
It is known throughout the world that wine stains are the most difficult to remove. The key to removing wine stains is time, the less time it takes to get down to work, the easier it will be to forget about the unfortunate accident that caused such an inconvenience.
Red wine stains are not easy to remove, as they penetrate deep into the fabrics and, due to the natural dyes produced during the maceration of the grape, the stain sticks and spreads through the fabrics, making it difficult to remove. Also, the longer it takes to remove wine stains, the more complicated it becomes, so time is of the essence in this matter.
To this problem, we must add that not all fabrics can be washed in the same way, nor can the same products be used in all of them. Some fabrics, such as silk or wool, are very delicate and the most aggressive products, which are also the ones that usually work best to remove this type of stain, can harm them, to the point of rendering them unusable.
Luckily, there is more than one trick to remove stains from your clothes. For example, some natural products such as bicarbonate, salt, milk or hot water can be useful to remove those annoying red wine stains.
For users who want to know how to clean wine stains, here are some products that will help you with this task:
For those who want to know how to remove dried red wine stains, milk might be the answer, although it works for fresh stains too. In this case, it will suffice to remove the excess wine with a towel or absorbent paper towel, being very careful not to rub the wine. Next, you have to pour milk on the stain and let the fabric absorb as much as possible. In approximately 1 hour, the stain will be gone. If the stain is dry, soak the garment in hot milk until the stain is gone. To finish, wash the garment as you normally would.
Hot water
If you want to know how to remove a recent wine stain, put water to boil and stretch the garment on a surface, imagine that you are going to use it as a strainer. When the water has boiled, pour it over the fabric stretched from a meter high or so.
Lemon juice
To remove white wine stains, one of the best options is lemon. Just squeeze a little lemon on the stain, when it’s still fresh, and put it in the washing machine right away. Another option to remove recent stains is to pour fine salt on the stain, so that it absorbs the wine and does not leave a stain.
Common table salt is also good for removing recent red wine stains. In this case, it will suffice to cover the stain with a thick layer of salt and leave it for about an hour, after which time the stain should have disappeared.
Sparkling Water (Carbonated)
This laundry hack also works on fresh stains. In this case, pour the sparkling water over the stain and let the gas (H2CO3) do its work. Keep pouring water on the stain until you see it disappear. Then dry the garment, you can use a towel or let it dry on its own.
If you do not have sparkling water, you can also use water mixed with baking soda or water with lemon.
Hydrogen peroxide and soap
Hydrogen peroxide also works well for recent stains. First, be sure to remove any excess wine with a towel or kitchen paper, without rubbing the stain. Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap, it can be the one you use to wash the dishes, in a container. Next, pour the mixture onto the stain and blot it dry with a paper towel. Repeat the process until the stain is gone.
If you want to know how to remove red wine stains on clothes that have already been washed or dried wine stains, all you have to do is have a fine brush and a little ammonia. Mix the ammonia with cold water and rub the stain with the brush until it is gone. You can also mix warm water, ammonia and a tablespoon of wool detergent in a glass and rub the mixture on the stained surface. To finish, rinse with water and vinegar.
bicarbonate and wine
Remove a wine stain with wine? Yes, for dry red wine stains, you can use white wine as a remedy. Simply soak the stain and cover it with a generous layer of baking soda. Let the mixture sit for a whole day, moistening the area with more wine from time to time. The next day, put the garment in the wash. If the stain is recent, it can be removed with just white wine.
Shaving foam
Shaving foam is a good remedy for removing dried red wine stains. Just pour a little foam on the stained area and let it penetrate well into the garment. To do this, it will suffice to let it act for about five or ten minutes. Next, wash the garment in the washing machine, with one of the hot water programs, and the stain will disappear.
Sand for cats
This is a less common remedy, but also effective for removing wine stains. For this trick to work, you must extend the garment as much as you can, so that it is stretched, and pour a little kitty litter over the area of the stain. Press the sand onto the stain for a few minutes, so it soaks up the wine.
Now that you know how to remove them, you can enjoy the best red wine without fear of getting dirty, cheers!