Live a better driving experience with motorcycle helmets with augmented reality technology

Day by day there are more brands that, in their eagerness to stay current in the market, choose to incorporate advanced technology into their products. In this sense, they offer the consumer a better experience at the level of operation, which is ultimately what every user wants.
Motorcycle helmets are an example of this situation. If you take a few minutes to review the purchase catalogs of this type of accessories for motorcyclists, you will be able to verify the evolution that they have had over the years.
Initially, helmets were presented as a structure capable of protecting the driver’s head, preventing injury in the event of an unexpected impact when traveling on the road. Also, this safety accessory was designed to prevent the air from blowing dirt into your eyes. Later, the manufacturers improved the models by printing color, volume and greater cushioning inside. In addition, they improved the ventilation channels and even incorporated special treatments on the visor, for a better view of the road. Without a doubt, they are great advances that for years have satisfied the needs of the most demanding users.
High-tech equipment for motorcyclists
Currently, many brands have decided to join the technological revolution, turning traditional helmets into intelligent safety equipment, being devices capable of putting augmented reality at your fingertips, which many consider promising and flattering when driving.
Motorcyclists are the most vulnerable sector when traveling on the road, because their body is exposed to the elements and any friction or impact has greater consequences than for those who travel in a car. This is one of the reasons why Argo Transform has decided to focus first on well-known two-wheelers, thus developing augmented reality technology that favors the use of their safety helmets. Next, we tell you a little about the proposal of this company of Asian origin about the best motorcycle helmet:
Argon Transform
Argon is a company that originated in Singapore and whose prototype, presented at CES Las Vegas, focuses on turning any type of motorcycle helmet into a smart piece of equipment. For this purpose, the developer uses a device whose operation is based on augmented reality.
It is a kit made up first of all by a HUD, a device that displays information organized through icons on the screen. Its placement must be carried out in the area of vision of the helmet, that is, in the front part. This piece incorporates a camera, headphones and microphone.
On the other hand, we have a second module or Dashcam to install on the back of the helmet. In this component there is a support and a removable area that incorporates the software developed by the brand, which allows the conversion of a traditional helmet to a smart helmet. Likewise, it attaches a second camera that fulfills the function of projecting towards the front HUD.
We cannot fail to mention the practical remote control offered by this model, designed to be placed quickly and safely on the motorcycle’s handlebars. The best thing is that its use is intuitive and that it does not take up much space, so it will not interfere when driving.
Advantages and disadvantages of Argon Transform
This technology offered by Argon Transform is very similar to that offered by other brands, but its greatest attraction is the level of compatibility with any type of helmet. In this sense, it offers us the possibility of converting our traditional safety helmets into intelligent equipment that will help us improve the driving experience.
Among other attributes to highlight, we have the operating modes that Argon Transform has at our disposal. It is a GPS system, the possibility of playing music and answering any incoming call, since the device can be linked directly to your Smartphone. Likewise, it provides a black box type recording and, thanks to its rear camera, you will be able to constantly monitor your surroundings in real time.
Among the possible disadvantages that critics comment on the different specialized portals, is the weight of this kit, which could be unflattering for the aerodynamics of the helmet when driving. Similarly, there is the issue of noise or vibration generated after the activation of its operation and, of course, safety.
It is important to mention that none of these details have yet been revealed by the manufacturers, since it will be officially launched on the market until next August 2022.
Japanese Display
From the land of the rising sun come two quite promising proposals, conceived by the work team of the Japan Display company, also known as JDI.
The first equipment is a helmet with an integral design, which completely covers the driver’s head. The first impression offered is that of a motorcycle helmet with basic aspects such as a good level of cushioning, comfort, adequate breathability, secure closure and a stylized structure. So far it looks like a conventional helmet.
What is innovative about this model really lies in the incorporation of a screen, which is responsible for projecting, in a similar way to that of a virtual display, a series of data of interest to the driver, when moving on the road. It also highlights the possibility of linking the Smartphone to activate the call, music and GPS mode.
With regard to the second option proposed by the Japan Display house, it is a module with a portable format, intuitive operation and easy installation, in any conventional helmet model on the market. In this way, you will not have limitations to enjoy an augmented reality experience.
It is important to comment that both alternatives are still in a stage of full development. In fact, its creators at the moment do not have any type of real image about its manufacture, since the sample has been presented through 3D animation videos.