How to build a wooden house

At a time when ecological awareness is increasingly present, the construction of wooden houses is an interesting alternative to the usual cement and brick constructions. A more ecological approach and with finishes that are just as comfortable as traditional homes.
If you look at the houses around you, you will surely see how cement and brick designs are predominant. In fact, wooden houses are only seen in mountain areas or in some towns, although they are practically testimonial. However, the latest advances in this sector make it much easier to build this type of accommodation almost anywhere, with approaches that are more respectful of the surroundings and the environment.
Since we are talking about a complex construction process, we are going to give you some guidelines on how to build a house step by step, so that you know for yourself what is needed to build one of these houses.
step by step construction
Looking for the location
The first thing we must have is a piece of land where we can put a wooden house. As is logical, this must have the qualification of developable land , since what we are going to build is a house. If what you want is to add an additional space taking advantage of the garden of your existing house, you can use small wooden houses. In this case, it is obvious that the whole process is much simpler.
In both situations, it is important to know the corresponding licenses and evaluate if the land is suitable. It is true that the requirements of these wooden houses allow them to be assembled on softer soils than traditional houses, but the truth is that the geological study is essential to start off on the right foot.
Drawing up the plans
Once we have the land, it is time to create the plans of the house, for which it is essential to have the help of an architect. The idea is to establish what structure the house will have, how many rooms it will have, the loading areas to protect it and other basic issues to keep it standing, etc.
It is true that different plans of wooden houses can be consulted on the net, especially in those prefabricated models. However, it is key to have a project customized to our needs and the specific parameters of the land, to obtain the best results.
the foundation
Every good house must have a proper foundation. Although we are talking about wooden houses, it is clear that it must be supported on a cement base . This can be executed through simple bases, cemented surfaces or even pilasters, depending on the characteristics of the land and the house itself. Again, the help of the architect is key to establishing the format and thickness of said foundations.
lifting the structure
At this point, the wood to build houses comes into play. Once the foundation is dry and ready to start working on it, it is time to unfold the structure of the wooden house. It will follow the design established by the plans, thus creating the necessary framework so that we can establish the different rooms and areas of the house.
This structure also establishes the necessary elements to support the roofs and upper decks, as well as the other elements of the house, such as windows or door steps. All these components are part of the wooden structure for the house, so they are manufactured with high-strength structural materials , according to the specific needs of the environment and the project.
Inner liner
The next step is to carry out the interior lining of the house and install the corresponding services. This is one of the fastest parts in the execution, since plasterboard panels and other light boards, such as plywood, are usually used in it. In this phase, the thermal cladding of the house is also assembled , which has a double role. On the one hand, this is responsible for preventing cold and heat from entering the house. On the other hand, these materials improve protection against fire, serving as retardants in case of fire.
The result is a wall that, despite running much faster than a traditional wall, offers a higher level of protection than these. Something fundamental to maintain the ecological nature of these homes, as far as energy rating is concerned. As an additional advantage, in case you need new plugs or new water intakes, the installation of them is simple.
house finish
At this point, our wooden house is practically finished. We have the structure, the services, the walls and almost everything else we need. The only thing that remains for us is to execute the painting and flooring, both interior and exterior.
In these exteriors it is key to use anti- humidity paints, as well as treatments that keep the structure of the house protected against inclement weather. Regarding the interior, there are many options available for the finish, so you will have a whole range to choose the aspect that you like the most.
one final note
Although we have already commented on it throughout this entire article, we do not want to conclude it without once again recommending that you seek specialized help before proceeding with this process. Although it is true that in the market we can buy ready-to-assemble wooden house kits, if these are assembled in inappropriate areas or incorrectly, you can have problems.
So, taking into account the cost of getting advice and how beneficial it is to do things right, have no doubts when looking for a specialized company that will ensure that your project is as successful as it deserves.