The most important volleyball rules

Compared to other mass sports, not everyone knows the current volleyball rules. However, they are simple and will allow you to practice this sport with full knowledge of the game or better understand what happens in a match.
Although its rules are not particularly complicated, the fact that it is not a sport as massive as football or basketball means that knowledge of volleyball regulations is not as extensive as that of these sports. However, the characteristics of volleyball make it accessible to all types of players, so it is not difficult to practice. All you have to do is equip yourself well, gather a team and know the basic rules of volleyball to start moving around the court and enjoying this exciting sport.
By the way, if you want to live a virtual experience before starting in the real world, keep in mind that these rules are only complete in the best 3DS games and other top-tier consoles, which sometimes causes some inconvenience if you play games of not so good quality. However, if you want to learn the rules in depth, nothing better than knowing the rules of volleyball that every player or fan should know.
To begin, we are going to know the measurements of the volleyball field. This has a rectangular design and measures 18 meters long by 9 meters wide, giving rise to two square fields of 9 meters on each side. Behind the bottom line is the service area, three meters wide, while in each midfield it is the attack line, located 3 meters from the center line and parallel to the bottom line.
Regarding the network, it will be 1 meter wide and about 9.5 to 10 meters long. Its upper part is located at a height of 2.43 meters for men and 2.24 meters for women. In the outside of it and on the lateral line of the field the rods are placed, which mark the playing area in height. These rods are one of the curiosities of volleyball, since they are not usually used in any other sport where a net is used.
The team
Each team has six players in total, of which one is the libero. The volleyball libero has the ability to enter and leave the field at any time, without his change counting with respect to those authorized, and he always plays in a defensive position. Therefore, this player cannot serve, block or complete an attack over the net. To distinguish him from the rest of the players, he wears a different kit than the conventional one. The rest of the volleyball players have full freedom of movement, except for the limitation on the number of changes established by understanding.
The ball
The measurements of a volleyball ball are 65 to 67 centimeters in circumference, with a weight that ranges from 260 to 280 grams. These measures are somewhat smaller and considerably lighter than those of a soccer ball, which makes it easier to send the ball to the opposite field and also marks the fast pace of this sport. Another aspect in which this ball varies is in its finish, made in more vivid colors and that makes it easier to see the ball at the high speeds that are achieved during the game.
volleyball serves
Each play begins with the volleyball serve. This serve is made from the area that we have commented before. The serve can be executed either in a standing position or by jumping and hitting, depending on the player’s preference. The only condition is not to leave the service zone or step on it. The player will keep the serve until his team loses the point, in which case this serve passes to the opposing team.
The game
Once the service has been executed, the game phase is executed. A phase in which it is convenient to know how many touches a volleyball player can give. The answer is that, in total, the team can give a total of three touches, until returning the ball to the opposite field. Regarding each player, he can give one or two touches, as long as these are not consecutive. In case of touching the ball twice in a row, one of the fouls in volleyball, doubles, would be signaled.
In line with the topic of serves, we have to talk about rotations, which are basic in this sport. These rotations are executed every time a team recovers the serve, moving all the players in a clockwise direction. Since players stand in two rows of three on the court, separated by the attack line, this rotation means that the player furthest to the right of the front line moves to the service position, unless he is the libero. For his part, the one located on the left of the back line would go to the attack zone.
Each team wins the point when the opposing team is not able to return the ball to the opposing field, when it sends the same ball out of that opposing field or when it commits a foul. Among these faults, there are the four touches already mentioned, touching the net, doubles or penetrating the opposite field, either through the upper or lower part of the net. A point is also added to the opposing team if the serve goes out of the opponent’s court.
Game development
To win a volleyball match it is necessary to win at least three of the five sets in which the matches are played. To win any of the first four sets, it is necessary to reach 25 points in total, with a difference of 2. If it is not reached with such a difference, the set is extended and the first team that adds more than the opponent with that difference of points will win. two. Regarding the fifth set, this is played to 15 points, maintaining the need to win with a difference of two points.
It is important to know that in modern volleyball it is no longer necessary to have the serve to win the point, so that all plays represent a point for the corresponding team. Something that speeds up the game, compared to the approach of the traditional regulation.