
How to have perfect skin?

Having healthy, smooth and blemish-free skin could become an obsession for many people, spending large sums of money on dermatological treatments and not always obtaining the desired results. The good thing is that there are care and home remedies that you could use to maintain perfect skin, which are cheap and simple.

As it is the largest organ of the human body and is in contact with the outside, the skin needs care, time and perseverance to make it look healthy, since any health problem we have is reflected in it immediately. This is because the skin contributes to the elimination of toxins through the pores, so if something does not work well in this elimination process, the toxins begin to degenerate the cells internally and that damage is noticeable on the outside..

In this context, if you are wondering how to improve the skin, many specialists recommend having a good diet, staying hydrated, controlling hormonal changes and stress levels, to avoid the production of acne on the face or in other parts of the body, as well as other mechanisms that contribute to having a smooth skin without imperfections.

So, if you don’t know how to have perfect skin, we invite you to continue reading these lines, where we will give you some effective beauty tips for women that allow you to unify skin tone, eliminate bright flashes for the face, remove impurities, among others. 

Daily cleaning and moisturizing

The skin is always active, that is, it never rests. During the day this organ fulfills the function of protecting your body from all environmental aggressions, such as wind, sun, tobacco smoke, pollution, among others. While, at night the skin tends to regenerate.

In this context, it is necessary to include facial cleansing in our daily routine, for which aesthetic specialists and dermatologists recommend including a cleansing milk plus a facial toner, which allow you to maintain an acceptable level of hydration and achieve a perfect face.. 

remove make-up

We know that removing make-up can be quite a process, especially if you are tired and what you want is to go to bed, so you will be lazy to do it, however, removing make-up is the best thing for the skin, being totally essential for its well-being, as you remove the remains of makeup products and dirt. 

It is not necessary to use expensive products, you could impregnate a cotton ball with micellar water and gently pass it over the face. If you used a waterproof mascara, you could use an eye makeup remover to remove residue.

Cleansing wipes

Another recommendation to have a flawless face is to avoid makeup remover wipes that contain alcohol. Wipes are effective for removing make-up quickly, but are not recommended for good skin health, as they are not capable of completely removing the active ingredient of the cosmetic. Additionally, wipes that contain alcohol tend to dry out and damage sensitive skin.

face soap

It is very important to consider when choosing a facial soap that it is friendly to the pH of your skin, because otherwise, what could happen is that the skin dries out due to the chemical agents that the soap contains. Remember that we seek to have a smooth skin, with signs of hydration and freshness, not that it is tense.

Moisturizing cream or serum

Many wonder which would be the most convenient product for the skin, but you should know that using both is the best option, because the serum is quickly absorbed and has a greater number of active ingredients, but its drawback is that it does not provide protection to the skin.. For this reason, it is recommended to use moisturizer after applying serum and, preferably, to use sunscreen.


Remember that sunscreen should be applied to your skin at any time of the year, it does not matter if it is winter, because what is intended with this product is to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays, which cause premature aging, skin cancer, among other problems.

for the eyes

Many times we do not pay attention to the eye area and use the same products for the rest of the face for the eye contour. It is very important that at the time of facial cleansing a special cleanser for the eyes is used, especially if you make up this area daily or your cosmetics are waterproof. Special eye products allow you to remove makeup residue without rubbing, which prevents skin irritation. 

treatment of blackheads

Acne and blackheads often appear on the skin because we use a large number of beauty products, which we do not remove later, which is why the skin stops breathing and this prevents its restoration. In addition, this dirt accumulates and this gives rise to pimples or blackheads on the face , so it is very important to clean your face frequently, even if you do not wear makeup.

Among the tricks for grains of natural origin, we recommend you buy a yogurt maker and prepare yogurt-based face masks. For example, if you mix two tablespoons of natural yogurt and one tablespoon of lemon juice, stirring until a homogeneous mixture is made, then apply this mask to your face and leave it for about 20 minutes. After that time, rinse with enough fresh water and ready. Also, this is one of those natural beauty tricks that you can use every night, to have fine, soft skin free of impurities.

And for the elimination of those unsightly scars left by acne, you can use rosehip oils, which seek to reactivate circulation and regenerate damaged tissue, so it is only enough to apply it with a cotton pad every day, giving a Gently massage the area, so that the oil penetrates to the epidermis.

So now you know, it is essential to include cleaning the face and neck in our beauty routine, both in the morning before putting on makeup and at night before going to sleep, always removing makeup, using a moisturizer and sunscreen, so that our skin be beautiful, soft, smooth and healthy all the time.

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