
Types of garbage containers

Recycling is an activity that gains more strength every day, since taking advantage of resources more than once prevents the accumulation of waste. Besides, it is worth mentioning that there are simple methods with which you can contribute and it only requires a little order, when throwing away the waste.


What is recycling?

Recycling is defined as a process through which residues or waste can be converted into new products or into raw material that allows them to be used for other uses, activities or creations.

Considering this, recycling could be an effective solution to reduce the amount of waste generated by a common human being throughout his life, which, analyzing it in detail, is more than considerable.

However, you should know that to be part of the recycling process, being a common citizen, you can be as involved as you want, either fulfilling your work as a human being, taking care of the planet by depositing waste in recycling containers, or directly as an operator of the plants in charge of this process.

Benefits of recycling

Among the most important and notable benefits generated by recycling processes, energy savings and the reduction in the exploitation of resources go hand in hand, since it is cheaper to recycle a product than to manufacture it from scratch.

In turn, this also reduces the polluting effects, considering the amount of waste that can be recycled, to prevent it from ending up in landfills which, after all, only generate environmental pollution with a slow effect.

As additional information, you should know that in many places the practice of recycling has an economic compensation, being able to directly sell the waste of certain materials, especially aluminum and metals, to companies that are responsible for transforming or reusing them.


How to recicle?

The process of managing and converting waste into new products or raw materials can be complex, depending on the type of waste you are working with, but if you prefer to just contribute by separating your garbage in recycling bins for your home, you can easily purchase them at your trusted hardware store

Once you start using the bins, the public or private companies that handle garbage collection in your community will be able to easily select which waste qualifies for recycling and take care of taking it to its next step.

Recycling containers

Recycling bins are containers that are differentiated by colors and are designed to be able to divide and classify waste according to its type, facilitating the management of remnants by recycling companies.

If you want to know what goes in each container, we invite you to see the categorization list of these garbage cans that we have written below, where we will evaluate the classification of each option and what you can throw away in each of them:


Types of recycling containers

Domestic recycling containers, like those used in public spaces, are also divided into colors, so it is important to know their categories to know what goes in the yellow, green, red or any other container.

Whether you are going to install recycling containers at home or in a public space, you must make sure that each one is fully identified, in order to prevent garbage from being classified properly.

gray container

The gray container could be classified as part of the conventional rubbish bins, since household waste can be deposited in it if there are no other colored containers. It is one of the most common and, in the same way, prevents the bad smell of waste from spreading throughout the environment.

green container

Now we are facing the green container which, according to what is dictated by the recycling guides, is where all the glass remains should go, be they bottles, containers, mirrors and broken glass. A detail that you must be aware of when using this container is that, beforehand, you must remove any metal or plastic lid and put it in the corresponding one, depending on its type.

Yellow container

In the yellow container you can throw away the soda cans and plastic waste that you have at home, which are usually among the most abundant. The presence of plastic in different consumer products has become a real environmental problem, but these recycling methods will help reduce its number and reuse what can be.

For example, if you need to get rid of electronic equipment such as a TV Box, the comparison of its materials suggests that you should go to the yellow container, considering that, for the most part, it can take advantage of plastic recycling and has metallic elements. The same applies if you are in doubt as to which container they go into, since they are made of aluminum.


orange container

The orange color is designated for the so-called organic waste containers, that is, all that remains of natural products, whether they are edible or not. Generally, if you don’t have an orange waste container, these wastes can also be emptied into the gray one.


red container

This type of container is not common to see in public areas, since it is intended to store remains that are classified as dangerous or unhealthy. In general, they can be found in places such as hospitals, where they are used to dispose of waste that would cause environmental contamination.

Consequently, they are also the ones that must safeguard elements that contain acid, such as car batteries, oils, insecticides, batteries, among others.

Blue container

Blue is the designated container for storing paper and cardboard scraps, being one of the most used in offices. It is also called a paper container and the effectiveness of recycling programs for this type of material is quite good, allowing the creation of other types of products.

The same applies to cardboard recycling, since an old or dirty cardboard box can be shredded and purified, to create another with the right characteristics to be used again.

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