Types of alternative energies and their importance

When it comes to caring for the environment, new forms of energy are one of the proposals that can do the most for the future. And it is that, compared to polluting energies, these alternatives are a good idea to take care of our planet.
In a world dominated by oil and electricity, as far as energy dependency is concerned, betting clearly on less polluting alternatives is always a good idea. These renewable energy sources have the advantage of generating less pollution, being almost infinite in terms of generation capacity and also being more environmentally friendly. Some solutions that should be known, to help our environment and leave aside the most polluting energy sources.
Renewable and non-renewable energies
To get into the matter, it is convenient to distinguish renewable energies from non-renewable ones. These renewable energies are also called alternative energies. Among the non-renewable energy sources, we have the most traditional, such as coal, oil or gas. These energies offered good results at the time and still do, although at a considerable ecological cost.
This is what happens with oil, which is still essential to move a good part of the world’s transport. And it is that one of the advantages of oil is its versatility, since it allows moving from passenger cars to airplanes through ships. However, its ecological cost is very high. Something similar happens if we evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of coal. It is an abundant and low-cost fuel, but with ecological effects and a more than considerable polluting capacity.
Luckily, there are different types of renewable energies, which will help us in the future to maintain our lifestyle in a more sustainable way. Precisely these are the alternative energy sources that we analyze below.
types of solar energy
We start by talking about solar energy. As its name suggests, its objective is to take advantage of the sun’s energy to generate electricity, although it is also suitable for obtaining domestic hot water and for heating. Among its advantages is the fact that it is a clean and waste-free energy, which is also easy to install anywhere. It is enough to have the corresponding solar panels, duly installed. Best of all, in the case of electricity, the application of energy is immediate and unrestricted. Therefore, we can dump it into the network, use it to power a motorcycle or car battery or use it to light our garden.
Another advantage of solar energy is that it is easily scalable. From the small solar panel that we find on a lamppost or a fountain, to large installations to obtain energy on a large scale, it is easy to determine the size of the installation according to the specific needs of each user. And the best thing is that the installations are autonomous, so they don’t need anything else. Not even connection to the electricity grid, if it is far away.
Types of wind power
Another very interesting and fashionable option are the types of wind energy that are currently being developed. It is true that they are not options that can be applied at home with the ease of solar technology, but when it comes to generating energy in a remote place they are a good option.
The different types of energy generated vary depending on the environment, counting either with conventional, marine mills or even with installations combined with solar installations. In the case of domestic installations, this energy is usually useful for uses such as water pumps or to generate energy in very isolated areas, as long as there is enough wind in the region.
biomass energy
If the term biomass does not sound familiar to you but you have heard of pellet stoves, then you are more informed than you thought. This fuel is the latest fashion when it comes to heating your home, both in terms of economy and the green character of its origin.
Biomass, in general, and pellets, specifically, come from different plant remains, such as olive pits, almond shells and many other agricultural residues. Therefore, this fuel values what, otherwise, would be nothing more than waste.
Once these materials have been processed, they are extruded in the classic form of pellets, small balls of fuel, which are burned directly in a stove prepared for this purpose. The result is a fuel that is much less polluting than oil or coal, easy to handle and even has a pleasant smell when burned.
Best of all, this energy is suitable both for heating your home and for having domestic hot water, depending on the type of stove you have. There are boilers on the market with both functions, so it is easy to find the product that suits you best, according to the characteristics of the space to be heated and your specific needs.
exotic energies
Within the different types of existing renewable energies, we finally talk about the so-called exotic energies. These energies are those that maintain the renewable nature of their approach, although they are not among those that are most commonly used.
Among them is geothermal energy. This energy uses the heat from the inner layers of the earth to obtain electricity and heating. An energy that requires certain investments, but that, in the long run, represents considerable savings in economic and ecological terms.
Another energy that takes advantage of the force of nature is the one that uses the power of the waves. Among the advantages of tidal energy is its ability to convert the force of the sea into electricity, although it is true that both due to cost and location it is an alternative that is not as easy to deploy as the ones we have been discussing. However, its future is also interesting.