What is blue heat?

The so-called blue heat is one of the most recent technologies when it comes to low-consumption electric heating. However, there are those who point out that energy efficiency is not exactly the most outstanding feature of this type of air conditioning, so it is worth delving into its operation.
There is currently a lot of publicity about modern radiators that work with blue energy, but very few manufacturers explain what this technology consists of. These devices are very similar to low consumption radiators, but they have an important difference; The resistances of these latest generation air conditioners do not work with oil, but with a special heat transfer fluid called Blue Sun.
Are blue heat radiators really innovative?
Blue heat radiators are based on a discovery by the English scientist James Prescott Joule in the 19th century: if we have a conductor, for example a wire, and we apply an electric current to it, it heats up because much of the kinetic energy of the electrons are converted into heat. At first glance, this seems like an undesirable effect, and in many ways it is. However, if what we want is precisely to generate heat, as in the case of a hair dryer, an oven or a low consumption electric radiator, then the Joule effect is very positive.
This is the basic operation of electric blue heat radiators, so it is not a particularly innovative technology. However, the thermal fluid that serves as a heat carrier offers a great capacity to heat the resistances. On the other hand, it should be mentioned that these new heating radiators are usually lighter thanks to their aluminum casing, in addition, they do not dry out the air like traditional oil ones.
Advantages of blue heat heating
In terms of energy efficiency, these radiators cannot yet compete with the consumption of a heat pump, however, blue heat radiators have certain advantages over conventional heating systems. One of the benefits is the possibility of controlling the temperature with greater precision through the use of probes, thus avoiding energy waste, which can be convenient if we want to save money on the electricity bill.
Despite being similar to other appliances in terms of their physical appearance, if we compare them with traditional gas radiators, we must point out that the blue heat ones incorporate a timer, so it is possible to program them to turn off after a period of time. time, which is more respectful of the environment.
In this sense, we must mention that the Sol Azul fluid is considered more ecological. The air it produces is distributed throughout the room without emitting waste, smoke or harmful gases, which is a great advantage over other types of radiators. In addition, it manages to raise the temperature faster than low-consumption stoves and other systems.
It is also good to know that blue heat air conditioners have very low installation costs compared to other heating options. Likewise, they can be a good option if you are comparing small radiators, since they have very simple fixing systems, making them one of the most practical on the market today.
If you have a somewhat old heating system and you don’t know if it is better to buy blue heat radiators or heat accumulators, you should also know that new technology allows appliances to have a more modern finish, including screens and control panels with backlight to control the temperature even in the dark.
Disadvantages of blue heat heating
As many advantages as the so-called blue heat has, there are those who prefer the low-consumption electric stove, this is so because on some occasions the new technology does not have a good value for money. For example, to generate 1W of heat, both systems need 1W of electricity, meaning they have the same 100% efficiency, but the new technology is slightly more expensive compared to a conventional stove.
In this same order of ideas, it should be mentioned that blue heat radiators are at a clear disadvantage compared to heat pumps, since the latter have a performance of 360%, therefore, they continue to be the heating system more Kind to both the environment and your pocket. However, we must not forget that heat pumps require a much more complex installation.
When is it convenient to use blue heat?
Although it seems that they are very fashionable, blue heat radiators are not exactly cheap, therefore, we must think carefully about whether to make the investment. In this sense, the first thing we have to analyze are the conditions of the house, such as the geographical area where it is located, the type of climate, the orientation, among other variables.
This technology is especially useful in a home where heating is needed in a specific manner, in a specific room and for a short time. So, if you live in a place where the winters are not as harsh and the temperature does not drop too low, then it may be worth buying a blue heat radiator as it will be available to turn the temperature up very quickly when needed.
But there are places where the cold lasts practically the whole year, therefore, the energy consumption would be very high if you keep a blue heat radiator on. In these cases it is better to think of other heating systems, which although they take longer to increase the temperature, the truth is that in the long run they are more efficient.
To conclude, it is good to insist on this reflection: what works in one house does not necessarily work for another, since each home has its particularities and the important thing is to choose a system that adapts to the needs.