend evaluating the advantages offered by this Cisa product.
Main Features Explained
bowler type
The security bowlers are relevant elements for the security of your entrance, since these are the ones in charge of allowing or not the opening of the door. Before choosing which bowler you are going to install or replace, you must first check what its type is and thus you will avoid inconveniences when you want to mount it.
Cisa is a well-known brand in security locks and cylinders, so its AP4S model is an attractive option. This barrel is made of nickel, offering the usual advantages of this material in order to guarantee a long useful life and resistance to wear or oxidation.
Regarding its system, it should be noted that it is double clutch, which is beneficial in case you have forgotten the key stuck to the other side of the bowler, since this will not block the rotation of the internal cylinder.
On the other hand, knowing that each cylinder works independently, you must take into account that each one has a length of 35 millimeters to form a 70-millimeter cylinder, a detail that you must consider when deciding whether or not it is compatible with your door.
security methods
The opinions of the users indicate that today it is relevant to evaluate the security methods with which the bowler hat you are interested in buying works. The presence of some may increase their price a bit, but this should not have too much relevance in terms of the security of your home.
Taking into consideration Cisa’s AP4S security bowler, this model offers a total of 5 locking methods to prevent thieves or outsiders from entering your home by forcing the lock.
Specifically, the bowler has an anti-bumping system against modified screwdrivers and keys, anti-breakage and anti-drilling due to a reinforced internal bar made of steel, and anti-extraction thanks to a bi-material steel core also patented by Cisa.
All these mechanisms considerably increase the difficulty if you want to force the lock in any way, since the tools mostly used by thieves when trying to enter homes or businesses around the world have been taken into account.
keys and copies
Even if you have the best security bowler installed at home, it won’t really be practical unless it works flawlessly with the included keys. For this reason, we advise you to review the features of the wrench set to determine how ergonomic or reliable they are.
The set of keys that has been included with the acquisition of the Cisa bowler is made up of 5 reversible insertion units, so that you can put them in the bowler regardless of their orientation. In addition, each one has its respective security code engraved on the head to prevent unwanted copies.
Which also leads us to mention that the set of keys can only be duplicated if the security card is presented to the manufacturer. This in order to prevent anyone from making a copy without first having been authorized by the main user.
Product Installation
One aspect that not everyone takes into account when choosing a security bowler is the type of installation, so it is common to find cases of customers who have had to modify some part of the bowler to be able to mount it in the lock. If you want to avoid this kind of hassle, you may want to review the installation information before deciding which model to buy.
In this case, as indicated by users, the installation of this bowler is relatively simple if the steps indicated in the instruction manual are properly followed. Likewise, its compatibility with security shields is also highlighted to increase the difficulty when you want to access the internal mechanism of the lock.