
Casio FX-5800P Reviews

Main advantage:

This fully programmable scientific calculator is an ideal tool for students and professionals who need to do math and perform trigonometric functions, among many other complex mathematical procedures. In addition, it allows you to store up to 128 formulas and have 40 physical constants.

Main disadvantage:

It is important that you keep in mind that this model of calculator cannot represent graphs, so if you need a computer with which you can work and visualize them, you will have to choose another product.

Verdict: 9.8/10

It is an efficient calculator to create various programs easily and calculate complex numbers accurately. In addition, it incorporates an LCD screen with 4 lines by 16 characters that allows displaying 10 digits plus 2 exponents.

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Main Features Explained

Functions and programming

Considered one of the best scientific calculators of the moment, this equipment stands out for having a wide variety of special functions and programming options that will facilitate and amplify the work possibilities that users require. On the one hand, it will allow you to create several programs with which you will be able to easily calculate complex numbers, do integration, as well as numerical derivatives. In addition, you will be able to carry out programming similar to “Basic” and it incorporates a 28 kb memory for stored programs.

Among the numerous special functions, the calculation of trigonometric functions, 40 physical constants and the possibility of storing up to 128 formulas stand out. It offers a practical repetition function and the possibility of making “BackUps” or backups of the data in a flash memory. Noteworthy is the connection function between similar calculators through a three-pin cable and the calculation of fractions with a special automated system. 

On the other hand, it allows calculations of irrational values ​​and offers solutions to equations with up to 3 unknowns and optimal resistance calculations. Likewise, you will be able to perform calculations based on “n” and perform statistical calculations based on 1 and 2 lists, in addition to being able to perform regression calculations. 


It is very important to know the type of screen that the calculator you have in hand incorporates, mainly because, depending on its complexity and resolution, the price of the device could be considerably affected. In this sense, the screen of this calculator is ideal for professional calculations and knowing the results clearly thanks to its dot matrix technology. It is an LCD screen that allows to visualize 4 lines by 16 characters, projecting up to 10 digits in 2 exponents.

With this model you can quickly view the results of all your calculations at a glance thanks to the large amount of numerical data and programming information that it projects, as well as the large dimensions of the screen. This is especially useful for Basic programming, in which a large visual space is appreciated to control each line of code well. It is worth noting the possibility of projecting up to 24 levels of parentheses and making linear adjustments very easily by moving comfortably with the direction buttons.

Design and dimensions

All the opinions about this scientific calculator indicate that it is an excellent model to easily take to the workplace or study. It is important to consider that scientific calculators must be compact enough to be carried comfortably in a bag, briefcase, and even in a shirt or pants pocket. With a size that you can hold comfortably with one hand, its dimensions are 1.51 x 8.15 x 16.3 cm and it weighs about 150 grams, to easily carry this practical tool.

In addition, its design is quite modern, made of resistant black plastic, and it has a protection cover that will prevent any damage to the screen or keys when you carry it together with other objects such as pencils or squares. It is a very ergonomic model with a strategic distribution of the most important action buttons such as “mode”, “function” and the directional buttons. 

Next, the special function buttons are distributed in 6 columns and 4 rows, including “shift” and “alpha”. Finally, at the bottom are the buttons for basic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, along with the numbers from 0 to 9, the button to execute known as “EXE” and the one in charge of turning on and off the the calculator.

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