international day of women in science

Since 2015, the International Day of Women in Science was determined, which is celebrated every February 21. On this date, recognition is given to the contributions and crucial actions of the scientists and pioneers who stand out in the various areas of research and development, which are full of data and interesting information.
There are many important women in science, so since December 22, 2015, one day a year was established in which the various organizations would recognize and celebrate the contribution of all women to the different scientific fields.
15 outstanding women in science and technology
Here is a list of 15 of the most important female representatives who made outstanding contributions to science and technology:
1. Marie Curie (Scientist)
She is probably one of the most important women scientists of all time and winner of two Nobel Prizes.
Curie was born in 1867 and is known for her pioneering advances in the field of radioactivity , including the discovery of elements of the periodic table (polonium and radium), the isolation of radioactive isotopes, and the first studies of matter.
2. Ada Lovelace (Mathematics)
His achievements are based on the development of what would be considered the first programming algorithm obtained by testing the analytical engine of the British inventor and professor Charles Babbage. This would give way to the generation of all kinds of codes to establish the performance and functions of computers (in this link you will find several products to analyze).
3. Valentina Tereshkova (Engineer)
Of Russian origin, Tereshkova was born in 1937 and stood out for being the first woman to go into space , an event that happened on June 6, 1963 aboard the Vostok 6 spacecraft, with which she would complete a total of 48 orbits of the Earth. during a space of 3 days.
4. Lise Meitner (Scientist)
Meitner was a leading Austrian scientist in the areas of nuclear physics and radioactivity, as she was part of the group that discovered nuclear fission . Later, they would be awarded the Nobel Prize, although only Otto Hahn was recognized with the title; another chemist, but of German origin.
5. Vera Rubin (Astronomer)
In December 1928, one of the most important astronomers of the century would be born in the USA, who is recognized for her advances in the analysis of the rotation of intergalactic stars , which, after challenging the accepted theoretical framework, ended up developing in what which would be the first evidence of the existence of dark matter.
6. Cecilia Payne (Astronomer)
Born in England, but nationalized as an American, Payne excelled in astronomy and astrophysics , publishing a doctoral thesis in 1925 concluding that stars were basically made of helium and hydrogen. At first, this was rejected as it was contrary to the beliefs of the time, but over time, it was found that she had been right.
7. Elizabeth Blackwell (Medicine)
Blackwell was the first woman to receive a medical degree in North America, as well as being included in the Medical Register of the General Medical Council. She was a promoter and fighter for medical education for women and, today, a commemorative medal with her name is awarded annually to any outstanding representative of medicine.
8. Hedy Lamarr (Inventor)
Hedy Lamarr is known for having developed the first version of spread spectrum ; a modulation technique that, in the long run, would be the basis for the operation of wireless communications. She was born in Austria in 1914 and passed away in the United States in 2000.
9. Rosalind Franklin (Chemistry)
Known as a promoter of X-ray technology, Rosalind Franklin is one of the recognized women in science. Her contributions would reveal structures of elements such as carbon and graphite, as well as various viruses. However, the most remarkable thing was the famous image of her known as Photograph 51 , which would allow to start the structural analysis of DNA.
10. Rita Levi Montalcini (Neurologist)
Dr. Montalcini would be known worldwide for her discovery of the so-called Growth Factor; a substantial element in the development of cells. She was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1986 and is considered a pioneer in modern neurology.
11. Jocelyn Bell (Astrophysicist)
Born in 1943, Bell is an astrophysicist who is still with us. She is considered to be one of the most influential women scientists in the UK because, in her youth and while she was pursuing her postgraduate degree, she shared the discovery of the first radio signal from a pulsar . This would confer the Nobel Prize on her and give her the reputation of hers that precedes her today.
12. Grace Hopper (Scientist)
Hopper is known for being the first computer programmer to operate the IBM Mark I. Besides, she also developed the first compiler for a programming language, as well as validation methods. Her contributions allowed the development of complex languages that are still used today.
13. Gabriela Morrearle (Chemistry)
Known for her medical contributions in Spain, Morrearle, of Italian origin, is cataloged as a pioneer in endocrinology for having promoted research on thyroid hormones and is also credited with the first implantation of early detection for congenital hypothyroidism .
14. Josefina Castellví (Biologist)
Josefina Castellvi’s love for nature led her to be one of the first Spanish women to form part of an expedition team to Antarctica . Through her multiple experiences and studies, Castellvi has been able to write dozens of scientific articles, in addition to having the approval and recognition of many organizations around the world.
15. Margarita Salas (Biochemistry)
Salas was a scientist of Spanish origin who promoted important advances in biochemistry and molecular biology . She worked with several important scientists and was even a pioneer in the development of molecular studies in Spain.