10 easy flexibility exercises to do at home

When performing some type of physical activity, the muscles are activated and undergo a process of growth or widening of their fibers, which immediately causes a certain level of tension to accumulate in them and, therefore, the person will feel a little fatigued, especially if it is someone who is sedentary.
Exercises to improve flexibility prevent any type of injury when engaging in sports, as well as favor those who do not usually exercise, because they help release the tensions of everyday life. Similarly, movements to improve flexibility used as post-workout stretches relax the muscle and restore its natural elasticity, to improve the mobility of the affected joints.
Therefore, we can say that elasticity exercises benefit both athletes and people who simply want to improve mobility, without having to leave home, since muscle elasticity can be achieved with simple routines that do not involve weights, balls, bands, etc. no strings.
What is flexibility and how is it classified?
Flexibility is the amplitude of movement of the muscles, which is innate in the human being. However, by not performing any stretching routine, the muscles tend to become stiff, causing ailments and generating possible injuries when wanting to play sports. The opposite is the case for those who do basic stretching at least twice a week.
There are three types of flexibility : static, dynamic and passive. The first one consists of fixed positions to provide the muscles with an adequate stretch, for intervals of no more than 20 seconds. For the second category, repetitions of movements are performed with an intermediate intensity level, while for passive flexibility, specialized machinery is used, because it serves as recovery therapy after surgery.
Flexibility exercises you can do from home
At home we can easily work on static and dynamic flexibility, without age or gender limitations. It is only necessary to follow the following stretching exercise routines. So you no longer have to wonder how to improve flexibility.
Neck stretch: The chin should be directed towards the chest, keep it that way for a few seconds, and then the head has to be brought back for another few seconds. Then the head is turned to the left without moving the shoulders or the trunk, and then to the right.
Arm stretching: In order to gain flexibility in your arms, you will have to stretch these extremities well, for which you must raise your arms and interlock your hands, pulling slightly upwards, to stretch the back of your arms. Next, move your trunk laterally to the right and then to the left, keeping your arms raised.
Continue bending one arm behind your head and, with the opposite hand, apply slight pressure from the elbow, being necessary to do so on both arms. Remember that each of the movements must be done for 30 consecutive seconds.
Shoulder stretches: This is a simple movement, for which you must stand upright and look straight ahead. In this way, one arm is raised to chest level and rotated towards the other arm, maintaining a horizontal position. In addition, with the opposite hand, the elbow should be held and gently pressed. Then he switches arms. This movement lasts for 30 seconds.
Wrist stretch: Extend your arm forward with the palm of your hand facing down, while with the opposite hand, press on your fingers so that the muscles stretch. Switch arms after 30 seconds.
Back stretches: Stand facing a wall and maintain an arm’s length distance apart. Next, proceed to lean your torso forward, using your arms and hands to support yourself against the wall. The back should be kept straight, while performing leg stretches, transferring the weight of the body to the area of the heels. Thus, dorsal stretches are achieved.
Knee and quadriceps stretches: For this exercise, bend one leg back until it touches the buttock. Hold the ball of the foot with the opposite hand and gently pull for 30 seconds to change legs. Next, do the process in reverse, that is, bend your leg forward and bring your knee up to your chest, holding the position for 30 seconds on each leg.
Abductor stretch: To stretch the abductors, you should start by doing a deep squat with your feet wide open. Place your elbows inside your legs and gently push your knees with your elbows.
Hip stretches: The hips can be stretched by standing up straight and taking a step forward. Then, bend the knee that is in front of you, until the knee of the other leg touches the ground. The arms should be straight, relaxed and touch the floor from the sides. It is necessary to hold the posture for 30 seconds on each leg.
Abdominal stretching: The use of yoga mats (here you will find some purchase options) will be convenient for the following stretches, since they are performed at ground level. You should lie on your back on the mat, simultaneously raise your arms and legs, keeping your pelvis on the ground and looking up, while your back arches slightly. The time to hold the position is the time you spend taking five deep breaths.
Gluteal stretch: Lying on the mat, you will have to bend your legs leaning on the ground. Next, bend one leg over the other, so that the ankle takes hold on the knee of the opposite leg and lifts the foot off the ground, so that both remain in the air for 30 seconds.
Similarly, general stretches can be done to activate all the muscles of the body simultaneously. For example, the feet are brought together keeping the back straight and the chest out. Then, the arms are raised towards the sky above the head, as if you were trying to catch something, but without taking your feet off the ground, to enhance the integral stretch.