Treatments to eliminate enlarged pores
Having dilated pores is not necessarily a physical problem, however, there are those who consider this situation as an aesthetic problem. Because of this, there are ways to close your pores easily and quickly, and there are also ways to prevent them from dilating in the first place.
When we talk about facial dermatological conditions, it is common for us to first think of conditions such as acne, eczema or dermatitis, as they are problems that bring with them physical consequences that can cause discomfort or pain.
However, there are also some situations that, although they do not really cause negative effects, are often seen as problems, since they affect the aesthetics of the face and, due to this, many people seek solutions. This is the case with open pores on the face.
What are pores?
Although under normal conditions they are very difficult to see, pores are holes found in the skin. Its function is to allow the sweat glands and the pilosebaceous units to release sweat and sebum, respectively.
There are three types of pores: sebaceous, sweat and shared . The latter work by letting out sweat and fat alike.
The first types of pores are the smallest and cannot be seen unless a microscope is used. These are evenly distributed across the face and, as hard as it may be to believe, the face contains thousands of them.
On the other hand, the last two types of pores are the ones that are larger and, on certain occasions, can be seen with the naked eye, if they are dilated.
There is no single size to say that the pores are open, however, it is considered that, if they have dimensions between 0.05 and 0.3 mm2 in surface area and are clearly identified, they could already be referred to as dilated pores. It is in these cases that the person could look for some way to minimize the pores, in order to give the complexion a smoother and smoother appearance.
What causes dilated pores?
Before you look for the first pore tightening cream or compare the best facial serums, it is necessary to understand the factors that can cause pores to open, since determining the cause is what will guarantee that you get the right treatment for open pores.
- Loss of elasticity in the skin
Having a looser skin, as time goes by, is something that no one can escape, because it is something natural that comes with maturity.
Between the ages of 30 and 40 onwards, the pores become more noticeable because, although they do not change in size, they can become deformed, adapting to the loss of skin elasticity . Because of this, they look broader, especially on the cheeks and nose.
Open pores due to aging usually come along with wrinkles and skin blemishes.
- sebum hypersecretion
By increasing the amount of sebum, the pores are usually enlarged so that it can come out correctly. In this way, they become more visible in the area with the highest sebum secretion, commonly called “The T zone”.
In most people, especially younger people, enlarged pores appear because they have very oily skin.
It is necessary to mention that, in the case of women, after ovulation, the body usually acquires high levels of progesterone, which causes the secretion of sebum to increase . Therefore, in these cases, it could be said that it is a specific situation and it is not necessary to buy a cream for open pores, unless the situation persists.
How to treat dilated pores on the face?
If you search the internet for how to close open pores, you will surely find various types of solutions such as constantly cleaning pores or buying suitable creams for this.
However, you must remember that the treatments do not directly attack the enlarged pores, but rather the causes behind them. Therefore, depending on whether you have open facial pores due to hypersecretion of sebum or elasticity, the treatment will be different.
- very elastic skin
For these cases, it is convenient to use methods that promote the production of collagen and elastin . The most common options are usually alpha hydroxy acids, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and retinol.
Choosing one alternative over another depends on the indications of a dermatologist, however, increasing your intake of vitamin C is a good way to start closing the pores in your nose.
- fat secretion
When the problem is an excessive secretion of sebum, then there are certain treatments that include sebum regulators in order to reduce the hypersecretion that causes the dilation of the pores. In this case, zinc gluconate, vitamin B3, retinoids, argan oil, or green tea could be used.
If this is your situation, it may be necessary to prevent the face from being exposed to creams or makeup during the treatment, as this could affect the results.
How to prevent pore dilation?
It is advisable not to wait for your pores to open to pay attention to your face, therefore, the best way to combat pore dilation is to prevent this from happening.
For example, cleaning the pores on your face frequently, using a pH-neutral cleanser and warm water, can be a great way to keep your face healthy.
In addition to that, avoiding constant exposure to the sun can prevent pore dilation, since the skin will not lose firmness as easily. Taking care of yourself in the sun can also delay the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes.
Finally, try to incorporate foods rich in antioxidants into your diet, as these will keep your skin in good condition.
As you can see, sometimes just taking the time to clean the pores is enough to prevent them from dilating. However, if you need treatment, you can rest easy knowing that there are different alternatives to attack the different factors that can cause this situation.